Weights and Strength Training Exercises – The Best Moves


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Weights and Stretch


Stretching improves flexibility, but does it prevent injury, increase strength,

speed ... flow to the muscles that will be trained, before you load your

working weight).

Why is stretching so important to walkers?your body perform better. You'll gain a greater range of motion, so you can generate more force. Your stride will be longer, and you'll think nothing of taking the stairs two at a time (which means you'll be able to burn more calories). http://fitnessonthepark.com.au/strength-training-over-50s/

stretching has some hidden psychological benefits. Just as chronically tight muscles send a signal to your brain that you're under constant stress, chronically relaxed muscles send the opposite message, telling your brain that everything is okay. That can make you feel less stressed out even when things are crazy. Plus, when done properly, stretching simply feels good.

Stretch For A Longer, Leaner Body

5 Steps to Stretch Your Back to Slim Down

5 Steps to Stretch Your Back to Slim Down

5 Steps to Stretch Your Back to Slim Down


Warm up muscles before stretching by walking or doing other gentle movements.

Start slow and stretch gently. Never stretch to the point of pain.

Breathe slowly and rhythmically as you stretch.

Use proper posture when stretching.

Slowly increase your stretch as you feel your muscles relax. Don't bounce.

Hold each stretch for about 20 to 30 seconds.

Try stretching while talking on the phone, reading email or doing chores.

Stretch with a buddy. Use each other for resistance, but be gentle.

Set reminders to stretch. Use online calendar or watch alarm.

Keep a copy of these stretching tips handy.

Weights and Stretch

Weights and Stretch


64 Mackinnon Parade, North Adelaide

South Australia 5006

Ph : 08 8267 1887

E mail : fitnessonthepark@ozemail.com.au

