What Makes You To Be A Successful Leader


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What Makes You To Be A Successful Leader

Are All Leaders Born ??

Or Can Leadership Be Learned??

Well, almost all leaders have learned skills through experience, conditioning and exposure to specific situations.

Individuals who haven’t learned thoseskills, often through no fault of their own can sometimes find it difficult toassume a leadership position.

What Makes A Leader ?????

Leadership is a mix of :



SkillsAbility communication


Behavior Risk-takingTeamwork


Leadership skills are essential in order to maximize the work .

It help you to find specific leadership styles that are going to work best for you.

Communication Ability:

A good communicator can express himself clearly with confidence .

Successful leaders are also good listeners & they do pay attention to the facts and feelings .

Knowledge & Understanding:

An effective leader must have knowledge and understanding relating to a particular subject in which the group is involved.


A new change and innovation involves risk and challenge.

A leader should recognize good ideas, actively support to develop those ideas and encourage the group action by taking the risk.


An effective leader insists on the support and assistance of the group members.

He/she should provide technical assistance, emotional support & vision to the group members.


The leader must develop a vision & it is essential to communicate this vision to the group members.

Leadership Style Frameworks:

Just like everyone has an individual personality, every

one has an individual leadership styles.

Things That Can Impact Your Leadership Style:

Your position in your company

Your distinct personality

Type of employees you have

Some useful leadership styles:

Visionary :

This is more appropriate when an organization needs a new direction.

Its goal is to lead people towards a set of shared goals.

Coaching :

This style focuses on:

Developing your employees

Showing them proper way to develop their performance

Helping them to connect their goals to the organization


This style focuses on importance of teamwork and create harmony between the team members.


This style emphasizes on the knowledge and skill of the individuals and creates a group commitment towards the goal.

Some Key Points:

Define your objective

Share it with your group members

Identify your leadership style

Make your own rule and follow them

Develop trust between your colleagues

Understand the proper meaning of power

Behave like a leader

Develop trust between your colleagues

Turn your subordinates into leaders