Blogging Made Simple: 50 Ideas for Your Next Blog Post



Want to blog, but think you don't have anything to talk about. Let Jess at "In Pursuit of Simple" give you 50 ideas to get started! Blogging shouldn't be a chore, it should be fun... and simple!

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Blogging Made Simple: 50 Ideas for Your Next Blog Post

In Pursuit of Simple Simple Resources

Hello! Many people have approached me and said, “I want to start a blog, but I have nothing to talk about.” Guys! is isn’t true! You have plenty to talk about – you just might not know if other people would be interested in reading it. An important aspect of starting a blog is choosing a topic you are passionate about. at passion will come out in your writing and make it a great read! Plus, you’ll be more motivated to write about it regularly. Even when you’ve picked the theme for your blog, it can still be difficult to write on days when you are feeling uninspired. Blogging shouldn’t be a chore, it should be simple… and fun! So I’ve created a list of 100 blogging ideas to hopefully inspire you to get writing, even on the most boring of days. Happy writing, Jess @ In Pursuit of Simple  

Conduct an Interview

ink of the most interesting people in your life or your city. Wouldn’t your readers #nd their life

interesting, also? If you write a health blog, interview an owner of a local yoga studio. If you’re studying to be an orthodontist, interview someone who is already doing your dream job. is is also a

great opportunity to feature friends who are bloggers or small business owners!  

Feature a Photograph

A few months ago, I went through a ton of black and white photos that I found at my parents’

house. Memories make for a great blog post – from old prom photos to baby pictures. Give a back

story on the photo so that your readers can really jump into the scene. You can even consider doing a

throwback ursday on your blog and feature a new photo once a week.  

Try Out Video Blogging

Using your smartphone or web cam, you can record a simple video and post it with minor edits.

Video blogs are great when you’re in a rush and would rather say it than write it. Plus, this gives followers a glimpse at what you look like and

sound like, allowing them to connect to you more. Switching up the kind of media you feature on your blog is a great way to keep people engaged!  

Talk About a Childhood Memory

Example Titles: •  My First Day of School •  John Smith: My ird Grade Crush •  How I was Forever Scarred by 6th Grade •  Learning to Tie My Shoes •  Memories of My Grandmother •  ere’s (Usually) No Crying in T-Ball  

Talk About an Important Lesson You Learned

Example Titles: •  Why Good Friends are Better an More

Friends •  Some Break Ups Are For the Best •  Cancer Changes Everything •  You Can’t Do it All at Once •  Always Wear Clean Underwear  

Write a Review

What are you into? Reading? Music? Restaurants? Cleaning products? Whatever your “thing” is, share your opinions of the groups, places, and products you come in contact with. is is a great excuse to

go out and try that new restaurant or read that book that’s always been on your list.  

Share Insights From an Article or Documentary

Documentaries and articles are great food for thought, and the opinions and feelings that come out after you read or watch them are great content for your blog. I’ve recently started watching more

and more documentaries on Net$ix about happiness and stress, and I love sharing what I’ve learned from them with others! Asking readers for

their opinion on the topic will help increase engagement, also.  

Make a List

Example Titles: •  10 Reasons to Order Chinese Tonight •  32 ings I Learned on My Trip to Egypt •  e 5 Best Cereals of My Childhood •  7 Times to Turn Your Cell Phone Off •  My Vacation Essentials •  e 15 Best ings to Do in Pittsburgh  

Write About Your Mentor

e people who inspire you – whether in life or your career – deserve some recognition. And by

sharing who you look up to with your readers, they can tap into who you are… and who you want to

be… on a deeper level.  

Provide a How-To

Example Topics: •  e Basics of Photoshop •  How to Knit •  How to Bake a King Cake •  How to Make a DIY Candle •  How to Meditate •  How to Save on Flights  

Give a Recommendation

When people shop online, they usually do their research #rst. If there is a product or service you

support, write a blog post about it! Anything from beauty products to restaurants and cleaning

services. If you want to regularly do reviews, look into getting sponsored! Companies are often

willing to give products to bloggers to try for free as long as they get exposure from it. Note: Don’t

endorse a product you don’t like! You want to build trust with your audience.  

Share a Quote You can do a lot with other peoples’ words – as long as

you give them proper credit! You may choose to simply post an inspiring quote once a week, or write a more extensive blog post about one of your favorites

and what it means to you. One of my personal favorites:

“at it will never come again is what makes life so sweet.”

