Home move box survey & demographic results 2014[1]


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Survey Results & Demographic Statistics

Who We Are & What We Do The Home Move Surveys are part of important research carried out to help companies adapt and improve their services to home movers. For the past three years the nation's home movers have been giving feedback on what brands can do to help them make moving easier and kinder on their wallets.

Home movers are a key target audience for a wide range of brands for a number of reasons:

• Moving house is a key life change when movers are actively looking to buy a wide range of new household goods and services

• Home movers spend more on their home in the first six months after they move in than they do over the next six years

• Moving home is often a time when old purchasing habits are broken and new ones formed, making home movers more receptive to proactive communications from brands

Brands we work with:

Home Mover Demographics

Who we reach:

• Consumers buying or renting • ABC1 demographic • Age 25+ • Credit checked • UK residents • Middle and higher incomes

Our Statistics The following slides show some top-line statistics that have been collated from over 250,000 completed surveys. All completed surveys were received from confirmed home movers* within six months of their move-in date, providing a comprehensive overview of their spending habits. Here we look at: 1. Demographics 2. Home Mover Concerns 3. Top home mover purchases 4. Personal care 5. Cleaning 6. Food and drink 7. Kitchens 8. Bathrooms 9. Flooring 10. Furniture 11. DIY 12. Garden 13. Retail 14. Other Please contact us directly if you would like to receive more detailed research relating to any of these areas. *All participants are confirmed via their estate agent as a mover.

Age & Gender 33% of home movers are aged 40-59 years old and 30% are aged 30-39 years old

54% of home movers who complete our surveys are female

Status & No. of Dependents 45% of home movers are married and 25% are single

30% of home movers have between 1-2 dependents under 18 living at home

Reasons for moving The top five reasons for moving are: • First time buyer (21%) • Upsizing (12%) • Lifestyle change (11%) • Moving for job (10%) • Personal relationships /Downsizing (9%)

Income & Purchase online 39% of home movers have a joint income of up to £30K and 33% have a joint income of £30K - £50K 91% of home movers purchase online

Home Mover Concerns Forget getting to know the new neighbours, or notifying friends and family of their new address. The latest survey from Home Move Box has revealed that the biggest concern amongst anxious home movers is making sure they’re  ready  for  moving  day  (41%), followed closely by worries about saving money on utilities and new products for the new home (31%). For well-mannered movers, making sure their old home is left clean and tidy is a top concern (16%). Surprisingly only 2% of home movers are worried about sharing their new address with family or friends, or getting to know their new neighbours. While almost a third of movers worry about saving money over a quarter of movers also told us that it would have helped to have had a 0% APR credit card when moving, to help manage the costs.

Top Home Mover Purchases The top three large items home movers are most likely to purchase:

1. Large kitchen appliances (17%) 2. TV (14%) 3. Sofa (13%)

The top five items home movers purchased within the first six months of moving in:

1. Curtains /Blinds 2. Paint 3. Lighting 4. Bedroom furniture 5. Table and chairs

The top five home improvements movers are most likely to make within the first twelve months:

1. Household blinds/curtains (32%) 2. Carpets and flooring (27%) 3. Bathrooms (22%) 4. Kitchens (21%) 5. Windows (17%)

The top three rooms a home mover will decorate within the first three months of their move-in date:

1. Living room (23%) 2. Bedroom (19%) 3. Kitchen (11%)

Top Home Mover Purchases

The top four household products home movers would like to see in the Home Move Box:

1. Multi-purpose cleaner (39%) 2. Washing up liquid / dishwasher tablets (25%) 3. Biscuits (16%) 4. Coffee (11%)






6.68% 10.81%



Personal Care


• 43% of home movers would try new toothpaste that they had not tried before if they were given a free sample. Other factors would include dentist recommendation and a discounted price promotion

• After a leading brand of toothpaste was sampled in the Home Move Box, 81% of home movers said they would purchase the same brand again

• 75% would now recommend it to a friend

Toilet Roll

• After receiving a free sample of a leading brand of toilet roll in their Home Move Box, 78% of home movers said they had already bought, or would now consider buying, the same brand

• This was compared to just 45% who bought the brand prior to receiving their Home Move Box



• After receiving a free sample of laundry detergent in their Home Move Box, over 50% of home movers agreed that it had made their clothes cleaner and softer

• 82% had already bought or were considering buying this laundry detergent since receiving their free sample

All-purpose cleaners

• After home movers received a free sample of all-purpose cleaner in their Home Move Box, 92% said they had already bought or would consider buying this leading brand

397 309





Previouslybrought this

leading of all-purpose cleaner

Have broughtthis leading of

all-purposecleaner since

receiving the box

Consider buying Have brought orintend to buy

since receivingthe boxm

Have bought m

Have bought or bought this leading all-purpose cleaner


Scouring pads

• When questioned about a scouring pad sampled in the Home Move Box, 40% best described it for its quality, whilst 19% said it removed residue easily

• 96% had never previously purchased this brand of scouring pad

• 74% said they had purchased this scouring pad since receiving their Home Move Box, or would in the future

