The Maze of Confusion


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    By Michelle and Helen

The Maze of Confusion

Online Check ListHere are ways to tell whether the sites you view are true or false: • Is it clear who has written the information?• Are the aims of the site clear?• Does the reaches its aims?• Is the passage sensible?• Does it sound logical?• Does the site tell you about choices for you?• When was the site produced?• Is the site relavent for you?• Can the Information be checked?

What makes a good or bad site?BrilliantClear if a specialist wrote the article, by finding names next to the text and research if the person is a specialist in that particilar subject. To make sure that the site is relevent for children or not.      

TerribleNot being clear of who wrote the article, and if found lying .about the specialist is real or not. Includes things that may not be appropriate for children of our age.

A road to good quality information

1.Never trust everything the website says unless you are really sure that the information is true

2.Check if the site if up to date with all its information you don't want to be using old information.

3.Does the site give adivice do you think its relavent for you to use?

4.  Can you check who is the author? Is it an company or           organisation? or a single person?? Most importantly is there a way to contact them???   

How to test if the information on the site is true or not1. Is the inforrmation sensible?2. How old was the person when they wrote it? 3. What did the person write about?4. What do you want to know?5. How did the person write it?6. Is it logical?7. Does the information sound like recent things that happen?8. Does it give you complete proof that you can trust the information9. Who wrote it?10.  Is it clear?


Is the information logical to you?

• did 
