Prohibiton era




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Prohibiton Era

Jonas EddyPeriod 1

Why we should care?

We should care because it was the begining of organized crime, such as the mafia, in America.

Decade it occured

The prohibition lasted from 1920 to 1933. During that time, Jazz became popular because it was commonly played in speakeasies where some racial barriers were also broken down because both blacks and whites needed alcohol.



People involved

After prohibition was voted in the police really cracked down on all producers of alcohol and speakesies, both of which existed because a lot of people still needed alcohol. In response to the need for illegal alcohol, The American Mafia was born to mave the alcohol and commit other alcohol related crimes.

What happened

People still needed alcohol so they went to speakeasies, where they drank illegal alcohol, which was made by booteleggers, transported by the mafia, and policed by the cops every step of the way.

Political Cartoon

       This cartoon is saying that booze is causing poverty, crime, and robbing women and children.

Video Clip



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I think that keeping the people from their alcohol is widely considered a mistake and it probably won't happen again
