Vital chats heart health


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Love Your Heart: Good ways to look after your heartPosted on November 18, 2011

It is refreshing to see how many people are taking their health seriously these days andheart awareness is on the increase. Medical costs are rising, and many people are unable to keep up with the costs of doctors visits, medicine and hospitalization, which is why it is becoming increasingly important to keep healthy. Certain foods and beverages can help you to keep heart disease at bay, and today I am going to discuss some of these with you. I am also going to give you some fast food alternatives to get the job done. Green tea is a powerful antioxidant and also contains cholesterol-lowering properties. Green tea is great for burning unwanted fat and can fight off the free radicals that cause cancer. If you want to lose weight like crazy and keep your heart

healthy, click here

Contrary to popular belief, coffee has properties in it that minimize the risk of heart diseaseResearch has shown that the caffeine contained in coffee reduces the probability of heart disease by as much as 20%. If you do not like coffee and want to avoid sugar and cream, then click here for a healthier and natural refreshing alternative.

While broccoli is not everyone’s favorite food, it has some powerful properties. Broccoli is rich in vitamin K, and this aids calcium to protect the arteries to keep your heart healthy. The fiber contained in this vegetable help to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Salmon is another food source that promotes good heart health. Eat fatty fish such as this 2x per week and you will prolong your life from a cardiac point of view. The omega- 3 fatty acids are instrumental in increasing HDL cholesterol levels and reportedly lower triglyceride levels. Sadly, many people do not like fish, if you are one such person, then here is an alternative for you. Instead of grabbing potato chips or cookies for a mid afternoon snack, love your heart with a handful of nuts instead. Almonds are fiber rich and have monounsaturated fats in them. These fats are said to minimize cholesterol levels and therefore, promote good heart health. Bind the cholesterol in your food with whole grains. This makes it easier to get the cholesterol out of your body. Whole grains also help to reduce cholesterol levels which helps to avoid heart disease. There has been much advancement made in medical science and one supplement that warrants mentioning is Niteworks™.

This product is expected to reduce the incidence of heart disease in the next number of years It is based on nitric oxide being transported to the heart and keeping the arteries elasticated. People who have used the product have reported more energy on waking up in the morning and improvement in circulatory issues such as erectile dysfunction.The creator of the product Dr Louis Ignarro won a Nobel prize for his work on nitric oxide.