- Emily Dickinson  

Share a Recipe

Food blogs are extremely popular. Whether you want to focus on food, or want to share a food that #ts in with the theme of your blog, share your

experience by taking photos during each step of the process.

Note: When adding photos to your blog posts, don’t forget to put your logo/URL. at way, when it goes viral, you’ll still get credit!  

Feature a Business

Example Businesses: •  A salon with great customer service •  A local brewery •  A museum •  A local bakery •  A freelance graphic designer •  A unique jewelry company  

Get a Guest Blogger!

Have a blog you’re obsessed with? Have the author write a post on your site! ey will get exposure to

your audience and hopefully ask you to write a guest post for their blog in the future, also. is is great for cross-promotion and those weeks where

you’re feeling under-inspired!  

Outline a Process

I once wrote a lighthearted blog post about trying to assemble an Ikea couch on my own after

moving into my #rst solo apartment. It was one of the most popular posts on the site! Whether a

project turns out the way you wanted it to or not, it’s a learning experience for you and your readers. is is great for home improvement projects and posts about planning events, including weddings.  

Answer a Question Do you get asked the same question over and over

again by your readers? Instead of addressing it multiple times in comments, write a blog post to

answer it once and for all!

But #rst, you need to make sure that you are encouraging feedback from your readers. Possible ways

to do this are by posting a survey, asking for comments on your blog or social media accounts, or

encouraging feedback on your contact page.  

Review a Concert/Event

If you get the opportunity to go to a once-in-a-lifetime (or maybe even once-a-year) event, don’t

waste your chance to tell everyone all about it!

Be sure to include photos of the event and any important details as to who threw it, including the

venue and sponsors.  

Challenge Yourself to Try Something New

Example Challenges: •  Write for 30 minutes every day for a month •  Go without chocolate for a year •  Do 10 good deeds a day for a week •  Learn a new language in a year •  Eat a food you’ve never tried before •  Run your #rst marathon  

Share Your Shopping Experience

If you’re looking for the right car, wedding dress, house, or gift, you can help other shoppers by

sharing your experience.

If this is a big purchase, remember to give some tips based on what you learned from your


Share Your Motivation

Why did you start this blog in the #rst place? You may share some of this on your “About” page, but

if there is a bigger story behind why you chose your topic, or why you chose to blog at all, make

sure you don’t let that story go untold!  

Explain Why You Love Your City

If you feel like this topic has been done before… you’re wrong. Each person has a unique experience when it comes to choosing the they they want to live in, and YOUR story is an important one. You can make this topic your own by telling why you

chose to move to your city or naming some of your favorite local spots.  

Give Background on Your Life

Chances are, your readers only know recent details of your life, like your job, where you live now, and what your current loves are. But your past is a big

part of who you are, too! Are you the oldest of seven children? Did you grow up all over the world because your parents were in the military? Did you

skip college to travel the world? Spill it.  

Share Struggles

Life is not always rainbows and butter$ies, and you don’t have to pretend that is is! Money, health, and relationship troubles pop up every once in a while, and if you are comfortable discussing these things

with your readers, you may be able to help someone else get through their rough life


Write to Other Bloggers

You can build some great relationships with other bloggers. So why not write a blog post to them?

Whether it’s sharing a story about what has worked for your blog or highlighting some of your favorite blogs, think about what other people obsessed with

blogging would want to read.  

Do a Series

Sometimes you get so excited about a topic that your post might get a little bit too long. Instead of cutting out information you think is important or

posting a blog post that is too lengthy to keep anyone’s attention, try splitting the article up into several posts. Make sure that each part of the story

links to the others!  

Get Fired Up Standing up for what you believe in is an admirable

thing. If there is something that has you feeling upset or angry, consider writing a post about it. Many

controversial – but impressive – blog posts have been written about parenting tactics, human rights, and


Note: You may end up getting some #red up comments any time you write a blog post like this.

Always write at your comfort level.  

Ask Questions

If you don’t have much time to write a blog post but are looking for a really engaging post, consider sharing a short personal story and asking readers if they have ever been in the same situation and how

they would have handled it.  

Make an Infographic

If you’re talented in the graphic design department, infographics can serve you very well! ey are the perfect invention for visual learners and can help

make complicated ideas and processes much easier for your readers. Plus, you can really show off your

creative side in the design.  

