Psychology slide show



Overview of research papers conducted in my undergraduate. Full report available on linkedin

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  • 1. Psychology
    Joshua Robert Mulroney
    Portfolio analysis
    Argosy University

2. Overview of sample writings
Research Design and Data Collection
Psychology of Gender
Gender Reflection
Interviewing Techniques
Medical Marijuana
Carl Rogers
The following are samples of seven papers showcasing the depth and breadth of my writing.
3. Case Study
Describe how this illness might affect various aspects of Marks life - It is unusual for Mark to develop paranoid schizophrenia at such a young age. Typically this disorder develops later in life. The prognosis is better than other types of schizophrenias. Mark may become suspicious of others. His interpretations of others may be more distorted. The frustrations of his symptoms may affect his anger levels. There is often little impairment in day to day job functioning. Schizophrenia duration can be six months or longer (Sue et al., 2006, p. 433). Psychosocial stressors may or not be present as a trigger in Marks life. Symptoms of hallucinations may present. The most common hallucination is auditory (Sue et al., 2006).
4. Research Design and Data Collection
Identify the correct variables and their impact and control of them- The first step is to capture the variables that the study is trying to measure.The independent variables are going to be situations or variables that are being controlled or manipulated.An independent variable in our example could be anything that is added or taken away to curve the work appeal to employees.The dependent variable is going to be how often employees call in sick.Any variable that is not seen as important to the people conducting the study is an extraneous variable.Extraneous variables can change the outcome of any study.It is important to note extraneous variables for this reason (Riggio, 2008).
5. Psychology of Gender
Gender career expectations begin at birth.There is different encouragement, opportunity, training, and education provided to different genders when entering the workforce.Gender stereotypes can prevent both men and women from achieving their full potential.Men traditionally are expected to bring home the household income, where as., women are traditionally expected to take care of the family, the children and the house.Being a home care provider does not offer a pay check.The role of taking care of the family is dominated by females.Many times a womans career will be put on hold due to pregnancy and child care.Relocation of a family is more likely to occur when it involves the males career.
6. Gender Reflection
I have a personal story that correlates to social learning theory.At the age of six, my father took and my sister and I to the stock show.At one point or another, my father asked my sister and I to find a souvenir to take home. My sister picked out a stuffed animal.I responded with a pick of a similar stuffed animal.My father looked at me and said, Is there maybe something else you would rather have Joshua?Perhaps a cowboy hat or a air riffle?I remember the look on his face as nothing less than disappointment.He did not even point out I could lose a eye with the purchase of an air rifle.Needless to say, I had inherited some of my fathers stubborn characteristics and stuck to my guns until I received my stuffed animal.As a child I was confused with the discouragement given to me by my father.It felt very natural to not be interested in stuffed animals after that day.In short, I saw my sister being rewarded and I felt punished for the same decision.
7. Interviewing Techniques
Discuss your and your partners experience regarding:
non-attending- It was difficult for my partner in the exercise to not smile or laugh.People will laugh or smile to break uncomfortable silences.I know the person who I did the exercise with and keeping a straight face for five minutes was difficult for both of us.My partner expressed that not attending any signals felt a little disturbing.I play a lot of poker and may be more comfortable with not showing signals to someone.My partner was easily distracted at the end of the exercise.It was a struggle to maintain eye contact.
8. Medical Marijuana
Marijuana and medical use-Marijuana has been used in the United States for various mental and emotional problems such as depression, anxiety, and numerous mental disorders, as well for the relief of pain (Nusbaumer & Reiling, 2007, para. 3). The most common diagnosis for the use of medical marijuana is pain (Nusbaumer & Reiling, 2007). There are psychological benefits with the use of marijuana. Marijuana has been used for insomnia, depression, and PTSD to name a few (Nusbaumer & Reiling, 2007). Author Alison Motluk (2002) conducted a study using mice and two major cannabinoids. Both groups of mice were exposed to a traumatic stressor: tones with electric shock. The mice would freeze with fear when they heard the musical tone associated with the electrical shock (Motluk, 2002). The mice exposed to marijuana had a greater chance of unlearning their traumatic experiences (Motluk, 2002). It suggests that these chemicals help wipe out bad memories by binding to CB1 receptors (Motluk, 2002, para7). With the increase of military veterans on the rise, so is the diagnosis of PTSD.This study shows there is scientific evidence supporting the psychological use of marijuana.
9. Carl Rogers
Learning to Be Free- In learning to be free you are becoming a more autonomous, more confident, and more spontaneous person.It is the experience of freedom to be yourself.In the relationship with an effective therapist the person in therapy moves closer to recognition that he moves to a recognition that in some sense he chooses himself.
There are a number of ways of experiencing this.The client moves from fearing his inner feelings, and defending himself against them, to letting these feelings be and exist in him, as accepted elements of himself.From being out of touch with some aspects of his experience he moves toward a freer inner communication, a greater awareness of what is going on from moment to moment within.The client also moves from living by values interjected from others to values which are experienced in himself in the present.This will make the client become more responsible for their choices and into a greater confidence in the deeper aspects of themselves (Vincent, p.103).
10. Conclusion
The previous slides demonstrate the diverse writings and studies I conducted in my under graduate studies.