AT&T Brand Challenge Pitch


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Final Campaign Presentation | May 21st, 2014

Executive Introduction Background on Millennials Research Overview Campaign Strategy Creative Strategy Public Relations “Innovate Possible” Campus Event Strategic Partnerships Finance Results Conclusion

Agenda3 8 18 22 26 44 50 60 62 65 71


• AdLab is Boston University’s student-run advertising agency • We are the largest full service agency in the country • Our AT&T team is seven people strong, with two joining from BU’s PRLab

Think. Rethink. Create. Repeat.

What is AdLab?

AT&T is one of the largest technology companies in the world, and continues to accelerate innovation for their customers by hiring talented employees and running the fastest, most reliable network. AT&T would like to be promoted as an employer of choice and attract the best and brightest of current students and recent graduates to their College Development Programs.

The Situation

You want to hire top talent from the Boston market, but students currently view your company as corporate and dated. We were asked to change this image and position AT&T as an employer of choice that is both innovative and nimble.

The Problem

Our campaign had the following objectives: • Increase awareness on BU’s campus of AT&T’s College Development Programs • Increase the number of applicants to AT&T’s College Development Programs • Increase awareness on BU’s campus of AT&T’s 10% student discount • Increase the Net Promoter Score for AT&T by addressing key issues and misconceptions !Additionally, we sought to: • Generate positive press coverage of our campaign in local and campus media outlets • Run a successful campus event to promote AT&T’s core values • Activate our audience via social media and other nontraditional channels

Advertising Objectives


Millennials are the largest demographic in America

Source: 2008 US Census






Matrix Millennials Gen X Baby Boomers Swing WW2

12.9 M

25.4 M

76.3 M

49.9 M

77.8 M

71.5 M WW2 4.1%

Swing 8.1%

Baby Boomers 24.3%

Gen X 15.9%

Millennials 24.8%

Matrix 22.8%

Young adults control limited spending capital






Average 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+







Millennial Average: $39,175

Source: Mintel 2012, “Marketing to Millennials”


While many still live at home and some are unemployed, the Millennial demographic is the largest and most educated in American history and will

control a significant percentage of the US economy by 2020.

Macro-level trends


Not only do Millennials appreciate the brands that are actively working to make the world a better place, they aspire to work for these companies.


For the first time in world history, more people live in cities or suburbs than in rural locations. This shift makes Millennials have strong pride and a close

connection with the cities in which they live. Marketers, to be successful within this target, need to customize and target brand engagement.


Growing up with technology and constantly dealing with advertising clutter has made millennials immune to traditional marketing communications. This

provides an opportunity for brands to do something rather than just say something.


While the US economy is finally starting to recover from the recession, it’s current state is forcing Millennials to delay new purchases and demand a

new level of value from the brands they buy.

THE RISE OF REALISM, WITH A TWISTA shift is occurring in the ways Millennials perceive their lives and future. While idealistic and optimistic, there is a new measure of realism. Millennials are growing up, and so too are their views of success. Their aspirations are surprisingly traditional, but coming of age in the global recession has forced them to push back typical stages of adulthood and has created a new breed of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs that AT&T wants to hire.

Research Overview

Currently, Millennials have negative perceptions of a sales position, both in retail and business. Millennials are also unaware of the many innovative training programs AT&T provides in order to advance their careers. AT&T wants to position themselves as a highly attractive employer and raise awareness of their College Development Programs in order to change the perceptions of their target audience. !In order to accomplish this, we needed to:

!• Gain insight on the target audience’s opinions on career paths and identify key drivers in Millennial ideal employer selection considerations.

• Get feedback from the target audience about their knowledge of AT&T as an employer and AT&T’s College Development Programs.

• Gain insight on the relationship between AT&T as a brand with the target audience.

Research Objectives

Qualitative Research

• Three focus groups were held (two discussing ideal careers, one discussing impressions of AT&T)

• Total of 21 participants (18 BU undergrads, 3 BU grad students)

!Quantitative Research

• Survey was distributed via Facebook, Reddit and e-mail and received 512 responses

• Asked students about their opinions on careers, their interaction with brands on social media, and their

opinions of AT&T and awareness of the College Development Programs

Pre-Campaign Research

Key Findings

Our target feels unprepared for working in the professional

environment due to a lack of experience with soft skills, yet they

understand the importance of having soft skills.

