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Summarize the uses of rabbits, ferrets, and pocket pets.

Discuss the major uses of rabbits, ferrets, and pocketpets.


The Many Uses of

Pocket Pets

Easter Bunny…What are some other uses for bunnies?

Rabbits are often used as a symbol of fertility.

RABBIT characteristics such as a short breeding cycle, silky fur, and a docile temperament—made them prime candidates for meat and fur production

Rabbit Meata. High in proteinb. LowLow in cholesterol, fat, sodiumc. Very palatable

The biggest producers are France, Hungary and China.

The main buyers are Italy, Belgium, & France.

Rabbits can turn 20% of the proteins they eat into edible meat. Compared to other species – 23% for broiler chickens, 16 -18 % for pigs and 8 to 12 % for beef.

Research and laboratory usea. Used to produce disease fighting antibodiesantibodies, to study reproduction, and to research several human diseases.

Albino New Zealand White is the most common breed utilized in biomedical research.

b. Have been used in tests for cosmetics because they do not have tear ducts andcannot shed tears to dilute chemicals put into their eyes.

Rabbits cannot vomit so they are used for a product test called the LD 50 test, or Lethal Dose 50.

In this test, products like bleach, window cleaner or shampoo are administered orally to rabbits. The test is complete when 50% of the animals are dead.

Most companies do not use this test anymore.

c. Skin irritation tests to test the reaction of chemicals on the skin.


rabbits’ fur is shaved and caustic chemicals are poured directly onto their bare skin

3. Fur/Wool - divided into four types:


a. Normal- regular rabbitb. Rex- short

Prague Women's Rabbit/Wool Coat


c. Angora (rabbit wool)


The hair of the Angora rabbit is allowed to grow 3 or more inches long before it is clipped, sheared, or plucked.

These hair removal processes causes no harm to the rabbits and are carried out 4 times each year.

The total annual yield for a single Angora rabbit ranges from 7 to 14 ounces, which may be spun into enough yarn to construct one small garment

d. Satin is a mutation fur that is smaller in diameter and has a transparent outershell



4. Compared to sheep’s wool rabbits wool is finer, lighter, warmer, and softer. It does not cause irritation to skin or is as scratchy.

5. Used in the manufacturing of clothing, toys, coats, hats, gloves.

6. Pets - With diversity in size they can fit into different home situationsa. Trainable to use litter box

b. Require little special carec. Clean gentle and lovable pets

44 million households where over 4 million rabbits live as family members

Who was given the credit for domesticating

the rabbit? French monks of the

Middle Ages

Hamsters 1. Used in medical research in 19311931 in PalestinePalestine.

In 1938, hamsters were first brought to America as research animals. They found out that the skin from a hamster's cheek pouch could be accepted from any animal when transplanted.

Hamsters are the 3rd most commonly used research animal. 90% of these are Syrian hamsters.

Advantage to using hamsters in research

Short reproductive cycle and life span

Relative freedom from spontaneous disease

Susceptibility to experimentally induced disease

Acceptance of transplanted tissue and tumors because of its weak histocompatibility antigens.

They are important animal models for research in immunology because they lack white blood cells, resulting immunologic tolerance and allows transplantation of tumors. 

They have been used to study a number of infectious diseases of humans and animals, diabetes mellitus, dental caries, muscular dystrophy and cardiac disease.

2. Found that they could be tamed and made into a pet.

Gerbils 1. JapaneseJapanese scientists were the first to breed in captivity because they were easy to work with.

The gerbil's native habitat is the desert region of Mongolia and northern China.  Wild gerbils captured in the mid-1800s were sent to Japan.

In 1954, eleven pairs were imported into the U.S. for use in research. 

Up to 50% of gerbils may develop epileptic seizures

Gerbils are especially useful in the lab for studying epilepsy due to a high incidence of naturally-occurring seizures.   Gerbils are also used in human stroke studies.

They are gentle, active during the day, have no special food or housing requirements, drink little water, virtually odorless, and would seldom bite.

2. These qualities also led to their popularity as pets.

Rats 1. White albinoWhite albino rats have been of major importance in medical, biological andpsychological research.

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Since 1966, rats have not been considered "animals" under the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), the only U.S. federal law that provides even minimal protection for animals in laboratories

a. Used in developing drugs, studying diseases, nutrition, aging, and other topics.

b. They are intelligent and have the ability to learnlearn so have been used in behavioral studies.

2. Colored rats especially have been accepted as pets.

Mice 1. In Ancient Rome, they were used as medicine against all kinds of diseases and were good for flesh wounds, snake snake bites, warts, & bladder problems.

2. Used for medical and biological research, especially with hereditaryhereditary studies.

NASA 1948-1952

Recording of physiological measurements of mice enabled scientists to study the influence of high g-forces and micro-gravity on the cardiovascular system. In addition the behavior of mice was recorded with movie cameras

3. Pet mice are relatively free of disease, and when handled frequently, show little tendency to bite or escape.

Guinea pigs1. Bred originally for meatmeat production and still used by the native people of Ecuador,Peru, and Bolivia as a food source.

Guinea pig meat is known as CUY

Peruvians eat an estimated 65 million guinea pigs a year.

Say it tastes like gamey dark meat


There is evidence showing guinea pigs were domesticated in Peru as far back as 2500 BC.

The Incas are said to have sacrificed 1,000 white guinea pigs and 100 llamas in Cuzco's main square each July, to protect their crops from droughts and floods.

2. Used in laboratories for research on pathology, nutrition, genetics, toxicology, and serum development.

a. Led to the discovery and production of serum against diphtheriadiphtheria.


• an upper respiratory tract illness characterized by sore throat, low-grade fever, and an adherent membrane (a pseudomembrane) on the tonsils, pharynx, and/or nasal cavity

The guinea pig is commonly used in biomedical researchfor purposes such as a source of red blood cells & polyclonal antibodies

Are used as animal models for the study of disease conditions- respiratory anaphylaxis,delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions, genital herpesand scurvy.

b. Used by Louis PasteurPasteur in his research on rabies.3. Used also as a pet.

Chinchillas 1. Used as a source of furfur for thousands of years.

a. Brought to California California from South America to breed for their fur.Mathias F. Chapman brought his eleven animals to the United States 1923

b. Many furs are sold as a group.c. Requires 120 to 150 pelts to make a full-length coat.

Purse $349

Man’s coat $2500

2. Used as pets since the 1950’s.

FERRETS became known to the Arabs as "Furo." These little beasts were prized by the elite for their exceptional hunting ability, as were hawks.

It was relatively common for ferrets to be released into the underbrush to flush out game birds which the falcons would bring down.

1387 painting-can you find the ferret?


Live-in rat-catchers and rabbit-hunting companions.

Ferrets 1. Used in the 1800’s for rodentrodent control. The ferrets would run into holds and run the rodents out and leave a scent behind that would trigger fear.

In the 1940-1950s in the USA and Canada, they were bred and raised for their fur which was used in making fake mink coats, a business now happily ended.

2. Used to help wire airplanes in hard to reach places. Unfortunately they liked to stop & take naps so it ended.

3. Used in scientific research because they catch the same coldscolds as humans.

4. Recently been found to be wonderful pets.
