Genesis Global Network: The Inside Scoop



The ultimate Genesis Global Network review, coming to ya from the hillsides of Salt Lake City, UT. The product: Genesis Global Network is an online advertising company that allows you to purchase business units (BU) so you can promote your other products and businesses. The opportunity: As a previously visited, Genesis Global Network can also be a lucrative business opportunity.

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Multiple Streams

Genesis Global Network – 6 Figures in 6Months?

As of June, 2014, I decided to focus on My Advertising Pays, as it

netted me over $5,200 in the last 45 days. You can join my team

here or read my review here. Enjoy the review.

So you’re curious about the Genesis Global Network.

Can’t blame ya.

After all, they’ve made a big splash in recent months. At the time of

this review (June 2014), more than 11,000 people are searching for

Genesis Global Network.

It’s getting hot.

The product: Genesis Global Network is an online advertising

company that allows you to purchase business units (BU) so you can

promote your other products and businesses.

Then, as an affiliate, you can profit from these business units, both

on your personal advertising sales and the sales of the people you

personally refer.





Business Units are just traffic packs. You’re essentially paying for


Typically, products that are in the make-money-online space convert

well with this traffic, as those are the type of people that usually join

these types of programs.

I like to think of these types of businesses as the ultimate

complementary business to your main product or deal…they supply

great traffic, and offer an absurd opportunity to cash-in on long-term

residual income.

The opportunity: As a previously visited, Genesis Global Network

can also be a lucrative business opportunity.

You get paid in a few different ways:

First, you earn off of the business units (BU) from your personally-

sponsored affiliates.

There are a few levels in the company, but if you take the business

seriously, you would want to come in at the Emerald level, where you

earn 10% on your PSAs, 3% on your 2nd generation and 2% on your

3rd generation.

As their website says, “Affiliates may purchase BUs for $1.00 each

and from a minimum of 10 to a maximum of 10,000.” Packs also

expire after 90 days.

You can see where this can add up quickly.

Also, there is urgency to get in early as Genesis Global Network is set

up on a 2×5 forced matrix. I actually like this, because it gives people

much more urgency to join instead of talking about the weather for a

few weeks….

…after all, this isn’t the industry for tire-kickers or excuse-makers.

Then, you get paid 5% on your own business units as well.


In other words, by joining and just purchasing business units (and

recruiting nobody), you are still locked to make a profit, eventually.

Finally, a small percentage of the BU sales go into a company pool,

and are profit-shared to all the company affiliates on a daily basis

(Monday though Friday). This is called the rebate rewards pool, or


The Verdict: Bottom line is this…the company is good, but could be

better. I think if the company had a more simple model, it would be

much easier for folks to catch the vision.

For example, with My Advertising Pays, you buy credit packs, click 10

ads per day, and recruit others.

People join for $100 after a 30-day trial.

That’s all you have to tell people.

With Genesis Global Network, the concept is not as clear, although

very similar. They’re rolling out different company launch “phases”

with new products – penny auctions, health and wellness products,


Remember, Empower Network started to slip when it got away from

simplicity. They added too many products, people got confused, and

the masses become frustrated and quit. I see this potentially being an

issue with Genesis Global Network.

As an option, join ‘em both and cross-pollinate the traffic, especially

if you don’t have a product or deal you need to promote at the

moment. Then you could just use them interchangeably to recruit.

I know a few people who are doing this.

I am going to focus on My Advertising Pays at the


They’re hotter, sexier and simpler, and I am doing 5k a month with

them, so I am not going to lose my focus.

Recruiting is a piece of cake (most of the $1777.64 in referral

commissions came in the last 3 weeks) :

And 8k in just a few months? (5k of that in the last 45 days…come on

now lol)

I mean, our private FB group has thousands – literally thousands –

of people a day posting screenshots of daily results and returns, so it’s

become a massive battalion.

Note: you can join my MAP team here, and I’ll send you my private

recruiting training, where you’ll learn SEO and blogging secrets

that sign up the masses.

To say it bluntly, MAP is thriving.

I still got love for GGN, but I’ve found something better.

Either way, I hope the best for you.

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Your marketing coach,

Jeremy Page

PS. A bit curious as to why I rank for everything on Google – My

Advertising Pays, Genesis Global Network, Empower Network, etc? I

cut a 7-minute video for ya here. Stay classy.
