BP simulator


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Arm Simulator for Blood Pressure MeasurementM. Tech. Project First Stage Seminar

Pushpa GothwalSupervisor: Prof. P. C. Pandey

Dept. Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay

October 2010

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Presentation overview

1. Introduction

2. Blood pressure measurement method

3. Blood pressure simulator and their categorization

4. Block diagram of blood pressure simulator

5. Summary and future work

1. Introduction

2. Blood pressure measurement method

3. Blood pressure simulator and their categorization

4. Block diagram of blood pressure simulator

5. Summary and future work

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Arm simulator: Device for simulating the behavior of arm for

blood pressure (BP) measurement using Korotkoff sound as well

as oscillometric method.

Need of simulator

● Testing and calibrating the BP meter

● Teaching health care professionals

Aim: Design of low cost microcontroller based arm simulator for BP


Arm simulator: Device for simulating the behavior of arm for

blood pressure (BP) measurement using Korotkoff sound as well

as oscillometric method.

Need of simulator

● Testing and calibrating the BP meter

● Teaching health care professionals

Aim: Design of low cost microcontroller based arm simulator for BP


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1. Introduction

Blood pressure measurement methods

3. Blood pressure simulator and their categorizations

4. Block diagram of blood pressure simulator

5. Summary and future work

1. Introduction

Blood pressure measurement methods

3. Blood pressure simulator and their categorizations

4. Block diagram of blood pressure simulator

5. Summary and future work

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1. Invasive method(Direct)


2. Noninvasive method (Indirect)● Auscultation method

● Oscillometric method

● Ultrasonic method

● Tonometry

1. Invasive method(Direct)


2. Noninvasive method (Indirect)● Auscultation method

● Oscillometric method

● Ultrasonic method

● Tonometry


1. Introduction

2. Blood pressure measurement method

Blood pressure simulator and their categorizations

4. Block diagram of blood pressure simulator

5. Summary and future work

1. Introduction

2. Blood pressure measurement method

Blood pressure simulator and their categorizations

4. Block diagram of blood pressure simulator

5. Summary and future work


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Simulator is a device which simulating the pressure

readings for testing the BP instrument.

They can be categorized as:

● Limb Simulator

● Waveform simulator

Simulator is a device which simulating the pressure

readings for testing the BP instrument.

They can be categorized as:

● Limb Simulator

● Waveform simulator

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1. Limb simulatorIt models the artificial arm(limb). It will be in the form of cylinder and the

transducer kept between the cuff and cylinder, which converts pressure

variation to voltage.

1. Limb simulatorIt models the artificial arm(limb). It will be in the form of cylinder and the

transducer kept between the cuff and cylinder, which converts pressure

variation to voltage.

Adapted from [8]

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2. Waveform Simulator

It simulate the oscillometric pressure pulses.

2. Waveform Simulator

It simulate the oscillometric pressure pulses.

Adapted from [8]


1. Introduction

2. Blood pressure simulator and their categorization

3. Blood pressure measurement method

Block diagram of blood pressure simulator

5. Summary and future work



Cuff pressure sensor


K-soundHeartbeat generator

K-sound Generation

Amplitude calculator

Block diagram of Arm simulator



Hardware block of simulator

Pressure sensor



DAC out


ADC in




28 Pin PIC 16F1936 microcontroller is used for simulator circuit with 2x2 keypad .1 key - Increment2 key - Decrement 3 key - Right4 key - LeftParameters selected by keypad are:Systolic pressure (SP)Diastolic pressure (DP)Beat rate (BR)Pulse volume (PV)Arrhythmia (AR)

LCD and Keypad interfacing with microcontroller


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1. Introduction

2. Blood pressure simulator and their categorization

3. Blood pressure Measurement method

4. Block diagram of blood pressure simulator

Summary and Future work

1. Introduction

2. Blood pressure simulator and their categorization

3. Blood pressure Measurement method

4. Block diagram of blood pressure simulator

Summary and Future work


Summary of work done

Literature review & study of arm simulator for blood pressure


Designed hardware simulator in which user can select the specified

parameter and change the parameter value.

