Multi agency


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Assignment M2,D2

Learning Objectives

LO1- Recap on professionals

LO2- Identify the term multi-agency

LO3- Underline the purpose of multi-agency

LO4- Review multi-agency working

Write down the a

responsibility of one

care professional


You have 1 minute to write down what multi-agency means?

1 minute

“Multi-agency working brings

together practitioners from different sectors

and professions to provide an integrated

way of working to support individuals.”

(Stretch and Whitehouse, 2010)

Task…10 minutes

Case study on how your professionals

work togetherTo do a mind map on

positives and negatives of multi-

agency working

Positives1- Better quality service (Holistic needs are met)

2- Better support families

3- Easier and quicker access to service

4- Faster recovery 5- Specialised service

Multi- agency working

“Multi- agency working as the word implies

means where different branches of health

profession such as nurses, doctors, social

workers, health visitors, mid wives theatre staff

etc… work together to achieve a desired


Case Study “An old lady suffered stroke and is in hospital, she would need clinical input from doctors and nurses but at same time they would need input of speech therapists for their swallowing, eating and need of dietician for dietary advise, physiotherapists for their movements and muscles strengthening, they will need input from their family practitioner, district nurses and practice nurses once discharged from hospital. It is beneficial to patients as people with specific skills provide the necessary help and work is delegated to appropriate professionals”.

Communication problemsCommunication-

Not all the professionals will communicate causing problems.

Frequently, concerns were raised about the day-to-day communication between those involved.

Forced partnership


Do not get on

Don’t trust each other

Forget or do not know how to communicate

Culture ProblemsDifferent professionals have different:


Cultures and beliefs

Disagreements on each others values and protocols for a service user.

Staff retention Problems Staff retention- Staff could be replaced and they may not communicate fully with the other staff so may not know everything they need to.

Also may cause tension between the group having new members.

Things that was identified to improve multiagency

Training about their role and responsibilities.

Specific training for professionals to understand each others roles.

Ways to overcome problems

Understand culture's

Respect each others values

Communicate effectively (updating each other)

Understand each others rules and responsibilities

To do a mind map or leaflet of

advantages and disadvantages of

multi-agency working.

Add a reference

15 minutes
