Pharmacies: Get More Out of Your Waiting Areas


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Pharmacies: Get More Out of

Your Waiting Areas


The retail pharmacy is becoming the meeting place that it was in the fifties minus the malts and burgers

• Drug stores are not only a place to get prescriptions filled, but also being used as convenience stores.

• Pharmacists are being asked for advice on medications, what over the counter meds we can take to avoid prescriptions, and “what’s this” medical advice.

• Health insurance companies are relying on the pharmacies for medication management, counselling, flu shots, urgent care, and more.


There is so much going on in your pharmacy but you are not telling your patients and consumers

• Your medical insurance billable services, sale items, overstocks, impulse items, and more need to be pushed to your customers.

• This is where digital patient education from Halo Health comes in.

• Halo Health provides customized, ad free education stations that are HDTV based for waiting areas, register areas and end caps.


There is so much going on in your pharmacy but you are not telling your patients and consumers

• This is where digital patient education from a company like Halo Health comes in.

• Halo Health provides customized, ad free education stations that are HDTV based for waiting areas, register areas and end caps.

• Halo handles all of the content management, equipment management, and works with your marketing team to make sure we are only projecting the messages that you want to convey.


Get Started Today!

• Stop losing out on potential opportunities to: • Increase your sales• Improve your standing in the community• Provide necessary added value to your patients.

• Contact Halo Health at 856-520-8655 or
