Managing Stress in a Startup


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Managing Stress in a Startup

Presented by

Rob Flippo, Suha Jhaveri, Jose Lacal and Stephanie Warrington

Team Experience Over 88 Startups 70 Years Collective Experience $98 Million Raised

You Might be Stressed if ….. Your car heads to work regardless of the day of week or

actual planned destination. You can achieve a “Runners High” by sitting up. You can see individual air molecules vibrating. You begin to explore the possibility of setting up an IV drip

solution of espresso. You wonder if brewing is really a necessary step in the

consumption of coffee. Things become “Very Clear!!!” You ask the drive-thru attendant if you can get your order

to go. Antacid tablets become your sole source of nutrition. Your heart beats in 7/8 time.

Definitions Stress – The generalized response of the

body to any demand Stressor – Any event or condition that

initiates a stress reaction Internal Stressor – Stress generated from

within your work environment Deadlines, Funding, Meetings, Etc…

External Stressor – Stress generated from outside your work environment Family, Personal finances, Etc…

How Can You Measure Stress?Check muscle tension by "Scanning“

When you scan, you are checking different muscles in your body as if you could X-ray each part and look for tension.

Check hand temperaturePlace your hand on the side of your neck just above your collar. If your hand is noticeably cooler than your neck, your hand temperature indicates that your body is probably stressed.

Check for nervous sweating Many people perspire when they are tense. This is an involuntary stress response that is caused by the secretion of certain stress hormones. This is yet another simple indicator that your body is responding to some stressor.

Check for a rapid pulse rate (> 75 bpm) At rest, most people will have a pulse rate in the 50s or 60s. However, if your pulse rate is higher than 75 bpm, it may indicate that your body is responding to a stressor.

Check for rapid, shallow breathing

Sources of Stress?

Constant State of Doubt




In Order to Deal With Stress

Simply Create and




Escape Clauses



A Big Castle

Create Boundaries Separate work from

Home Separate your self

worth from your business' success

Compartmentalize feelings: personal vs. personnel

Create Escape Clauses Try to avoid

personal warranties Always plan for the

worst case Prepare the divorce

before the wedding

Create Optionality Can {thing you're

building} be used in other markets?

Are you increasing your skills to get a good job if needed?

Can {t} be sold to an acquirer?

Create Expectations First, be gentle with

yourself: delays are normal, not failure

Everything takes 2x longer and 3x $$

Does your family agree with you?

Under-promise Over deliver

Create Big Castle Create a clear,

compelling, vision Paint the picture,

often and loudly Show path forward Lead from the front Weave as needed

Choose your own…..Stressors



Release Valve



Choose Stressors Is it a ‘good’ or

‘bad’ stress? Opportunity?

Take it! Toxic

relationship? Lose it!

The constant doubt? Own it!

Choose Reasons What SHOULD you

stress over? Others? Self? Financial? Family?

Choose Battles How important will

‘this’ be at IPO/Big Exit?

Will it help you reach the Castle?

Is it worth the cost to relationships?

Does it risk creating more stress/battles?

Choose Release Valve That Is … Unique to you Restorative Self-directed Taking Time Makes

Time Has its own challenge

Learn a language Learn to dance Run a 10k Qualify to compete at…. Set a goal of some sort!

Choose Mentors Startup Stress by

nature is unforeseen Someone else has

been there/done that Someone with

similar stressors/ better reactions

Build on an existing relationship

Seek specific advice

Choose Your Perspective

Steve Jobs (2005):"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything -- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure -- these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. ... Stay hungry. Stay foolish."

Choose Perspective

……… or get a JOB