Our target audience is apprehensive about the

internship and job application process.

Our target finds the idea of training programs


Our target audience is cause-driven and socially /

environmentally concerned.

Our target audience found price and rate plans the most

important driver when deciding on a mobile service provider.

Our target audience spends a significant time

on social media.

Our target audience has an

entrepreneurial spirit.

Campaign Strategy

Boston-area young Millennial students, ages 18-25. They are a group of entrepreneurial problem-solvers and though many are unemployed, they are the largest and most educated demographic in American history. They value experiences over possessions and consider socially-conscious practices a business imperative. Because of this, they aspire to work for companies that share their socially-conscious, innovative drive.

Understanding the Target Audience

Jason is a highly motivated and involved student in the School of Management at Boston University. He is active in his classes and participates in several extracurricular activities, including the BU Marketing Club and Entrepreneurship Club. He enjoys the atmosphere of this highly competitive environment at a top-tier school. However, Jason is already thinking about his life after his undergraduate studies and he’s having trouble trying to stand out from his similarly competitive, academically active peers. In searching for internships, Jason has had a difficult time with the application and interview process, and feels stranded in a pool of applicants. He’s already questioning applying for and working in a large corporation when he graduates, however he wants to work for a company with a larger impact on the world.

Meet Jason (21, student)

Brand Positioning Statement To the entrepreneurial, tech-savvy college student living in Boston, AT&T is both an innovative company and an employer of choice. Their College Development Programs provide an exceptional way to kickstart one’s career and their Labs and Foundry create an innovative environment in which amazing things can happen. !Message AT&T is an innovative company and an exciting place to start your career !Slogan Innovate Possible

Position, Message, Slogan

Creative Strategy


AT&T is one of the largest technology companies in the world, and continues to accelerate innovation for their customers by hiring talented

employees and running the fastest most reliable network. AT&T would like to be promoted as an employer of choice and attract the best and

brightest of current students and recent graduates to AT&T’s college development programs. They would also like to raise awareness of the

student discount. !Challenge

To establish AT&T as the employer of choice and industry leader in the mind of the target audience and encourage Boston-area students to get

involved. To achieve this, several goals needed to be met: !• Raise awareness of AT&T’s full time and internship College Development Programs in business sales, retail management, and technology.

• Dispel myths about sales and AT&T.

• Develop an innovative solution to capture diverse applicants to the College Recruiting team.

• Raise awareness of available student discounts.

Creative Strategy

Role of Communication

Communication with the target audience was vital to our campaign’s success. We encouraged audience engagement at every stage of our

campaign and through every communication medium. By creating a dialogue (and thus word of mouth buzz) through social media and interactive

ads that encouraged audience participation via hashtags and Instagram competitions, we extended reach of our communication and awareness

of our campaign. !Target Audience Boston-area Millennial students, ages 18-25. They are a group of entrepreneurial problem-solvers and though many are unemployed, they are

the largest and most educated demographic in American history. They value experiences over possessions and consider socially-conscious

practices a business imperative. Because of this, they aspire to work for companies that share their socially-conscious, innovative drive.

Creative Strategy

Current Beliefs College students view AT&T solely as a mobile service provider. Boston-area students never considered AT&T as an innovative company, or an

employer of choice, simply because they were not blatantly exposed to that information. Millennials have negative perceptions of a sales

position, both in retail and business. !Desired Beliefs We want the best and brightest college students to pair Boston and AT&T’s innovative spirit together in their minds. Boston-area college

students will view AT&T as an innovator, an employer of choice and a place where they can develop and grow within their career path. !What Makes This Believable? AT&T’s College Development programs feature tracks in management, corporate, technology and sales and provide trainees with challenging

work in order to advance them to their ideal careers. AT&T also runs the AT&T Foundry and Labs Research in order to develop innovative

technology to benefit their consumers and improve the future.

