Living With a Leg Length Discrepancy


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Living With a Leg Length Discrepancy

“Nobody is perfect”. This quote can well be verified by the fact that almost 85 percent of the world's population suffers from leg length discrepancy or LLD. Otherwise known as osteoarthritis, the inequality can range from barely noticeable (<1cm) to almost 6 cm or more. Some sort of leg length discrepancy affects almost everyone, which can be congenital or acquired. The disorder can affect the individual's life in a distressing way.

Talking on a purely mechanical perspective, it is of no doubt that the body will be more or less off-balance. One will face difficulties in performing almost all kinds of jobs that a normal life requires. Following are a few instances where this discrepancy can complicate your regular lifestyle:

Restriction in regular activity – The individual will often find it difficult attending common activities of daily living such as walking, ascending or descending steps, running, etc. A difference of 3-4 cm is enough to alter normal walking patterns and there is no more toe walking. The longer limb will take more pressure and will become flexed. Catching a bus, climbing steps, walking on uneven surfaces, etc., are some situations where you will encounter the effects of the LLD.

Problem during driving – Participants with leg length discrepancies eventually develop a pain in the joints and the back, the severity of which depends on the length of inequality. This might also affect the reflexive functions of the body. As a result, driving for such patients might not be a mere task anymore.

Sports- related difficulties – High impact sports that require long running and sharp movements of legs and hands can create an intense pain in the hip and hamstring regions. Other anomalies are collapsed arches, numbness in quad muscles, hip and back issues, etc.

Correcting the discrepancy

The first step towards correcting leg length inequality is the accurate measurement of the leg lengths. Once that is sorted out, fixing it will be more precise and easier. For correcting small leg length discrepancies, one can go for treatments such as, physical therapies, stretching programs, wearing custom orthopedic shoes or arch supports. Congenital limb defects, especially big ones, can only be modified through surgeries or any other structural interventions.

Physical exercises, avoiding obesity, and staying away from injuries are a few ways that can reduce the disorder from getting intense. Our body is an adaptive machine that can also adjust to the changes. You can boost this process by opting for the right lifestyle. Shoe lifts for uneven legs are one of the best orthotic interventions that can aid in decreasing the adversaries. Other than that, staying fit and getting plenty of exercise is the best way to defeat disorders of all kinds.


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