TC HUG: HubSpot Workflows & Recipe Exchange


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HubSpot Workflows & Recipe Exchange

Thursday, January 29, 2015


● Intro● Workflow Types & Starting Conditions● Goal List & Actions● Workflow Example● Recipes● Recipe Exchange


3 Types of Workflows

HubSpot has three types of workflows: standard, fixed date and property-based.

Starting Condition

Once created, each workflow will display starting condition options under the heading “When activated, this workflow will enroll..”. Starting conditions include contacts who:

● Manually● Join the list ● Submit the form ● Visited the page● Completed the event

(Enterprise only) ● Set the Property

Starting Condition

The join the list starting condition enrolls contacts in a workflow when they join a particular smart list that you select from your available smart lists. Only smart lists will appear as options for this starting condition.

Joining a list1

Starting Condition

The submit the form starting condition enrolls contacts in a workflow when they fill out a specified form. This starting condition allows you to choose from all of your HubSpot forms.

Submit a form2

Starting Condition

The visited the page starting condition enrolls contacts in a workflow when they have visited a specified page on your website. You can use the full url option to enroll contacts only if they view a specific page of your site, or you can use the partial url option.

Visited a page3

Starting Condition

The completed the event starting condition enrolls contacts in a workflow when they completed the event you have setup in the Events tool.

Completed the event (Enterprise only)4

Starting Condition

The set the property trigger enrolls contacts in a workflow every time the value of a contact property changes (to any value) or when the value of that property is set to a specific value.

Set the property 5

Starting Condition

The manually starting condition allows you to enroll any list or individual contact in the workflow when it is active (without specifying specific criteria).



Goal List

Using a goal list is important as it gives your workflow and actions focus, and it also allows you track how successful your workflow was in getting contacts to that goal.


Setting the timing of actionsIn standard workflows, when a delay is added, that delay is relative to the previous action. When an action executes, the next action is scheduled.

In a fixed date or property-based workflow, any delays are relative to the selected fixed date or the date property value set on the contact's


Types of ActionsActions are organized by type, which include ● Delay(1), ● If/then branch(2), ● Lead nurturing(3), and ● Administrative(4)

Branching Logic

Select If/then branchThe If/then branch action allows you to have your contacts follow one path or another based on them meeting or failing to meet criteria you set in your workflow.

Branching Logic

Add filter criteriaFilter criteria includes filtering by the following options:● form submission● page view● email● contact property● event (enterprise only) ● list membership

Branching Logic

Adding multiple filtering criteriaWhen adding more than one filtering criteria, those criteria function as "and rules," meaning the contact needs to meet both criteria in order to follow the IF YES branch.



Lorem Ipsum

Nurturing: Subscribers → Leads


Nurturing: Leads → MQLs

RecipesNurturing: Lead EngagementEngaging Leads with Topic-Specific WorkflowsIf you have a long sales cycle, new leads may need more nurturing before they’re ready for a “Lead → MQL” workflow. Build the relationship and nurture that lead using workflows for each of your primary industry-related topics or services.

Content Offer Smart ListThis defines the starting list. The list is based on a content offer download.

Engaged LeadsThis is the goal list. To build it, set up a smart list to pull in leads that are engaged with you. When creating the list, use trigger criteria such as form submissions, clicks on your emails, high threshold of visits to your website, and/or clicks on social media posts.

Lead Nurturing Email 1Email with popular, on-topic related content.

Lead Nurturing Email 3 (optional)Email with popular, on-topic related content.

Lead Engagement WorkflowThe workflow ties it together, sending two emails to the starting list of contacts to nurture them into engaged leads.

Lead Nurturing Email 2Email with popular, on-topic related content.

Lead Nurturing Email 4 (optional)Email with popular, on-topic related content.


Sales Notification: MQL NoticeInternal Team Notice of MQLsThis recipe is designed to notify your sales team about newly converted Marketing Qualified Leads.

All MQLsThis list triggers the workflow and is a list that groups all contacts who have a Lifecycle Stage of MQL.

Sales NotificationThis email notifies your team members when a contact has become a MQL.

Sales Notification WorkflowThe workflow ties it together, sending one email to a member (or members) of your team once a lead becomes qualified for sales follow-up


Sales Notification: Service Page ViewNotify Sales of Service Pageviews When a lead views a service page, this workflow will alert your sales team so they can take prompt follow-up action.

Service Page View This workflow can be built using a page view starting condition, or you can use a smart list based on service pageviews.

Sales Notification WorkflowThe workflow ties it together, sending one email to sales team members to alert them of service pageviews.

Sales NotificationThis email notifies your team members when a contact has viewed one of your service pages.


Set Contact Property: Lead Scoring & Lifecycle Stage (MQL)Automate Lead Qualification: MQL This recipe will use custom lead scoring criteria and workflows to automatically update lifecycle stages. (Note: This workflow requires you to first establish custom lead scoring in HubSpot.)

HubSpot Score 10-30In this example, the smart list selects all contacts who are not customers and have a HubSpot score of 10-30.

Set Lifecycle Stage to MQLWith this action, you set the lead’s lifecycle contact property to Marketing Qualified Lead.


Save the Date!

Twin Cities HubSpot User Group Meetup (TC HUG) Saint Paul, MN | Media Junction

Thursday, April 2, 2015 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM

Trish Lessard