Stain removers

• After home movers received a free sample of leading brand stain remover in their Home Move Box, 54% now buy this brand of stain remover

Food and Drink


• 84% of home movers drink coffee

• When a free sample of filter coffee was included in the Home Move Box, 90% of home movers who tried it said they liked the taste

• 14% of movers went on to use the £1 off voucher that accompanied the free sample


• After home movers received a free sample of tea in their Home Move Box, 64% have now bought or would consider buying this brand of tea











I have brought/would considerbuying this leading brand tea since

receiving my Home Move Box

I would not consider buying thisleading brand tea in the future

I have bought/would consider

Food and Drink


• When a leading brand of UHT milk was sampled in the Home Move Box, 39% of home movers said it tasted as good as fresh milk

• 32% of movers used this UHT milk in a cup of tea

• 40% of movers said they would buy this brand of UHT milk in the future

• 10% of movers used a coupon that accompanied the free sample to claim another free litre of this UHT milk

Fruit Juice

• The three top juice flavours amongst home movers are:

• Orange (44%) • Apple (20%) • Cranberry (12%)

• When home movers received a free carton of fruit juice in their Home Move Box, 79% tasted their free sample

• 37%  of  movers  said  the  juice  was  ‘tasty’,  whilst  30%  of  movers  said  it  was  ‘refreshing’

• 74% have bought, or would consider buying, this same leading juice brand

Kitchens • When buying kitchen appliances, 70% of home movers

will purchase free-standing, whilst 30% will purchase integrated

• More than half of home movers are likely to personalise their  kitchen  once  they’ve  moved  in

• 22% will fit a new kitchen, 20% will re-furbish their kitchen, and 14% will undertake major renovation to their kitchen

• Of those wanting to fit a new kitchen, 31% will fit it within six months of their move-in date

• 37% will fit their own new appliance, whilst 34% will use a skilled tradesman


45 50


35 38 34








Top 3 things home movers will likely replace or have replaced since their move-in-date:

Bathrooms • 30% of home movers will fit/plan a new bathroom

within six months of their move-in date

• Over 50% of movers will replace their taps, shower head and bathroom accessories

• 69% of movers updating their bathroom will look online for their new purchase within the first week

Flooring • 80% of movers are likely to replace the flooring in their

new home

• 87% of these movers will change the flooring within the first six months of their move-in date

• The top three rooms to have their flooring updated are:

• Kitchen • Bedroom • Living room




No Yes

Furniture • 39%  of  home  movers  said  they’re  likely  to  purchase  

more furniture since moving into their new home

• The top three items likely to be purchased within the first 12 months of the move-in date are:

• Bedroom furniture (43%) • Sofa/chairs (34%) • Garden furniture (28%)

• 53% of home movers make a joint decision on finance and the look of the new purchase when buying new furniture

• When a leading furniture retailer added a leaflet to the Home Move Box, 27% of home movers said that they had visited a branch of the store within the last six months

DIY • The top three areas home movers invest in within six to

twelve months of moving in are:

• Kitchen (21%) • Bathroom (19%) • Lighting/paints (18%)

• When a leading builders merchant added a leaflet and discount to the Home Move Box, 74% of home movers said they had never previously purchased from them, but 39% said they were now intending to use them in the future

• 35% peeled off the 15% discount card key-fob that was included with the leaflet

• When a leading DIY store added a voucher to the Home Move Box, 82% of home movers said they had used it, or were planning to use it in the future, to make a purchase

20.69% 19.03%



18.07% 14.76%








Garden The top five garden service/products home movers are most likely to purchase:

1. New plants or trees (42%) 2. Garden furniture (33%) 3. Storage (19%) 4. Lawn mower (17%) 5. Patio or decking products (16%)

While almost a half of movers plant new shrubs , 12% of movers either have no garden , plan to purchase a hose or a much needed BBQ for that summer entertaining fun.

Retail Catalogues • After a leading retailer added their catalogue to the

Home Move Box, 68% purchased, or are considering purchasing, an item from the catalogue

• 73% say they will use the £5 off coupon on their next purchase from this retailer

• 64%  of  home  movers  will  keep  this  leading  retailer’s  catalogue until they pick up a new one

Reward cards

• 74% of home movers are reward card holders

• 69%  will  visit  the  reward  card  holder’s  website  to  update their address details

• When a leading retailer added a leaflet to the Home Move Box requesting movers to update their reward card account details, 41% of movers agreed this was a good way of reminding them to do so

Other… Product Purchase • When researching products to buy for their new home

45% of home movers would be more likely to consider a particular brand or product based on a friend/family recommendation.

• 31% would purchase a product having received a

discount voucher or offer from the brand, while 11% would purchase having received a free sample.

• While 8% of home movers would research a product on the internet for ratings and reviews using product comparisons.

Car Purchase • 21% of home movers plan to purchase a new car within

a year of moving home.

• While 12% plan to purchase a new car within 1-2 years of moving home.

For  more  information  regarding  this  survey  information,  if  you’d  like  to  conduct  a  survey,  or  if  you’d  like  to  target  home  movers, please contact us for more information on

01908 886500

www.homemoverstats.com www.homemovebox.com
