Cats I Behavior And Restraint Of Cats


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Principles of Feline Behavior and Restraint


Tom – maleQueen – femaleKitten – immature cat

(<12 months) of either sex

Queening – act of female cat giving birth

Evolution of Felis catus

Domestication began in Ancient Egypt

Used for controlling vermin, snakes, scorpions around feedstuffs

Revered as gods and goddesses

Ancient Egyptians imposed the death penalty for killing a cat

Morphology of Felis catus

Highly acute senses: Binocular vision Retractable claws Superior hearing ability

Maintained predatory nature throughout domestication

Solitary animals by nature, but have adapted throughout domestication

Obligate carnivores!

Normal Behavior of Cats

Highly territorial (cages, rooms, furniture, etc.)

Will exhibit aggression to defend territory (speed, teeth, claws)

Resist most types of restraint

Watch Body Language!!!

EARSEARS Alert/straight up =

affectionate cat

Flat out sideways = Curiousity

Downward = Warning, defensive, watch out!

Down and back = alarm, cat is furious, watch out!

Adapted from SPCA of Texas

Watch Body Language!!!

EYESEYES Wide open, looking at you =


Bug-eyed = Frightened, be careful

Clouded = illness or very relaxed.

Staring straight at you = Aggression. A stare is a challenge

Adapted from SPCA of Texas

Watch Body Language!!!


Tail standing straight up = contentment

Dropped low = unhappy cat Twitching back and forth =

Anger; "back off!" Bushy = Anger and

impending attack

Adapted from SPCA of Texas

Watch Body Language!!!

Hissing, leaning away from you Swatting Growling Spitting

Angry Cat!Angry Cat!

Tips for Approaching Cats

Use your voice!

Tone is important – soothing tones calm cats

Indications for Restraint and Handling

Venipuncture, catheterization, immunization Administering medicines Physical examination Grooming …


MINIMAL restraint! Can adjust to more restraint as necessary

Close all portals into the room (doors, windows, drawers, cabinets

Work in an area cleared of debris.


Use distraction techniques

Restraining the Head

Two options:

1. Scruffing: grabbing loose skin behind head and neck. Be sure to remove collar first

2. Cupping the head: thumb on top of

cat’s head, fingers rest under chin (mandible)

Restraining the Legs

Place finger between cat’s legs when gripping him.

Seat cat’s elbows in your hands, and make sure your grasp is above the hocks

Hock Elbow

Removing cat from cage

Allow cat to move out of its territory on its own

Open cage door carefully and quickly scruff the cat and remove it

Can use “Net Bag”with fractious cats

Removing cat from carrier

Allow cat to move out of its territory on its own

Assess body language and if ok, reach into carrier, scruff cat and remove

If cat is aggressive, remove top of carrier, scruff cat and remove, or place towel over cat’s head and body and remove animal

Special Handling Equipment

Trapped cats will hiss,growl before striking outwith claws

Gauntlet gloves Towels Leash (used with scruffing) Box Net Bag

Standing Restraint

With cat standing on table, scruff cat with your dominant hand and support abdomen with other. Keep animal pressed against your body

Ideal for:

Conducting physical exams

Obtaining TPR

Sternal Restraint

1. With cat standing on table, scruff cat with your dominant hand and use other hand to gently push cat’s rear into a sitting position

2. Lean over cat’s back and slide cat’s forelimbs down until they’re resting on the table

3. Don’t squish the kitty!

Ideal for:

Giving eye medsGiving oral medsGiving SQ


Lateral Recumbency Restraint

1. Place cat in sternal recumbency. Scruff cat and steady him between your arms with other hand. Slide right hand under cat’s rear legs, grasping above the hocks and keep fingers between cat’s legs

2. Gently roll animal on its side and stretch cat out the entire length of your forearm

3. “Stretching the cat”

Ideal for:

Examining sideGiving IM & SQ

injectionsWhen more restraint is needed

Restraint for Venipuncture

Cephalic Venipuncture

1. Cat in sternal recumbency

2. Scruff with one hand, side cat to edge of table

3. Angle cat’s head away from person doing venipuncture

4. Cradle elbow of forelimb with other hand

5. “Roll” the vein to the top of the limb for access

* Can use tourniquet

Restraint for Venipuncture

Jugular Venipuncture – Method 1

Sternal recumbency

Slide cat to end of table

“Cup” the head (fingers under jaw and thumb on top on head

With other hand grasp front legs above elbow

Extend head up and legs down to expose jugular vein

Restraint for Venipuncture

Jugular Venipuncture – Method 2

Wrap cat in towel

Place in dorsal recumbency

Grasp head from back (thumb under jaw, fingers on top of head)

Hold forelimbs down under towel

Restraint for Venipuncture

Femoral Venipuncture

Lateral recumbencyWith one hand, scruff cat and brace the same

arm against the cat’s spineWith other hand, grasp hind limbs above hocksWhen ready, release the leg closest to the table

while maintaining hold of top legPress that same hand against femoral vein to

occlude it

Restraint for Nail Trimming

Sternal recumbency

If you’re left-handed:

Hold the scruff and left front paw with thumb and index finger of your right hand and trim nails with left hand

If you’re right-handed:

Hold scruff and left front paw with thumb and left index finger and trim nails with right hand

Nail Trimming Equipment

Guillotine type clippers

Cat nail trimmers

Where to Trim Nails

Restraint Equipment - Towels

Place cat in sternal recumbency on top of the towel, parallel with end of towel. Hold the scruff!

Wrap shortest end tightly around cat’s body, leaving the head exposed (make sure towel is not tightly wrapped around neck

Wrap the rest of the towel around cat’s body tightly

Ideal for:

Examining eyesGiving oral medsFemoral, jugular

venipunctureIM injections

Restraint Equipment – Cat Bags

1. Place cat sternally on top of open bag on table and scruff it

2. Use your body to keep cat from standing up

3. With other hand, bring up one side of neck strap and quickly bring up other band and fasten the bag. Watch your fingers!

4. Curl the cat’s hindlimbs up and into the bag

5. Make sure cat’s head is tucked under your elbow and zip it up

Restraint Equipment – Cat Bags

Restraint Equipment – Cat Muzzles

Size Matters!

Sternal recumbency

Grasp scruff and one tab of muzzle with same hand

Bring muzzle up and around other side of face and secure on top behind ears tightly (velcro)

Make sure cat’s nostrils are exposed!
