Get Healthy and Flawless Skin with Antioxidants


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Get Healthy & Flawless Skin With



As we get older, it's normal for our skin to gradually lose its elasticity and thin out.

This is part of the skin's natural aging process.

Antioxidants are naturally occurring substances that may provide protection

against the effects of damaging free radicals on the cells in your body,

including your skin.

Antioxidant ingredients are already promoted in a number of skin care


You already know that your skin just like the rest of your body benefits from the

work of antioxidants: They help fight free radicals, unstable compounds that attack

cells and cause wrinkles, dull skin, and even skin cancer.

But with so many on the market, how do you know which antioxidants work the

hardest to help your skin stay smooth and young? The good news is, there’s no reason to limit yourself to just one.

If you're like most people, you want smooth, healthy skin, but maybe you don't

want to wade through hundreds of chemically laden products to get it. That's

where antioxidants can help.

Incorporating the right antioxidants into your diet and skin care routine can have a

positive effect on your skin.

Green tea extracts are derived from the Camelliasinensis plant; contains a number

of powerful polyphenols, one of which epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)— it

contains in large quantities.

Idebenone(pronounced E-d-buh-known) is a more stable relative of the antioxidant coenzyme Q10.Idebenone penetrates

better than coenzyme Q10 and offers more protection from the oxidation caused by

free radicals.

It also protects skin cells from the damaging effects of UVB rays.

Resveratrol is an oldie-but-goodie antioxidant is a polyphenolic compound

found in grapes, berries, cocoa, and even peanuts.Studies show that resveratrol

confers great benefits when applied topically.

“When you apply resveratrol before sun exposure, it reduces the production of damaging free radicals and other sun-

related skin damage,” says Linder. It also helps retard the development and growth

of skin cancer tumors.

Vitamin C is familiar powerhouse vitamin is an essential antioxidant for the

skin,meaning that it is critical but is not produced by the human body.

This powerful antioxidant has proven anti-inflammatory, collagen-building, and sun-

protection benefits.

Antioxidants in skin care products can do a lot for the health and appearance of your skin, including reducing the signs of aging. From calming inflamed skin to tightening

and toning, antioxidants offer great benefits from natural sources.

Anti-inflammation: One of the most desirable benefits of antioxidants in skin-

care products is the calming of inflammation.

Antioxidants, such as alpha lipoic acid and others found in pine bark and green tea,

produce valuable anti-inflammatory results by increasing circulation and cell


Reducing inflammation promotes more even skin tone and helps keep acne and

wrinkles at bay.

Skin firming:Another top benefit of antioxidant skin care is skin firming. Antioxidants may

actually reverse the effects of aging by improving skin health and rejuvenating its appearance. Coenzyme Q-10, or CoQ-10, is a common skin-firming antioxidant and is great for use in eye

creams and products that are meant to tone the skin. Try moisturizers and other skin treatments

with skin-firming antioxidants.

Reduced appearance of wrinkles: Although it is nearly impossible to make wrinkles disappear, skin-care products with antioxidants can help plump out

the skin and make it appear more youthful. Most antioxidants are great for reducing the appearance of

wrinkles and fine lines, but vitamins C and E are especially beneficial. Many products and creams for

use around the eyes or other problem areas incorporate these vitamins.

Scar treatment: Reducing the appearance of scar tissue is another important benefit

of antioxidants in skin care. Scar tissue has a different cell structure than that of

healthy skin, making it rigid.

Many types of antioxidants, including those found in aloe and an onion extract called allium, increase blood flow to scar

tissue, minimizing the look of the scar and blending in the development of new skin. Antioxidant-rich scar treatment products

are available in a variety of forms, including gels, patches and creams.

Repair of sun damage: We all know that too much sun is dangerous, but it can also be bad for your skin's appearance, drying

it out and damaging cells.

Sun damage can make skin appear tough and wrinkly. Antioxidants that stimulate

blood flow in the skin can help encourage the growth of new cells and make sun-damaged skin appear younger. Many antioxidant-rich beauty products are

available for treating sun damage, including cleansers and moisturizers that

you can use on your entire body.


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