Hermione's ABCs Chapter 40



I'm back with the first part of the Generation I Uni years! Betrayal and heartache with a star-crossed lover.

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Hermione’s ABCs Chapter 40


A Note From the Author

Um…hi? It’s been about a bajillion years (read: two months) since I’ve had a proper chapter up. I am sorry. Most of November was NaNoWriMo, and a lot of December was school stuff. I’m sorry it’s been so long, but they say absence makes the heart grow fonder. So I hope you’re fonder.I am easily distracted and a terrible procrastinator, so that didn’t help matters. :’[ But we have a chapter now! Yay!WARNING: Wow, I actually have a warning. Never thought that would happen. But be warned, there is some crass language in this chapter. So everyone get your mommies to read with you and don’t bitch at me for saying “bitch.” Thank you.


The house was dark, like most of the campus of La Fiesta Tech. A yellow taxi cab pulled up at the curb, and out came two brown haired kids. It was the dead of the night, a most terrible night for the twins. They didn’t know what was next for them, but they hoped someone would at least wake up and let them in.

“Can you believe we’re finally here?” Inigo said, an excited tone in his voice that he couldn’t hide. It’d been a pretty bad night, but he couldn’t contain himself.“Yeah, whatever, we have more pressing issues. Like, getting inside,” Imago said, sounding tired and irate. Inigo was sure that if her eyes weren’t clouded over and milky white, she would have rolled them exasperatedly.

“You’re right,” Inigo said.“Seriously, how are we going to get in without anyone noticing me?”Imago said, talking in his general direction. “What do you mean, not noticing you?” Inigo asked, puzzled.

“Well, they’re going to ask why I’m blind because, y’know, they’re not.” Imago explained. “We can’t tell them the reason, so we’re just going to have to hide it.”“Why can’t we tell them you were cheated out of your sight?” Inigo asked, the slightest edge in his voice.“Because then we’d have to tell them we’re Seers! Inny, it’s our secret. It’s always been our secret. We can’t tell anyone.” Imago insisted.“Anyone?”“Not anyone!”

“I don’t know, Immy. How are we going to hide this?” Inigo said, beginning to fret.“You’ll think of something. You always do.” Imago said.Inigo gave a rather irritated little sigh. “Alright. Say…uh…just say they’re contacts if anyone asks. But for now, just keep your eyes closed. It’s late, I’ll just say you’re tired. Okay, Immy?”

Imago smiled off to his left. “Thanks, Inny. I knew you’d think of something.” She winced and flinched suddenly, just as the words escaped her lips.“You okay, Immy?” Inigo asked.She nodded.“Vision?” he asked tentatively.“I think so…really short, though. You were playing piano back home…you were crying.” Her expression became puzzled. “I don’t know why.”“We’ll think about it later. Let’s go see if anyone’s awake.” Inigo said, guiding Imago up the stairs to the door.

Inigo knocked loudly on the door until they heard footsteps on the others side. “Who’s there?!” yelled an irritated voice as the footsteps padded across the carpet.“Um, Inigo and Imago Granger. We know it’s late…” Inigo said apologetically.

The owner of the voice was just as irritated as her tone. She came to the door and glared at the twins. “Yeah, no shit it’s late.” she grumbled.“Oh, hi, Faith,” Inigo said, waving at his cousin.

“Who are you again?” Faith asked blearily.“It’s me. Inigo. Your cousin?” Inigo offered.Faith merely glared.“Your dad is my mom’s sister? Imp and Isla and Ig’s brother? C’mon, Faith, let us in!” Inigo said, beginning to get desperate.

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t get your knickers in a twist, coz, it’s late.” she grumbled.“Could you let us in, please?” Inigo asked again.Another tired but far gentler voice called downstairs, “Who’s there, Faith?”Faith groaned and yelled back, “Isla, your stupid brother and sister are here!” as she swung open the door.

The rest of the house, pajama-clad, had made their way downstairs. Isla greeted her siblings cheerily, despite the hour.“Inigo! Imago! It’s so great you’re here, we missed you guys!” Isla cried.

