Hairstyles project 1




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By; Cheyenne Maduena


Introduction For this project we were asked to take a minimum of 20 pictures to any theme we wanted, put them together as a slide show, and also add a hyperlink. We edited our photographs and either added them to google docs, or power point. Then were asked to upload them to slide share. I choose to base my theme on hairstyles. I choose this because I want to be a hair stylist and its always interesting to see how many and what kind of hairstyles there are. People are always different and like different things. There hairstyle shows there personality.

Little girls tend to have long hair that is difficult to manage. So parents (or sisters) find it easier to put there hair in a ponytail. Or like Marley, adding a simple pink bow to go on top.

“Scenie” kids have different or bright colored hair. This girl likes to have a light color with a darker red on the bottom of her hair.

Boys tend to have shorter hair then girls.

Other boys like to grow their hair long push it to the side.

Little girls like to put things in there hair. Marley likes to put a colorful headband with colored ribbons coming out the back.

Some girls may like to have long hair, while others, like Maria, prefer to have shorter hair and in the style of a bob.

! Braids

Other girls, or sometimes guys, have long braided hair.

Sometimes it easier for girls to pull there hair into a small bun yet have some hair hanging out.

Hair pulled back "

!Hair colors

Many girls, and sometimes guys, like to experiment and dye there hair different colors. She has brown hair with an ombre on the bottom.

My step mom has prefers to ware her natural hair. Which is is curly and full of volume.

Some boys like to take care of there hair and keep it nice and brushed.

Other boys don’t like to deal with there hair at all and just cut it all off.

Hairstyles I have created

I have always like to experiment with hair and and I practice on my baby sisters. This is called a flower braid.

This is also a flower braid. Flower braids are dutch braids that curve from the right or left side then still dutch braided down and curved up, and pinned to into the shape of a flower.


Creater; Cheyenne Maduena""Models; Elizabeth, Fransisco, Cody, Maria,

Samantha, Alyssa, Carolina, Barbara, Daniel, Felix, Jenesis and Logann Maduena. "