Open source branding and marketing


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Open Source: Branding and marketing

Software Freedom DayMumbai17th September’16

Again, the USUAL question..

WHAT IS Open source?

Does OPEN apply only to softwares?


Why Open Source?

• How different from other types of softwares?• Benefits?

• What are your experiences?

“FOSS Adoption Index (FAI)”

a number in the range 0 to 10

What could be the prevalent numbers in India?

Any guesses?

C’mon give it a shot!


Government departments


Educational institutions


Research organizations


All of them together, account for just a 5 on the FAI scale

Well, that’s the reason precisely why I’m here!

Also, the very reason for:

“Open Source” Branding + Marketing!

So, Ready?

But Aastha,

aren’t both the same?



•What is a brand?

•How to make a Brand?



•Relation between Marketing and branding

•Next step of Branding

How can you contribute?

•About Mozilla

•Mozilla products

•Myth Busters

•Volunteer with us!

What is a BRAND?

An identifying mark burned on livestock or (especially in former times) criminals or slaves with a branding Iron.

Ex-the brand on a sheep

identifies it as mine


What makes a Brand?

Steps to Build a brand (Branding)!!

• Take a stand • Shout your promise from the

rooftops • Don’t just talk; do • Revisit and evolve

Remember, To put it simply: the more successful your brand, the easier it will be to build loyalty around that brand.

What is Marketing ?

Marketing as defined: "The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably".

In simpler words:

• Is an integral part of your brand.

• It helps you to communicate the promise.

Coming to the difference..

Marketing is what you do to get your message or promise to customers

While your brand is how you keep the promise made through delivery to customers and colleagues.

Hope you now get it..

..that “Marketing and Branding go hand in Hand”

No Brand -> No Marketing??

Marketing= Next level of Branding

Testing time: What does the above logo indicate?

Congrats you passed it! You make me proud

Curious on how to contribute?

Drop a mail at :


Log on to:

Thankyou, for your Patience!

Presented by

Aastha Vijay