Creative Strategy

What is the Desired Brand Personality? The AT&T brand is innovative, inspiring, and passionate. The brand is caring both because of its Research Labs and Foundry that work to make

technological advancements for consumers and its dedication to customer service. !Campaign Theme & Message Based on insights found during pre-campaign research, our campaign revolved around a personalized, aspirational approach. We emphasized

the power of the individual and importance of working for a company that embraces that power. Our strategy was that AT&T provides

meaningful and exciting work opportunities for driven Millennials because of its company values (socially conscious, always innovative, constantly

improving) and college development programs. !Executional Considerations The team must organize an event in order to raise awareness and consideration of AT&T as a potential employer. The event will feature a

competitive component in order to attract the brightest and most innovative students and reflect the innovative attitude of AT&T. During the

event, the team will promote AT&T as a potential employer and the College Development Programs, the AT&T Foundry and Research Labs, and

the AT&T Student Discount. The event will be promoted using a mix of traditional advertising, including posters, digital, including social media,

and experiential outdoor advertising.

Creative Strategy

APRIL 19TH11:00 am - 3:00 pm{ }


775 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215

i n n o v a t e p o s s i b l e .c o m



Tweet us a selfie of your lightbulb moment. Tag @ATT_InnoBoston with #InnovatePossible

and be entered to win a Starbucks gift card.

Register for Innovate Possible


Interactive Poster • This poster was displayed on campus and at

our Innovate Possible campus event.

• We teased our audience to take a “selfie”

with our poster. In return they were entered to

win a Starbucks gift card.

BU Shuttle Advertisement • This poster was displayed on the BU shuttle

busses for two weeks leading up to our

Innovate Possible campus event.

• Estimated 20,000 impressions.

Event Flyer This was handed to students at the following Boston schools, as well as

placed in strategic high-volume locations around Boston University.

• Boston University

• Boston College

• Harvard


• Northeastern

• Emerson

Event Stickers

These were printed and handed out to students on campus and

posted in acceptable locations around Boston University.

Social Media Our social interactions were focused on innovation and technology news within Boston. From our ATT_InnoBoston Twitter account, we remained active in the conversation with news outlets tweeting about technology or related matters. We joined the the discussion to generate awareness and publicize our event. We retweeted relevant articles and actively searched for keywords and/or hashtags to participate in relevant ongoing conversations and to stay relevant. !We created a number of infographics and other vector-based art that was posted to social media (see images on next page). These graphics had creative messaging in order to raise awareness about the various aspects of our campaign, staying colloquial and relevant to our target audience

Creative Strategy

Facebook Campaign

Over the course of 50 days we were able to

achieve the following:

• 1,299,015 impressions

• 18,867 viral impressions

• 232,196 daily reach

• 9,570 daily viral reach

• 112 total page likes

• 58 total likes on posts

• 28 total shares

Twitter Campaign

Our most popular Tweet was clicked 61 times:

French could be the official language of the

future according to @Forbes. Maybe it’s time to

start practicing?

• 103 total followers

• 28 total retweets

• 53 total favorites

Digital We created a microsite to hold information about Innovate Possible, our campus event. The site also served as a landing page for us to promote

AT&T’s College Development Programs. We leveraged various other digital platforms such as HootSuite, ScoreMyPitch and MailChimp to help

manage our digital footprint.


Creative Strategy

Public Relations

Awareness Goal In order to generate awareness for our campaign we had to rely on word of mouth and earned media. To get the word out, our PR team

contacted professors and student groups at various schools throughout Boston to tell them what we were up to. Many professors got back to us

and were thrilled to hear about our competition.

Public Relations Strategy

Media Coverage

The first media coverage we received was from WTBU Radio, a Boston University student-run radio station. We gave them a five-minute interview

during which we promoted our event and AT&T’s mission. That interview played during their Tuesday, April 15th show at 6:15pm.

!Our second coverage came from Her Campus, a Boston College blog aimed at college students.

!The third media outlet to cover our AT&T Innovate Possible Campus Challenge was BostInno PRLab Blog. They allowed us to publish our own

blog via their channel to promote our event. This went live on Friday April 18th, the night before Innovate Possible.

!Our fourth coverage came from The Heights, the Boston College newspaper. They covered post-event happenings to report on our results. The

article was a feature about Innovate Possible that came out on Wednesday April 23rd, the week after the event.

