Goals, Goals, Goals


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Larry W. Dennis Says:

If you want some help planning your 2017 goals, here is a great model to help get you started.

I call it the DO, BE, HAVE shuffle.


‘DO’ Goals – Action is living, what are you going to do in 2017 that challenges you, that you eagerly look forward to, are planning for and excited about?


‘BE’ Goals – You can only have what you are willing to be. What new character traits do you aspire to? More confidence, more enthusiasm, optimism, joy, peace, determination? Growth, change and progress give life meaning and purpose.


‘HAVE’ Goals – with targets to aim for make the game of life fun, maybe it’s a house, maybe it’s a car, maybe it’s as simple as a crystal star.


‘CAREER’ Goals – Be specific, make them measurable. What do you want to accomplish at work this year?

Now ask yourself these questions:

• Am I committed to these goals?

• What is my 3-step plan for reaching my goals?

• What new knowledge, skills or character traits do I need to reach my goals?

Then -

Put your goals in writing and feel free to share them with us!

Turbo can help your business set goals for 2017 – give us a call at 503-691-2867!
