Infomercial Vs. Commercial


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Infomercial Vs. Commercial by Mitch Gatdula


Commercial is a type of advertisement determined by the length of time – usually 10 to 60 seconds. It

also utilizes pre-recorded voiceover or dialogue/monologue narrated by the actor in the commercial.

Many commercial placements are often seen or heard on televisions, radios, internet or at public places

like airports, malls and stations where consumers usually watch while waiting.


Unlike commercial, infomercial are typically longer – usually 30 minutes to 1 hour in run time length

with no advertiser breaks in between. The term infomercial has been long-established since 20 years

ago or so. It is the amalgamation of the words information and commercial. While some conventional

commercials may describe and demonstrate a product, infomercials present needs, explain how the

promoted product will solve them and exhibit benefits while driving the viewers to take consumer


How effective is Infomercial compared to traditional TV Commercials?

An infomercial is shown in an in-depth demonstration of the featured product , presenting many

different features, benefits, advantages, providing solutions, illustrating compelling user testimonials

and beating possible objections. The convincing narration, the choice of words and some subliminal

strategies also play a huge impact. These help captivate the viewers even more, convincing them to buy

whatever is being peddled or else, they’ll lose something good and valuable.

Perhaps you’ve already heard most of these products, unless you have been staying on an isolated

island for the past 10 years…

The Snuggie, Total Gym, Proactive Solution, Hooked on Phonics, OxyClean, ShamWow, Bowflex, Ginsu

Knifes and George Foreman grill

And maybe you are also aware that these million dollar brands were not introduced by huge agencies;

rather, they were launched by infomercials.

Infomercials has been long-considered a successful marketing concept than any other strategies

available today as it garner in more consumers and profits. While it doesn’t promise a marketing

triumph, it will surely increase the chance of your brand to taste infomercial success.

If you want to learn more how infomercial can launch your product into an instant new brand, call us

now(888-459-0777) or visit and watch your brand change, right

from the comfort of your home!
