Psy pneumonic



diagnosis based on DSM IV

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  • 1. PSY PNEUMONIC By:ismahharon

2. MOOD 3. Depression 2wks, 5 must include depressed mood/anhedonia C concentration G guilt A appetite S sleep disturbance P psychomotor retard/agitation D death/suicide I interest E energy 4. Dysthymic 2 yrs, 2 H hopelessness E energy S self esteem 2 2 yrs most everyday depressed mood S sleep A appetite D decision making 5. Hypomanic 4 days, 3 T talkativeness A attention deficit D decreased need for sleep H high self esteem I idea that race G goal directed activity H high risk activity 6. Manic 1 wk, 3 D distractibility I indiscretion G grandiosity F flight of idea A activity S sleep T talkativeness 7. Mixed 1 wk Manic + depression Everyday
