The long tail theory –chris anderson




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The long Tail Theory –Chris


The long tail theory can be applied to the film industry in terms of how films are distributed. For example- The head is a high street retailer such as HMV. The Long Tail is an online film distribution service such as Amazon.

The Film Industry

The Film IndustryThis means that the high street shops (the head) that sell films are gradually becoming less popular due to the restrictions they experience in terms of shelf-space. Internet retailers (the long tail theory) do not experience this as they do not have a physical shop. They have unlimited shelf which allows them to provide for niche markets, to help boost their customers as they have a wider variety of products.

Impacts on the Film Industry

Advantages Disadvantages

Films are becoming more available online, increasing views and popularity.

Illegal downloads for example- Putlocker, 1channel

People can narrow down the choice of film they want to watch.

High street shops will lose sales

It will broaden the target audiences for other films.

The atmosphere of going to the cinema will be lost.

HMV (stores) Amazon (hard copy and digital such as Ebooks or DVDs and digital downloads)

Purely online –LoveFilm and Netflix

How it is applied to my trailer?

My target audience for my trailer would be a niche market because the genre is Bollywood and it will be targeted at a specific group of people with an ethnic minority.

By using this theory my film would be distributed on an internet retailer because they have unlimited shelf space which allows them to provide for niche markets like mine, this will help to increase viewers for my film.

Because the internet is easily accessible more films are being downloaded online rather than brought in the shops