Inigo smiled and welcomed his sister’s warm embrace. “Hey, Isla. It’s great to be here.”Imago, with her eyes half-closed, clumsily nudged Inigo’s arm. “Inny…” she muttered.“Well, I guess we’re all tired. Um…Immy especially. See you in the morning.” Inigo said.“You’re right, just as usual,” Isla laughed. There’s a room set up for both of you. We thought you wouldn’t mind sharing.”“That’s fine,” Inigo said, nodding. He and Imago made their way upstairs, with Inigo guiding Imago as subtly as possible.

Imago felt around and settled into a bed. “This is mine, okay?” she said unnecessarily.“Whatever. You really need to figure out the layout of this place. You can’t go out to class, but you can get classes online and stuff. I’ll help you. And you have to hide your eyes as best you can, the contact thing isn’t a very good lie.” Inigo said, listing the many things that being blind complicated.“How?” Imago asked.Inigo thought a minute. “I have another idea,” he finally said.“Of course.”

A few minutes later, Inigo said, “Well, it’s…odd, but it’ll do.”“What’d you do? Sunglasses? They feel heavier than sunglasses,” Imago wondered.“Well, something like that…”

“Remember that Halloween when we were old-style pilots? You wanted to be Amelia Earhart but I wanted to match so--”“You still have those goggles?” Imago asked incredulously.“Alright, no story then. Yes, I do, and the lenses are tinted, so hopefully we’ll be able to avoid any questions.” Inigo said.

“Are they tinted dark?”“Yeah, sort of. Dark blue. Better than nothing.” Inigo replied. He gave a start. Something about all this seemed familiar. A vision Imago had had as a little girl…Unseeing eyes through blue tint peering.It had come true. He shook off the surprise and said, “We’d better be getting to bed, Immy.”

The twins settled into college life with their siblings. Imago whiled away the long, dark hours painting. She didn’t know what she was painting, but she enjoyed it just the same. It was something to do, at least.

A few days after arrival, Inigo went to his first class. Inigo was a very intelligent kid, and had been accepted into an AP Physics class. The class was very prestigious, and only the best of the best even applied. Inigo wanted to be a scientist after college; he thought the class would be an excellent start.

Inigo was excited to be at college, but he was also very anxious. Inigo was not a social person. He often found he just didn’t know what to say. He had yet to meet someone from outside the family he could really call a friend, someone he could talk to, who he could trust.

The classroom was pretty much deserted. There were only a handful of kids in the class, and the teacher wasn’t yet there. Inigo expected everyone else was socializing outside; he’d passed a few kids on the way in. He sat down in the very front. A bunch of other places were occupied by bags or papers, and Inigo didn’t want to take someone’s spot.

He noticed the seat next to his was occupied. A short little stack of loose leaf paper marked the spot, with the top page covered in writing and doodles of stars. Inigo glanced at it. He wondered who his deskmate was. He hoped they’d get along.

Inigo wanted to take a look, to see if he could get a name, a common interest, anything from the writing. But he didn’t want to pry only to have his deskmate show up and find him snooping. He didn’t want to start off on the wrong foot, but at the same time he wanted anything to go by for conversation. The paper was covered in stars; did that mean something?Hesitantly, he pulled the loose leaf a bit closer.

“That’s not yours, you know,” laughed a voice behind him.Inigo nearly jumped out of his skin and pulled his hand away as though he’d been bitten. “I’m sorry!” he blurted out, anxious.“Hey, don’t freak out,” the voice said kindly.

Inigo kept his eyes down as the owner of the voice took the seat next to him. From the tone he could tell it was a girl, and his awkwardness seemed to multiply.“I really am sorry. I don’t want to be nosy,” he mumbled.“It’s fine,” the girl said easily.“I was just…” Inigo began, glancing up. He met the girl’s eyes and his voice seemed to vanish.

