Ready For Take Off: Managing Up, Down & Sideways To Get Projects Off The Ground



Is your project ready to take flight or stuck in a holding pattern, going nowhere fast? It’s been said that people don’t leave jobs, they leave bosses (or in some cases, they don’t leave projects, they leave dysfunctional teams). In fact, it’s not projects you have to manage at all...but the needs of the people DOING a project. But how?! What’s the best way to approach overtasked individuals, supporting multiple projects, answering to multiple “bosses” who are about ready to scream, “THIS PROJECT IS FOR THE BIRDS!!”’s actually birds that can help us answer those very questions. Find out what geese can teach us about teamwork, why ducks will make you want to inspire people differently, & how learning the four main behavioral styles of people (are you an Eagle, Parrot, Dove, or Owl) can help improve communication & save your projects. This session will focus on helping attendees with the following: --Understanding the communication preferences of their managers, subordinates, & peers. --Recognizing the importance of re-inspiring teams when motivation & team morale falter. --Knowing when to step in and take charge vs. when to sit back & let the team flap its wings a bit as they figure things out on their own. NOTE: To get the most out of this session, bring a list of people you need to communicate with better to ensure your success or the success of a project. Note any specific traits or qualities that make some people harder to deal with than others. The more you identify where your communication gaps exist, the more you will be able to get out of this session! Names are not required. “Annoying guy with the blue coffee mug” works just fine as long as YOU know who you are talking about!!

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  • 1.Ready For Take Off Managing Up, Down, & Sideways To get Projects Off The Ground Leslie Stein Author. Speaker. Life Enthusiast.

2. What Makes People Hard To Deal With? O On a 3x5 card, write the characteristics of someone who ruffles your feathers. O Behaviors O Communication O Mannerisms O Personality Traits 3. ~~~~ SoWhat Are The Problems?! ~~~~ 4. Why Cant We All Just Get Along? O Two main differences O PACEHow fast we think, decide, & get things done O FOCUSWhere we put the majority of our attention 5. Communication Model ? ? ? ? PACE PACE FOCUS FOCUS 6. PACE Active O Bold O Assertive O Dynamic O Quicker-Paced Moderate O Calm O Methodical O Careful O Slower-Paced Active vs. Moderate 7. Communication Model ? ? ? ? ACTIVE MODERAT E FOCUS FOCUS 8. FOCUS Task O Questioning O Objective O Justice O Black & White O Right Answer People O Accepting O Subjective O Empathy O Shades of Gray O Go With the Flow Task vs. People 9. Communication Model ? ? ? ? ACTIVE MODERAT E TASK PEOPLE 10. DiSC Model ACTIVE MODERAT E TASK PEOPLE 11. D = Drive or Dominance Active + Task Focus O Known as: Do-ers O Key Question: WHAT? O Commo: Blunt O Office: Me Wall O Value: Time O Phrase: Get it The Eagle 12. i = Influence Active + People Focus O Known as: Dreamers O Key Question: WHO? O Commo: Lots of Stories O Office: Candy or Toys O Value: Network The Parrot 13. S = Steadiness Moderate+ People Focus O Known as: Caretakers O Key Question: HOW? O Commo: Silence O Office: Family Pictures O Value: Harmony O Phrase: Get ALONG! The Dove 14. C = Correctness Moderate + Task Focus O Known as: Analyzers O Key Question: WHY? O Commo: Problems & Pitfalls O Office: Stacks or spotless O Value: Correctness O Phrase: Get it RIGHT! The Owl 15. Birds of a Feather O With your fellow flock members, talk about the following: O What makes you the BEST flock member EVER (superpowers &/or skills)? O What makes it challenging to have you in the flock? O What do you want the rest of the flock to know about you? 16. Time to Fly The Coop! O Nows your chance to mingle with the other birds & gain valuable insight! O You will have THREE ROUNDS. Each round will be 4 minutes long. O Take the 3x5 card with the person you thought of earlier & ask other birds how THEY would approach that person. O Each person gets 2 minutes O Rotate to a new bird when time is up. 17. ~~~~ What New Insights Did You Gain?! ~~~~ 18. What If We All Became Geese? 19. New Perspective: Positive Honking + Taking Turns Leading = A More Effective Flock 20. ~~~~ How Can YOU Honk Happy & Take The Lead? ~~~~ 21. Perhaps Were All Ducks? 22. New Perspective: What if challenging people have simply forgotten what makes them AWESOME? 23. ~~~~ What Makes Your Challenging Birds Totally Awesome?!~~~~ 24. Be A Carrier Pigeon of Positivity!! 25. Ready For Take Off Managing Up, Down, & Sideways To get Projects Off The Ground Leslie Stein Author. Speaker. Life Enthusiast. Facebook * Instagram * LinkedIn Twitter (@leadlikeagirl)