Top Reasons Why Your Resistance Training Program Is Not Effective


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Top Reasons Why Your Resistance Training Program Is Not Effective

pg. 2

If you have been weight lifting for months and you’re not seeing any

improvements in your muscle size, maybe you’re doing something wrong. Here

are some common weight training mistakes to avoid.

You go on a calorie-reduced diet - After a weight training session, your body

turns glucose into glycogen to ensure that your muscles can repair themselves

and grow. However, if you starve yourself, the body breaks down muscle into

amino acids to turn into glucose. To help you achieve your desired physique, be

sure to eat 500 calories more than your

recommended intake. Remember to consume 1 to

2 grams of protein for each pound of body weight

every day.

You perform isolation exercises -The more

muscles you train the more stimulation they get,

and the more likely they will get bigger and more

defined. If you don’t wish to do whole body

training in a single session, split the routine, for example, you could do upper

body training in one session and your lower body in another.

Training only strong muscles - Many people often train only the lifts that they

are strong in. By disregarding your weak points, you are not only decreasing

your potential gains you are also increasing the likelihood of you getting

injuries because of muscle imbalances. Browse xtreme review here.

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You carry out the same routine for months - If you change your exercise

routine, your muscles will be continually challenged. Many experts recommend

that you switch or adjust programs every 6 to 8 weeks. But, if you see a strength

plateau or absence of physical results, you may need to adjust some variables of

your training, for instance the number of sets you carry out, the weight you lift,

or the routines you perform.

You perform far too much cardio - Participating in aerobic activities can use

any excess calories you have taken as fuel as opposed to using it to rebuild your

muscles. To stop your cardio from stealing your muscle, restrict your cardio

workouts to 20 minute sessions twice a week.

You don’t have adequate amount of sleep- When you work out when you have

not fully rested, you exercise at a lower intensity than you realize. Which

means your muscles are less likely to receive sufficient stimulation to get buff.

In addition, if you lack sleep, your muscles will not effectively recover.

You avoid supplements - Yes, there are supplements that are not effective at all.

There are some that are even unhealthy. But there are also supplements that

give results as promised, like Xtreme NO, which has L-arginine - an ingredient

that develops muscle and boosts athletic performance.
