Managing stress by Ruth Lepago


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Stress Management

What is Stress?

What is Stress?

What is Stress?

What is Stress?

What is Stress?

What is Stress?

What is Stress?

What is Stress?

What is Stress?

I. What is Stress?

A) Stress is the body’s reaction to any internal or external demand.

B) The autonomic nervous system is controlled by the

hypothalamus which is known as the “master gland”

sc) The hypothalamus receives the message of danger from the mind and delivers a message through the nervous system that connects, like a hard-wire neuron system, to every other system of the body

d) The hypothalamus also delivers a message to the endocrine system to initiate the secretion of hormones. The hormones, primarily adrenalin and cortisol, flood the bloodstream and travel throughout the body to deliver information to cells and systems that will aid in creating the ability to be more speedy and powerful.

e) Epinephrine and nonepinephrine are released in the blood streamthat lead to immediate responses that help the person deal with danger either by fighting or running.(Fight or flight)

f) UCLA scientists found that the stress hormone cortisol suppresses immune cells ability to activate an enzyme that keeps immune cells young known as telomerase

g) Telomerase are the protective DNA complex at the end of the chromosome. The destruction of this DNA complex shortens life span and speeds the body’deterioration which makes the person grow old faster

II. What Can Cause Stress? A)Survival Stressors

When the body is in a tense situation, the body reacts with a burst of energy called adrenaline. This reaction causes the body to react quicker to the problem and hopefully have a better chance of good outcome.

B)Individual or Internal Stressors

1) Family Problems

2) Economic Problems

3) Personality Typea) Type A personality:ambitious,rigidly organized, take on more than they can handle, “workaholics”

Symptoms: Free-floating hostility, impatience, irritability

b) Type B Personality

Generally live in a lower stress level, work steadily, it is all right if they do not achieve, When faced with competition they do not mind losing

C) External StressStressors for Students are: a) New Environment

b) Overdemanding Classroom Environment

c) Athletic Requirments

d) Peer Relationships

e) tests

f) Parents Expectations

g) Failing Grades

h) Techno-stress

Techno-stress 1) When people cannot resist being online or being connected all the time and are always sharing constant updates. They feel they have to work faster because information flows faster. They habitually do multi-tasking and have very little time for sustained thinking and creative analysis.

2) Symptoms of Techno-stress:Anxiety, mental and physical fatigue, depression, lack of sleep nightmares, panic, cancer due to too much exposure to radiation, moral deterioration

III. Types of StressA) Acute Stress is brought on by a real or perceived immediate threat to our physical, emotional, or psychological well being

B) Chronic StressResearchers have now discovered that long-term activation of stress can have a hazardous, even

lethal effect on the body, increasing obesity, heart disease, depression, sleep disorders and anxiety.

IV. Forms of StressA)Eustress Positive Stress: It arises in any situation or circumstance that the person finds motivating and exciting

Some experts believe that stress may cause 50% of all disease

Scientific research has shown that stress:

is a leading cause of both cancer and heart disease is a contributing factor in death lowers the immune system contributes to unhappiness
