Joel Schlessinger MD FAQ - Tumescent Liposuction



Dr. Joel Schlessinger answers frequently asked questions about tumescent liposuction.

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Joel Schlessinger, MD


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Tumescent liposuction is a permanent fat removal procedure developed by dermatologist Jeffry Klein during the late 80s and early 90s. It has become regarded as the safest method of liposuction and the only method (along with SmartLipo) that Dr. Schlessinger performs at his Omaha clinic. Unlike traditional liposuction, tumescent liposuction allows for a quick recovery time and the risk for side effects and complications is significantly lowered.

What is tumescent liposuction?

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With the tumescent technique, large volumes of sterile salt water, local anesthesia and dilute epinephrine are introduced and infused with the area being treated. This causes the anesthesia to take effect and via temporary swelling, Dr. Schlessinger is able to easily remove fat through tiny cannulas.

How does tumescent liposuction work?

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The most frequently treated areas for women are the abdomen, hips, thighs, knees, back area, chin and neck. For men, the most commonly treated areas include the abdomen, chest, flanks, neck and chin.

What areas can be improved with tumescent liposuction?

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First, Dr. Schlessinger will mark the areas that will be suctioned. You will then be taken to the state-certified ambulatory surgical center where a trained nurse will administer numbing agents to the areas being treated. This process usually takes one to two hours, and you’re free to listen to music or watch TV at your leisure.

Once the numbing effect has begun to take place, Dr. Schlessinger will perform SmartLipo if you’ve both agreed to combine the two procedures. This usually takes about 30 minutes. He’ll then perform the tumescent liposuction to remove additional fat. This usually takes about 45 minutes. Afterward, you’ll be taken to the recovery room where you’ll be able to relax and have something to eat prior to being discharged to a friend or family member.

What happens during a tumescent liposuction procedure?

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Those patients who have tried to lose weight through healthy diet and exercise, but who still struggle with stubborn pockets of fat are good candidates for tumescent liposuction. Tumescent liposuction is not designed to remove large volumes of fat. It is not a viable method of weight loss or approved for getting rid of cellulite. The appearance of cellulite is often worsened with tumescent liposuction. Even though there is a procedure called Cellulaze that offers improvement of cellulite via a liposuction-like process, results can be highly variable and many individuals have actually noticed worsening rather than improvement with it. For now, it is safest to assume that cellulite will be worse after liposuction of any type.

Who is a good candidate for tumescent liposuction?

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Dr. Schlessinger recommends opting to have both SmartLipo and tumescent liposuction treatments. Patients find that more fat is obtained when they combine the procedures, and they also find that the SmartLipo allows for a smoother, more precise, contoured appearance. However, patients still frequently undergo tumescent liposuction alone in order to save costs.

Do I need to have SmartLipo along with tumescent liposuction?

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You should expect for skin to appear the same as it would had you lost an equal amount of fat through diet and exercise alone. That is, you’ll experience few changes. The appearance of dimples, ripples and stretch marks will remain the same, and some have found that they are even accentuated following liposuction. Excessive skin folds are rare, and many patients avoid the need for a tummy tuck due to their excellent tumescent liposuction results. If necessary, it’s safe to undergo a tummy tuck following tumescent liposuction.

What will my skin look like after tumescent liposuction?



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You’ll need to go home after your procedure and rest for a few hours, gradually increasing your activity level as you’re more comfortable. After one to five days, you may resume normal activities. Patients usually return to work after two days. During your recovery period, you’ll need to wear a snug elastic dressing, girdle or body stocking over the treated area. High-quality dressings are provided free of charge to patients after their procedure with Dr. Schlessinger.

What is post-procedure care like for tumescent liposuction?

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The most common side effect patients experience following tumescent liposuction is temporary swelling. Bruising is less common. In extremely rare circumstances, other complications can occur. Dr. Schlessinger will evaluate your health and educate you about any risks at your consultation.

What side effects can I expect to experience after receiving tumescent liposuction?

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Results vary from patient to patient. Dr. Schlessinger stresses that patients be prepared to lead a healthy lifestyle following tumescent liposuction so that they don’t risk gaining back fat. If you do gain wait after having SmartLipo or tumescent liposuction, it won’t generally be seen in previously treated areas, but it will be noticeable around those areas. For this reason, it is incredibly important to be careful and committed after this procedure. Dr. Schlessinger has seen many individuals who have gained even 10 pounds after this procedure and seen the results of their work disappear or be undone as other areas change.

How long will my tumescent liposuction results last?

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When choosing a physician to perform any cosmetic procedure, it’s important to make sure they have the knowledge, expertise and skillset necessary to do the job right. Dr. Joel Schlessinger trained with Jeffry Klein, inventor of tumescent liposuction, and has performed over 3000 procedures in the 20 years since he was first trained. At Skin Specialists P.C. of Omaha, you’ll be under the care of Dr. Schlessinger and his highly-qualified professional staff in the comfort of a state-accredited surgical center. There, you can always expect the best possible care and the latest technology in cosmetic surgery.

How do I choose the right physician to perform my tumescent liposuction procedure?

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