Stirring The Media Into A Frenzy- Chris Schelzi


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Stirring the Media into a Feeding Frenzy

Chris SchelziDirector of Strategy and Marketing


“The PR version of Newton’s Law:

That for every action there is an equal an opposite reaction.

Do something predictable, and the press will yawn.

Do something silly to get their attention, and they’ll mock you mercilessly.

Do something unexpected and meaningful, and you’ll make the front pages”

Michael Sitrick, Spin: How to Turn the Power of the Press to Your Advantage

Check Your Net

Bake the pitch into the product

Begin with the EndGame in Mind

Craft Your Own Story with heroes, villains, and conflict

Make it all about the Headline

Stir Up Waters to Catch a Fish

Make it as easy as possible

Reverse Engineering Success

Court the Alpha Wolf


LeaderBoard Strategy

The Echo Chamber Effect

Create Karma


I'm reaching to talk about PAVLOK, a wearable device that helps users break habits such as smoking, wasting time on Facebook, cursing, and biting their nails using electric shock. By linking to a smartphone app and computer monitoring software, PAVLOK makes sure people stick to their commitments (or, you know, get electrocuted).

We raised over $250,000 through crowdfunding, and Stephen Colbert said "finally, there is a smart tech device that can jolt Americans into action" when he featured it on the Colbert Report. Jimmy Fallon and Steve Harvey also have been talking about it too.

Unlike FitBit and every other wearable bracelet that only track what users do (steps, sleep, calories, heart-rate, etc.), Pavlok changes what users do through a marriage of technology and behavioral psychology.

I'd be happy to send you a prototype unit to test out for yourself, just let me know your address.


“Yes, you have something to sell. But more than ever they desperately, desperately, need to buy”

Ryan Holiday

Chris SchelziPavlok

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