Preparing for an interview

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Preparing For An Interview

Do Your Research Research the company or firm. They may ask you questions about who they are and what they represent, so be prepared to give an informative answer. Also, check out any social media pages that might provide an insight into passed or current projects.

Resume Prep Know your resume ‘back to front’ and be prepared to answer any questions about previous roles. If you really hated one of your past roles, avoid speaking negatively and tarnishing that firms reputation. Speak positively with appropriate lessons you may have learnt from that role.

Grooming Make sure you are nicely groomed with a suit jacket and polished shoes. Control the urge to have a cigarette or drowning yourself in strong cologne / perfume minutes before the interview. Scent is one of the first impressions that the interviewer will have of you. So make that extra effort!

Watch The Time See what we did there? Alright, In all seriousness be on time. Our definition of ‘on time’ is 10 minutes prior to your interview.Don’t arrive earlier or later than that. Assuming that they are a busy company they don’t want someone rocking to reception area 30 minutes beforehand.

Smile If this is your ideal job then work at selling the best of you in this interview. Smiling, staying positive and showing your passion for the position is key!

Good energy is contagious.

Self-Control Control hand gestures Control the pace at which you talkControl and manage your responses. No tangents! And control and maintain eye contact

Good Luck! We wish you the best of luck and hope you secure your ideal role.

If you need help tweaking your resume and applying for other roles,

jump on our website and get in contact with us!

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