Part 2, 8 Step Framework for Creating, Producing, Broadcasting and Measuring Lead Generating...


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The 8 Steps of Lead Generating Webinar ProductionPart 2

Webinar 3 of 4: Lead Generating Webinars for Manufacturing Companies – a How To series


Bruce McDuffeeKnowledge Marketing for Industry


Dan LevyMarketing Strategist and


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1. Will we get a copy of the recorded webinar?

2. Can I ask questions?

3. Will we be able to get a copy of the slides?

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Step 5 – The Promotion Plan

Step 6 – The live broadcast

Step 7 – Post webinar promotion

Step 8 – Measure and share results

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1. Learn how to plan webinar promotion for maximum engagement

2. Key points for maximum effectiveness during the live broadcast

3. Most effective tactics for engagement after the live broadcast

4. Key performance indicators for measuring ROI or general effectiveness

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Review of Steps 1 - 4

Step 1 – Collaborate with stakeholders

Step 2 – Create a compelling knowledge based concept

Step 3 – Choose the team

Step 4 – Choose the tools

Go to for link to the recording and slides

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Step 5 – PromotionPromotion or lack of promotion can make or break the success of your webinar.

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Use Inbound and Outbound Channels

• Make it easy to learn more about the details of the webinar.

• Make sure the path from receipt of the invitation or webinar promotion message to registration is easy, painless and intuitive.

• The webinar message must be focused on the pain or passion of the people in your target audience. [not your product or company]

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What is Their Problem?

• Pain

• Passion

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Work Your House List

• Your best response will come from the contacts already in your house list.

• Send an email invitation 2 to 3 weeks prior to the live broadcast.

• Send additional emails as needed – to everyone who did not open the first email.

• Automate the process as much as possible.

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Other Outbound Promotions

• Press release

• Social media posts

• Print and digital ads in target publications where your target audience reads

• Tell your distributors, affiliates, partners, etc.

• Use the sales team – send an email from the sales person if possible

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Use Inbound Channels

• Post on the front page of your web site

• Use PPC and SEO

• Social media

• Landing page should tell a quick story

• Topic

• Speakers

• WIIFM (what’s in it for the person if they register)

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Step 6 – Live Broadcast TipsAbove all, don’t forget to record the live broadcast!

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Use 2 or More Speakers

• Two voices and personalities are more interesting

• Could be one expert and one moderator

• Practice, practice and practice

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Use the Interactive Features

• Surveys, polls, chat, quizzes, etc.

• Be unconventional

• Mix up the Question/Answer sessions

• Avoid opening up live phone lines

• Be wary of live video feed

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Other tips – practice!

• Send 2 or 3 email reminders

• Expect around 30% of registrants to attend

• Practice

• Practice

• Practice

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Step 7 – Post WebinarThe gold is mined in the post webinar activities.

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Ignore the No-shows at High Risk

• Follow up with attendees

• Follow up with no-shows

• Send the follow up email with recording and slides as soon as possible but no later than 24 hours after the live event.

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Continue to Engage

• Agree on post webinar action with Sales and Marketing

• Email follow up is a MUST!

• Call each registrant?

• Add to a nurturing program

• Invite to the next webinar

• Send related educational info

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Debrief the Team

• Let the entire team know that their efforts are appreciated.

• Cultivate authentic and safe feedback.

• Discuss lessons learned.

• What went well?

• What could have been better?

• Review the survey results.

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Step 8 – Measure & Report ResultsKnowing your KPIs and knowing what defines success will determine your destiny!

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Natural Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

• Registrants and trend over the series

• % of registrants who actually attended

• Time signed on to the webinar

• Recordings played back

• Survey questions – net promoter

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More Challenging Metrics

• Contribution to new/won opportunities (revenue)

• Marketing influenced revenue

• Revenue attribution

• Lead source to closed business

• New leads

• Sales calls

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Questions & Answers

Please type your questions in the chat window at the lower left of your screen.

Or feel free to email your questions to:

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Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

- Albert Einstein

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Step 5 – The Promotion Plan

Step 6 – The live broadcast

Step 7 – Post webinar promotion

Step 8 – Measure and share results

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Download the ‘8 Step Framework’ document at


1. Learn how to plan webinar promotion for maximum engagement

2. Key points for maximum effectiveness during the live broadcast

3. Most effective tactics for engagement after the live broadcast

4. Key performance indicators for measuring ROI or general effectiveness

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Next Webinar on February 19th

Converting Webinars to Revenue

Webinars (like any marketing activity) do no good if they don’t convert to quality leads and/or revenue. The final step for manufacturing companies is to ensure all your hard marketing work converts. You’ll also want to make sure your stakeholders know about the webinar success in terms which they can relate. After completing this webinar you will be able to:

• Build a plan to move the registrants and attendees through the sale funnel.

• Collaboratively develop a plan for sales team action.

• Track the process and measure a solid ROI for the webinar series.

Register here or go to

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Get Started Generating Leads with Webinars!

Get the toolkit at:

Need help getting started with your own educational webinar series?

• Set up a webinar strategy call with Bruce

• Call 303-953-4361

• Email

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Thank You

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