Product photography guidelines by eshopbox



This presentation is a guideline on product photography by eshopbox

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Product Photography Guidelines

Great product photography helps your products sell, It isn’t

rocket science, product photographs are often the only way

customers get to interact with the product before a purchase.

Showcasing your products with high-quality images can also

be the winning difference between a conversion and no sale

at all. This is particularly true if you’re also distributing your

products on marketplace sites like Myntra where they are

displayed alongside those of your competitors.


Make sure they’re high quality

High quality is an absolute must. You want your customers to get the clearest picture possible, both literally and

figuratively, when it comes to your products, and high quality photos are an integral part of achieving that.

Incorporate alternate views

Product photos showcasing alternate views are another must-have. Remember: You want to be able to recreate the

experience of a customer walking into a store and being able to pick up a product and look at it. Showcase your product

by displaying pictures from different angles and from different proximities.

Product Detailing

For your product photos to be their very best, you’ll want to make sure that it’s easy to zoom-in on them. The photo

should remain clear, even when zoomed in on, and really highlight your products detailing.


In order to enhance your brand and give the most cohesive ecommerce shopping experience, your product photos should

be consistent. Whether you use Flash or no Flash, a background or no background or a model or a mannequin, the

important part is that whatever creative decisions you make, you apply them across the board.

Image Specifications

The images should be centre aligned Background color remains white until there is a requirement. All images to be in vertical orientation Soft natural shadow on the left of the image, not too away from the model Posing must be aesthetically nice and it should enhance the USP of the product.

Dimension (Aspect Ratio) Resolution Format Angles

1:1.5 72dpi .jpg Front, Side, Back, Detail

Example of Cropping Size for Bottom Wear in Image Frame

The margin to be kept from left and right should be fixed for the complete shoot.

Note: The Waist line and the bottom line remains constant in all the images

* Please note that the dimensions (aspect ratio) of the images may vary from website

to website depending upon the prototype/design of the website.

Thank You!