Share Your Travels

Unique Twists on Topics: •  Traveling with a 2-Year-Old •  Our Coffee Tour ough Europe •  Collecting Beer Coozies from Every US State •  Canada in a Day •  Eating Gluten-Free on the Go •  No Hotels: e Sleep-In-Our-Car Road Trip  

Analyze Art

I’m a big Gustav Klimt fan, and I could dedicate an entire blog to analyzing his pieces. Who is your

favorite artist? Tell everyone!

And art doesn’t just mean paintings. It can mean slam poetry, music, sculpture. If you think it’s

beautiful, write about it!  

Expand on a Stat

Have you heard a statistic lately that shocked you? Share your feelings and thoughts on it in a blog post! You can talk about what it means for you, your generation, your world, or your readers.  

Shamelessly Self-Promote

It’s totally ok to talk about the big accomplishments in your life! In fact, many people

who are dedicated enough to read your blog regularly will want to celebrate with you. So if you

win a blogging award or you get a fantastic new job, don’t be humble!  

Talk About a Cause

You blog can make a big difference if you choose to write about a charity that is close to your heart. Explain why you are passionate about the cause, and make is clear to your readers how you would like them to help. You can even volunteer to do a fundraiser of your own in order to raise money for a charity and share photos/ask for donations from


Become a Foodie

Trying out new recipes, ingredients, and restaurants can be exciting for you, but for your readers, too. Do a little bit of experimenting and

share your experiences on your blog. You may just give someone an idea for what to serve at their next

dinner party or where to take their parents to dinner the next time they are in town.  

Talk About Your Health Journey

Getting over a disease, deciding to become a trainer, or switching to a healthier diet are all

things to celebrate. And they are all things that many readers can connect to. Share your journey to get or stay healthy, no matter your current level of health or #tness. It will be great motivation to keep going if you keep track of how far you’ve

already come!  

Share Your #OOTD

is stands for “Out#t of the Day” for anyone not following the hashtag on Instagram or Twitter.

Many bloggers devote entire blogs to this, but if you’re only an occasional fashionista, you can

choose to share an #OOTD weekly or bi-weekly.  

Write About What You’re Doing RIGHT NOW

Example Topics: •  Planning for your future •  Cooking a delicious dinner •  Applying for grad school •  Making an online dating pro#le •  Browsing Net$ix •  Shopping online  

Write About Your Writing Process

Do you write all of your blog posts down on paper before you type them up? Do you create charts to organize your thought process? Do you edit each

post three times?

Readers will be interested on how you write your blog posts, from the #rst idea to promoting them

on social media.  

Write About Your “Perfect”…

Example Topics: •  Vacation •  House •  Saturday •  Birthday Party •  Lifestyle •  Date (But not like she talked about in Miss


Comment on Another Blog

You can dedicate an entire blog post to another blog that you absolutely love! A great thing about

the blogging world is that many bloggers are looking to build lasting relationships with others.

Just like everyone else, bloggers love to feel appreciated. Feature someone and hopefully they

will return the favor.  

Go Photo-Only

Pictures really can be worth a thousand words, so if you have a post that is very visual, don’t try to

write too much about it. Add a slideshow or place each photo one by one and let them tell the story

on their own.  

Write an Essay

Writing prompts seemed irritating in college, but they can sometimes give you a way to show off a

more formal writing style in your blog. ink about a topic that you care about deeply and write about it as if you’re writing for your college creative

writing class again.

e best part is, you can give yourself an “A” no matter what.  

Run a Contest

Like: •  A giveaway •  A photo contest •  A craft competition •  An essay contest •  A design contest •  A “Biggest Fan” contest  

Share Blog Feedback

Let your readers do the work for you! Share some positive feedback or some of the most thought-

provoking conversations in your comment section.  

Share a “Before” and “After”

Great For: •  Weight loss •  Home remodeling •  Revamping furniture •  Organization projects •  Muscle toning •  Makeovers  

“e Most Important ings in my…”

Example Topics: •  Purse •  Apartment •  Life •  Desk Drawer •  Car •  Laptop Case •  Overnight Bag  

Share a Note, Email, or Letter

I created an entire blog all about letters. I think that they are amazing blog content, from letters you wrote yourself to letters others have written, famous letters, and letters you just happened to

#nd somewhere.  

Show Some Gratitude

ank Your: •  Readers •  Parents •  Blog sponsors •  Teachers •  Peers •  Friends  

Share Extra Content

Like this idea book! Or worksheets! Or templates! e possibilities are only limited by your creativity.

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