Public Relations Strategy

Media Coverage

Our fifth and final media outlet coverage came from the Boston University graduate student podcast, COMUGrad. This coverage was also a post-

event report that talked of our results from Innovate Possible. Since this was a podcast about COM graduate students, Chris Hurlbert was


Public Relations Strategy


While we are very proud with the amount of media coverage we received, we believe that there could have been more attention if we had

planned the event on a different weekend. April 19th was a weekend that included not only Passover and Easter, both of which are holidays that

many students leave the city for, but also the Boston Marathon bombings one-year anniversary. We believe that had it not been for those

reasons, we may received more interest from the media in covering our event.

Public Relations Strategy

“Innovate Possible” Event

College students in Boston are unique. They push themselves in all aspects of life and are driven to succeed by an entrepreneurial spirit that

seems to thrive in this city. While this is true, collaboration and networking between the city’s 250,000 students is surprisingly uncommon.

Innovate Possible, our campus event, aimed to change this.

!Through primary and secondary research, we know that Millennials are willing to engage with a brand that understands them and makes an effort

to organically connect with them. We also know that Millennials will accept brand messaging when it is exposed to them in an experiential


!Innovate Possible created an engaging and potentially ongoing experience for everyone involved and worked to position AT&T as the innovative

company that it truly is. In order to get Millennials excited about a potential career at AT&T, we had to convince them that the company has shed

it’s corporate, dated image.

!We invited students from Boston’s many colleges and universities to compete at Innovate Possible. At the event they were given information

about AT&T’s College Development Programs and many opted to receive more information via Talent Catch (an app used to capture personal

data). Many students also asked if the event was going to take place again next year, which shows that there was genuine excitement about the

event and for AT&T.

Innovate Possible

7 teams, 27 participants

Strategic Partnerships

Score My Pitch A local startup reached out to us with and asked if we’d like to demo their innovative software in our competition. We eagerly said yes, and with the help of Score My Pitch we were able to tabulate scores live and instantly announce winners at Innovate Possible. !Uber The upscale taxicab service company Uber partnered with us and offered participants in our event a free ride. They gave new users a $25 credit, which is more than enough to get around the city of Boston. !Handybook This startup reached out to us to offer one hour of free cleaning service to our participants. !Local AT&T Stores We reached out to local retail stores and were able to have a few people on site for our event. This team showcased the new and innovative technology that AT&T has to offer.

Strategic Partnerships


Our Innovate Possible campaign leveraged paid, owned and earned media, along with corporate donations to achieve an ROI of 335%. !With a cost of $2471.98 we were able to achieve $10,768.20 in value earned assets. !Our campaign was also $528.02 under budget, resulting in a 17.6% savings for our client.

Financial Report


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Campaign Results

With Innovate Possible and its accompanying campaign, our team was able to raise awareness of the College Development Programs by 10%. !When asked about their interest in the Programs, our survey findings showed a 5% increase in those being extremely interested. !Our Innovate Possible intercollegiate challenge worked to reposition the AT&T brand in Boston among Millennial college students. These students were able to experience the innovative spirit of AT&T and were engaged with branded content through the duration of the event. These students then shared the story of our event with their friends and family, which will help build the AT&T brand organically. !We were able to generate 194 hot leads for AT&T talent recruiters through both of our events, and many participants were enthusiastic about possible careers with AT&T in the future. !We established a Net Promoter Score of 4.60 at Boston University. !Additionally, our campaign resulted in a 3% raise in awareness of the student discount offered by AT&T. !

Post-Campaign Survey Results

Would you consider working for AT&T?

Have you heard of AT&T’s College Development


How interested are you in applying for one of AT&T’s College Development Programs?

Post-campaign Question: Are you considering AT&T as an employer of choice?

Post-campaign Question: How likely are you to recommend AT&T to family, friends and colleagues? 1 = very unlikely ; 10 = very likely

Parting Words & Analysis

While we consider Innovate Possible a tremendous success with those who participated, we recognize that the numbers don’t quite speak to that belief. Because of our elevated thinking and wish to do something a little outside of the box, we did not reach as many students as we had hoped. We encountered many obstacles on our journey, and learned that although a great strategic idea, this campaign was hard to pull off given our bandwidth, resources and budget. However, the idea is strong. And we believe that this type of campaign would truly resonate with students if executed on a larger scale.