Testing purpose output of pressure sensor is simulated by



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Development of the low cost arm simulator for BP measurement,

which simulate behavior of arm under different cardiovascular


Future work


Thank You



REFERENCES[1] J. G. Webster,”Blood pressure and sound,” Medical Instrumentation Application and

Design, 2nd ed., Boston, USA: Houghton Mifflin company, 1992, pp. 394-401.[2] C. Guyton,” Physics of blood, blood flow, and pressure: Hemodynamics,” Textbook of

Medical Physiology, 7th ed., Philadelphia: saunders, 1986, pp. 206-209.[3] Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2009, pp.

218-227.[4] K. Sembulingam and P. Sembulingam,” Cardiovascular system,” Essential of Medial

Physiology, 5th ed., New Delhi: Jaypee, 2010, pp. 500-504.[5] J. J. Carr and J. M. Brown, “Physiological pressure and other cardiovascular

measurement,” Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology, 4th ed., Delhi: Pearson Education, 2001, pp.234-245.

[6] W.Glover and R. Medero,”Arm Simulator for an Ossilometric blood pressure monitor,” U.S. Patent 4,464,123, August 7, 1984.

[7] K. Ruiter and W. W. Ruiter,”Compact Ossilometric blood pressure simulator,” U.S. Patent apl. 20100076713, 30 June, 2008.

[8] G.Gersak, A. Zemva, and J. Drnovsek. (2009, October) A procedure for evaluation of non-invasive blood pressure simulators. Med Biol. Eng Comp.[online].47(12), pp.1221-1228,Available: http://www.springerlink.com/content/351052r33660n551/fulltext.pdf.

[1] J. G. Webster,”Blood pressure and sound,” Medical Instrumentation Application and Design, 2nd ed., Boston, USA: Houghton Mifflin company, 1992, pp. 394-401.

[2] C. Guyton,” Physics of blood, blood flow, and pressure: Hemodynamics,” Textbook of Medical Physiology, 7th ed., Philadelphia: saunders, 1986, pp. 206-209.

[3] Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2009, pp. 218-227.

[4] K. Sembulingam and P. Sembulingam,” Cardiovascular system,” Essential of Medial Physiology, 5th ed., New Delhi: Jaypee, 2010, pp. 500-504.

[5] J. J. Carr and J. M. Brown, “Physiological pressure and other cardiovascular measurement,” Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology, 4th ed., Delhi: Pearson Education, 2001, pp.234-245.

[6] W.Glover and R. Medero,”Arm Simulator for an Ossilometric blood pressure monitor,” U.S. Patent 4,464,123, August 7, 1984.

[7] K. Ruiter and W. W. Ruiter,”Compact Ossilometric blood pressure simulator,” U.S. Patent apl. 20100076713, 30 June, 2008.

[8] G.Gersak, A. Zemva, and J. Drnovsek. (2009, October) A procedure for evaluation of non-invasive blood pressure simulators. Med Biol. Eng Comp.[online].47(12), pp.1221-1228,Available: http://www.springerlink.com/content/351052r33660n551/fulltext.pdf.


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Indirect MeasurementAuscultatory method- The auscultatory technique is based on the sounds caused by the blood flow.

Indirect MeasurementAuscultatory method- The auscultatory technique is based on the sounds caused by the blood flow.

Adapted from [5]

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Indirect MeasurementOscillometric method

Indirect MeasurementOscillometric method

Adapted from [5]

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Indirect MeasurementUltrasonic method- It detects motion of blood vessel for BP measurement.

Indirect MeasurementUltrasonic method- It detects motion of blood vessel for BP measurement.

Adapted from [5]


Indirect MeasurementTonometry method

Indirect MeasurementTonometry method


Adapted from [5]
