11 Ways to Supercharge Your Profits With Ecommerce Email Marketing



So you got that coveted email list, but now what? How do you turn those dead dormant email, into live, cash in the bank customers? This article will give you 11 actionable ways you can start today. See the full article at http://www.brazenprofitlab.com/email-marketing/supercharge-your-email-marketing-today/ Grab my FREE 6 minute customer avatar Video training here http://on.fb.me/1cxrWm1

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Your welcome email should set the tone and let your

subscriber know what to expect from your brands digital

communication. Make them want to tune in.

The better you get at sending targeted offers to the

people most likely to appreciate and want them, the

more likely you are to actually make sales.

Train your customers to expect you in their inbox, with

frequent compelling headlines, and even better content.

How can you make them look forward to hearing from


Be useful, interesting, and show that you care and

connect with your audience. Share content and

experiences that will interest them.

Email marketing can and should be used to improve your

product offering, fine tune the overall presentation of

your marketing strategy.

Optimising for mobile will greatly increase the likelihood

of mobile sales, or have readers head over to your main

site to make a purchase there.

Add a sense of urgency to your offers by making them

time limited. Then sit back and watch sales increase.

All emails sent to your subscribers should end with a

single, clear call to action, even if that call to action (CTA)

is not: buy now.

There are enough public holidays and celebrations

throughout the year, that you always have a reason to

send email.

Make sure before you sit down to craft your campaign,

you are crystal clear about what your most wanted

action is from your reader.

Segmenting into micro segments and test headlines,

offers and overall messaging, to see which gets the best

response, before mailing to your larger list.

To see the full post go to:



PS. Do you have a customer avatar? If you answered no, you NEED to

grab my FREE 6 minute video training The Ultimate Customer Avatar.

Don’t even think of sending an email until you have one of these!

>>http://www.brazenprofitlab.com/uca <<


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“I have completed the Brazen Copywriter

Ultimate Customer Avatar course.“

Each month, one lucky action taker will be chosen for

a complimentary 1 hour strategy session with me.

Stick a fork in me….I’m done.

Look out for me coming to an inbox near you sometime VERY SOON!

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