Pierre dupont d. p. m. | chiropodist | foot specialist provides solution to sesamoiditis


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Pierre Dupont D. P. M. | Chiropodist | Foot Specialist

Provides Solution To Sesamoiditis

Are you experiencing a painful sensation in the ball of your foot, right under the big toe joint? If yes, you may be suffering from a sesamoiditis. It is a painful condition and is generally defined by pain and inflammation to the sesamoid bones and surrounding tendons. Common symptoms of sesamoiditis include pain just behind and under the big toe, intermittent swelling of the ball of the foot, pain during walking, running or jumping.

Pierre Dupont D. P. M. | Chiropodist | Foot Specialist talks about the various treatment options available for a sesamoiditis condition varying from simply reducing activity level all the way to surgical repair. The first line of treatment for sesamoiditis is non-invasive. It calls for a strict period of rest and icing, along with full-time use of custom-made podiatric orthotic devices especially designed to offload the big toe joint and its under-ridding ailing sesamoid bones.

In severe cases, a customized high-energy laser treatment protocol will help reduce swelling and pain; the injured cells will be fully re-energized so healing will be prompted up. Pierre Dupont D. P. M. | Chiropodist | Foot Specialist suggests that during treatment, women should stay away either from flats and from high- heeled shoes.

When the condition is not abated by use of orthotics and soft lasers, a soft cast and an air-boot to offset pressure otherwise transfered on the sesamoids is recommended. Surgical last resort treatment typically involves removal of the sesamoid bones which is called a sesamoidectomy. The surgeon enters on the side of the ball of the foot, removes the sesamoid bone(s) and that is the extent of it.

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