10 Tips to Impress Any Girl Online


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ElenasModels.com 10 Tips to Impress Any Girl OnlineThinking about meeting girls through online dating sites or mobile apps? These simple tips will help you to impress any girl online.

The easiest way to make an impression on a girl is to have a decent profile.

Roughly 90% of online dating profiles are extremely poor.

Another 8% are average and only 2% can be qualified as "good". ✓

2What is the best way to impress a girl online?

So, if you spend some time on your profile (photos and texts), you are ahead of 98% of other guys.

You need a photo where you look neat, clean, and positive.

✓It also needs to be clear, well lit, and bright.

✓Both on dating sites and mobile apps girls make their decisions whom to meet based mostly on your photo.

3What kind of photo do I need?

There has been a research done, selfies score lower with women than photos that are taken by someone else. So, ask someone to take a few photos of you and choose the best shot.

✓ Maybe ask the girls you know to pick a picture for you. Females have different views on what they find attractive than guys. You may like on picture and they pick a completely different one!

Definitely avoid selfies in bathrooms or gyms. Young females feel that guys who post bathroom selfies are dirty and they may catch some decease from them.

About guys showing their muscles, females feel they are trying to pick up girls using their bodies.

4What kind of photos should I avoid?

Also avoid photos that are a few years old; it's misleading.

Be positive and truthful. ✓Experts recommend to write not more than 300 characters (about 50 words) per field. ✓

5What do I write in the profile?

Ask your female friends what they find attractive in you. ✓If you don't have girls among friends, ask sisters of your friends or your colleagues. Each man has some features that girls find attractive but you may not know what they like in you.

Also ask your family and friends how can they characterise you in 3 words. It might be quite surprising for you to find out what people really think.

One thing to avoid writing in your profile is about your interest in computer games or catching Pokemons. This sounds rather lame for girls. If you find out later that she is a huge fan of these activities, you can always tell her about your achievements there.

6What should I avoid in my profile?

Avoid telling things that are not true. It might destroy your relationship if she finds out you lied. Also, you will be feeling insecure and afraid of being found out, which is bad for your confidence.

Avoid negatives, such as things you don't like or hate. Turn them into positives: Instead of what you dislike, write what you like.✓

If girls answer your messages, then your profile is okay. ✓

7How do I know if my profile is good enough to impress girls?

If no one answers, then see what else you can improve. ✓Maybe you need to slightly dress up for the photo, for example, try a white collared shirt. ✓Maybe you need to try a different pose or angle. ✓Small changes can make a huge difference. ✓

If you tried a few photos and it still doesn't work, get a professional picture done by a photographer.

Some people get huge improvement in their response rate once they change the main photo to the one that actually looks attractive to women.

Check your texts once again to see if there is anything that could be putting girls off.

Absolutely! You can't impress girls unless you contact them. It's unmanly for a guy to wait for a female to initiate a conversation.

8Do I need to contact girls first?

The best is to include something in her profile that attracted you. Certainly, it probably was her picture but find something else in her profile that you both have in common.

9What do I write in a message?

A mutual interest would be a great thing. Maybe she mentioned something that connects you: She recently visited Spain and you were there as well. That's something you can write about.

Keep it positive, to the point, and short. ✓Avoid sending messages that are too short, such as "Hi, how are you?" Girls don't know what to answer to those.

Also don't write too much, as it looks like hard work just to read it; she may simply skip it because it appears too long.

Write 1-2 paragraphs at most. ✓Keep it positive and upbeat but don't be a clown.

✓Be sincere as well. Remain yourself and avoid trying to be someone else.

If you have been chatting for a while and things seem to go smoothly, you may want to first talk on the phone or through apps, see each other on video.

If this works fine as well, you both probably would be looking forward to meeting in person.

✓Simply ask her how does she feel about meeting in person. ✓

10How do I ask girls to meet?

If she thinks it's a great idea, set up a date not far away from where she lives or works in a time that suits you both.

Normally people meet in public places for the first time.

✓It might be awkward if you have a dinner reservation at a nice restaurant and you didn't like each other, so arrange to get together for a coffee somewhere low key, for example.

You can even decide what to do once you have met and evaluated the situation. ✓

11What is the best place to meet for the first time?

Some people meet at the entrance to a shopping centre or another place that is easy to find.

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