How to measure the value of the ict projects


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How to measure the value of the ICT projects:

the HUG methodology

B. Debande, MD, MHA


University hospital of Geneva


Reason for project value measurement

Collaborative design of a methodology

Overview of the tools

Is it used in « real life » ?

Future developments


Reason for project value measurement

IT support nearly all hospital activities

Critical for operations : without IT just close the hospital doors !

Mandatory for evolution and growth : each service needs IT to

support/optimize their working processes, better billing,…

There are many « bosses » in an hospital




and each head of medical service

IT resources are not following the demand

Budgets nearly flat

C* view : IT is expensive but dont give us a financial return to fund it

Reason for project value measurement

Multiple and contradictory constraints on the CIO’s head…

To survive, we need to prioritize projects

Reason for project value measurement

What is mandatory to prioritize projects

Governance : many things to say about that….. next time !

Decision support tools

Which tools

Portfolio : mandatory but not easy to set up : also many thing to say

about that….. next time !

Indicators to support the governance decision process : a tool to

help not a tool to choose in place of governance !

An alternative to ROI

In healthcare, ROI = financial = the devil !

We need to measure the return both on quality AND on investment

Collaborative design of a methodology

There are more ideas into two heads than one

Don’t reinvent the wheel

Keep it simple to be sure the tool is really used

There are more ideas into two heads than one

In 2011, we started a collaborative work with PMO of 3 other swiss

french speaking public hospital ( 2 general hospitals and 2

university hospitals), leaded by HUG PMO

Don’t reinvent the wheel

Adapt 2 existing methods in the hospital context

Keep it simple

First time we ask our project managers to evaluate their projects

All projects managers are NOT professionnal PM

We must have only ONE methodology adopted by EVERYONE

Collaborative design of a methodology


Used for evaluation of swiss e-government projects

Easy to understand, graphical view of results

Needs to be adapted to hospital context


Designed for the evaluation of healthcare projects by ANAP

(Agence Nationale d'Appui à la Performance des établissements de santé et médico-


Too rich and too complex (115 multiple choice questions), won’t be

adopted by our project managers

Suitable for our needs but must be simplified

The group of PMO’s worked nearly 6 month to merge, simplify and test

on the field the new methodology

Overview of the tools

An excel file with 38 multiple choice questions, a tool to calculate ROI

and some macro to produce graphical results

All multiple choice questions inspired by ANAP questionnaire

Needs (5 questions)

• Strategic alignment

• Consequences if we don’t start the project

Benefits (21 questions)

• Impact on quality of care

• Impact on working processes, efficiency

Risks (12 questions)

• Do we have all condition of success ?

• Are there already potential blocking points ?

Cost effectiveness – ROI (8 questions)

• ROI calculated on 4 years, including all costs and revenues

Overview of the tools

Utility score : calculation and graphical representation coming form Utilitas

qualitative utility (needs + benefits) vs cost effectiveness

Overview of the tools

Overview of the tools

Overview of the tools

Graphical view of the results, with a special focus on « benefits »

Quality ofservice

Efficiency (opsand economic)



Benefits forextra-hosp

Acquired skills










Is it used in « real life » ?


First try of the method on 20 running projects

• Positive return of projects managers (IT and non IT)

• More difficulties on economic evaluation, even with the tool

Since 2013, each new project must evaluate his utility

• Graphic view and Utilitas score are mandatory for decision


But, till now, there is an evidence that governance doesn’t use the

utility to prioritize the project

• Lack of maturity of our governance concil (less than 1 year in

this configuration)

• Politic reasons vs real needs in the prioritization process….

Other hospitals

Method and tool validated

But not really used because lack of real governance process

Future developments

Continuous improvement

Less multiple choice questions : from 38 to 29

• Easier to fill but risk of being non discriminant (to be evaluated

and improved if necessary)

Include real estate assets and medical equipment in questions

about benefits

Risk assessment not only at the beginning of the projet but

evaluated during all the project cycle

Extension of utility measurement

By consistency with the global project methodology (Hermes)

Use the utility measurement for all HUG, project IT and non IT


Our utility measurement methodology is the result of a collaborative

work of PMO from four swiss french speaking hospitals

Inspired by Utilitas and Avalis methodologies and adapted for

healthcare, the usability of the tool has been validated by professionnal

and non professional hospital project managers

Altough further work is needed to refine and extend the scope of

methodology, it is already used since 2 years in HUG

Next challenge is to convince governance to take in account these

objective data to prioritize project portfolio !

Interested to learn more about methodology ?

Interested to participate in the further development ?

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