How cosmetic surgery can improve your facial appearance



Cosmetic surgery involves reconstructive as well as cosmetic treatment to enhance your appearance and self-confidence. It comprises surgical and non-surgical procedures that ensure good results.

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Faces and Figures Call: (302) 656-0214

How Cosmetic Surgery Can Improve Your Facial


Cosmetic Surgery – Achieve Better Looks

Cosmetic surgery today is a minimally invasive procedure with minimal

downtime, and involves only minimal scars and bleeding. Don’t make a

hasty decision if you are thinking of cosmetic surgery for the face. Collect

all reliable information and consult experienced surgeons to know how

cosmetic surgery can improve your facial appearance. Then, consider

whether the cosmetic surgery is affordable and suitable for you.

How to Improve Your Facial Appearance by Cosmetic Surgery

A brief description about various cosmetic surgery procedures available


• Eye lift is a surgical procedure in which fat and sagging skin around

the eye and eyelid areas are removed. The skin is tightened and

wrinkles are reduced to a great extent.

Cosmetic Surgery

Faces and Figures Call: (302) 656-0214

• Brow lift is an effective cosmetic surgery to eliminate wrinkles and

drooping of eyebrows. The procedure also lessens furrows and

lines, and removes loose skin from the forehead.

• MACS lift is recommended to lift the lower face and jaw line for

producing dramatic changes in your facial appearance. Chin, cheek,

lip and mouth are also enhanced to complement each other.

• Injectable fillers such as Restylane, BOTOX Cosmetic, and

Juvederm are used to inject fat into thin and saggy areas to restore


• Laser skin resurfacing scrapes off dead or unwanted layers of skin.

Facial liposuction is an option available to eliminate fat deposits

from various parts of the face.

• Rhinoplasty is another effective cosmetic surgery to restructure the

nose so that it is in harmony with other facial features.

Other than these methods, chemical peeling, microdermabrasion, collagen

injection and laser liposuction are performed to improve facial appearance.

Cosmetic Surgery – Factors to Consider

Firstly, you can make a self-evaluation about why you need cosmetic

surgery. Schedule a consultation with a certified plastic surgeon to find

out whether you are a candidate for cosmetic surgery. You can also get

information regarding recovery time, treatment costs, risks involved and

treatment procedures. This will enable you to set a budget for treatment

and other related requirements. Moreover, it is important to take at least

Cosmetic Surgery

Faces and Figures Call: (302) 656-0214

one week rest for avoiding post-operative complications. If you have

medicine allergies, severe health problems or inclination to tobacco,

alcohol and drugs, then cosmetic surgery might be unsuitable for you.

Associate with the Right Plastic Surgeon

Always plan to get the service of a certified and experienced cosmetic

surgeon working in an AAAASF plastic surgery center. State-of the-art

equipment and professionalism of trained staff ensure easy recovery and

quality results. You can check the testimonials of previous patients, and

available before and after photographs to understand how cosmetic surgery

can improve your facial appearance.

Contact Details

Faces and Figures

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Wilmington Delaware 19806

Ph: (302) 656-0214


Cosmetic Surgery
