Defining a human value for innovation


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Defining a human value to innovation Loop#2 / Round#5 - January 10th - 20th 2017

ContentMarket roadmap

Making sense of social media through diversity

Daily Pick

11 leadership skills to innovate in 2017

Connecting dots

We can all be part of a great story

Beautiful diversity

Building innovative virtuous circles from our differences

Market roadmapMarket roadmaps describe key market component of specific innovation trends combining posts and tweets shared on WAI social networks.

Making sense of social media through diversity

From readers to information providers, social media is interlinking global opinions and specific facts into a complex conversation questioning users’ ability to make sense of increasing amounts of data both as citizens and customers. The uniformity of ideas shared among closed communities require to add further diversity in our thinking frameworks, with the potential benefit of creating human links between communities jointly driving change. This diversity of thoughts should be combined to human values as opposed to business and commercial objectives to build knowledge communities able to influence entire ecosystems. As a result of this relentless search for sense, the digital disruption has direct effects on the information value chain and related business models, further emphasizing the need for a responsible and intelligent approach to social media

Diversity of thoughts to build common sense

Can we crowdsource the truth?

Disrupting the information value chain

Daily Pick!The Daily Pick highlights innovation stories that matter to you, as most shared and reached publications on WAI social networks. 

11 leadership skills to innovate in 2017

By nurturing their innovation culture through relevant information sources, innovation experts are in a position to understand core roots of systemic threats as well as find inspiration from a richer variety of individuals. As a core element of building inspiration, they focus on meaningfulness beyond happiness and create an environment where individuals are free to express their talents. To address systemic opportunities, experts advise to customize processes as a way to create innovation from innovation. Smarter innovation is not just about creativity, it is also about being part of a great story.


1. Get relevant information 2. Understand essential rules of systemic threats 3. Learn from ordinary folks

4. Build super inspiration 5. Pursue meaningfulness

6. Enable freedom of speech 7. Define intelligent processes 8. Address systemic issues 9. Understand innovation for more innovation

10. Develop creativity 11. Be part of a great story

Connecting DotsConnecting dots combines the 10 most read stories on  over the last week into a single analysis that highlights our readers innovation priorities.

We can all be part of a great story

There isn’t a day without a journalist, specialist and other expert explaining how our economies, democracies and societies stand at a turning point in history. Innovation as defined by a variety of professionals describes how this turn engages the crowd, from inspirational willingness to actual questions and change. It is not about measuring and calculating results, or not solely at least. Individuals seek to address core roots of systemic issues, and suggest tangible adaptations: developing creativity from diversity and optimizing delivery through collaboration. Agile organizations such as startups showcase results and models to manage disruption. Not only does their experience remind change is possible. It also proves we can all be part of a great story.

Innovation as a human adventure

From philosophy to poetry, this common willingness for change explores numerous formats and tones to reach its appropriate audience and impact. Past examples enable to understand how literary trends such as “scientific poetry” used to pursue similar objectives, and how they managed to increase awareness around technical topics.

Thinking beyond data and statistics

Over time, analysts have repeated the same story again and again, ending up with similar conclusions. There indeed are structural barriers to change that keep inspirational ideas at the level of conversation, actions and plans are cruelly needed to deliver results on a systemic level.

Because we are worth it

Beautiful Diversity

Beautiful Diversity is a series of management reports issued from our global think l@b. Based on thoughts and analyses shared by innovation experts, it intends to provide managers and professionals with actionable tools to generate innovative products and plans based on their personal and team diversity.

Building innovative virtuous circles from our differences

How to build a difference virtuous circleThe objective of difference virtuous circles is to outline and monitor ideas and viewpoints as expressed by project stakeholders, team members, customers and partners, to develop creativity based on individual and shared purposes in development processes.

Our global story

As a central question to economic growth, business development and scientific breakthrough, the place of humans and technologies inspires innovation makers. What objectives beyond business and commercial

values could we define for innovation?

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Our global innovation story, as we write it