She was beautiful. The girl sitting across from him had jet-black hair that hung neatly around her shoulders. Her eyes were gray like storm clouds, and had a wonderful, happy light in them; they were framed by vibrantly red glasses. She was smiling, and she had the loveliest smile he’d ever seen. The sweet smell of apple blossoms wafted around her. As his classmate, she also had to be one of the smartest kids on campus. Beautiful and smart, and thus far, nice as well.“…just curious,” Inigo finished softly, finally finding his voice.

“Well, I can’t say there’s anything wrong with that!” the girl said, her smile widening. “I’m Vanessa Benson, by the way. What’s your name?”“Inigo. Inigo Granger,” he replied, smiling back.“Ah, famous last name you got there,” Vanessa said, sounding awed.

“It’s nothing, really. Just a name.” Inigo said quickly. He didn’t want to seem pretentious or anything.“True. But still, it’s got to be interesting to have such a sprawling family tree like that. I’d love to have one.” Vanessa said. “I don’t know much about my ancestors, they didn’t keep records like your family has.”

“So, are you liking it here?” she asked, seemingly eager to keep up the conversation.“Oh yes. I’ve been looking forward to coming here for awhile, I love to learn.” Inigo said truthfully.“Me too. My parents were super proud that I got into this class, but I’ve always been good in school. The sky here’s really clear as well, which is nice.”“Looking to be a meteorologist?” Inigo joked, wondering why clear skies would make this girl happy.

“An astronomer, actually. I love the stars, ever since I was a little girl I’ve been interested in astronomy. And you? Any hobbies?” Vanessa asked.Inigo had drifted off a bit when she mentioned stars, seeing as her gray eyes gleamed even brighter, but came back to earth to answer. “Reading’s always been my favorite thing. I want to learn…well, just about everything. I want to go into science,” he told her. She nodded; Inigo was amazed at how well this conversation was going, how easily he could talk to her.

Inigo had never been particularly adept with love. Imago had always been pushing him to ask someone out, but he’d never really wanted to. He hadn’t met anyone he really wanted to be with. But Vanessa was different. He could talk to her so easily with only knowing her for ten minutes, tops, and he’d never seen a prettier girl.But now that he wanted to ask someone out, he wasn’t quite sure how. He could only hope she felt the same connection he did, and that things would work themselves out.

“Um, I like your glasses.” Inigo said hesitantly, trying to take a step in the right direction.“Oh, thanks,” she smiled. “Red’s my favorite color, people say it suits me. Where are you living, in a dorm? I haven’t seen you in mine, most of the rest of the kids in our class are there.”Inigo shook his head. “No, I’m living with my family. What dorm is that?”“The one by the library. Shallow Valley Dormitory?” Vanessa said.

Inigo had been happy not to live in a dorm until this point. “Wow, you could walk to the library from there,” he said, impressed. The library at La Fiesta Tech was expansive, and Inigo had been planning to spend an afternoon there at some point.“Yeah, it’s great. The library here’s the best.” Vanessa said, nodding.

They would have continued their conversation, but at that moment the professor arrived and the first class began. Inigo couldn’t help but glance over at Vanessa from time to time during class, watching her work. He really couldn’t get over how lovely she was.

After class, Inigo managed to get another conversation with Vanessa. She seemed only too happy to talk to him again.“Tough stuff, huh?” she asked. “But I think I’m getting it. You?”He nodded. “It’s tricky, but I’ll be okay. Too bad we got so much homework to do before next class.”

“Yeah,” she agreed. Then she smiled. “Hey, maybe we could work on it together?”Inigo’s insides melted into nervous butterflies. “R-really?” he stammered.“Sure! Maybe there’s something you get stuck on that I’m good at, or the other way around. And the library’s right near my dorm if we need help. So what do you say?” Vanessa asked.“Sounds great,” Inigo grinned. “What day’s good for you?”“How about this Friday? Give it a couple of days for both of us to work on it separately, and then work it all out together. Okay?”

“Okay. I’ll see you then.” Inigo said. He was surprised Vanessa didn’t have anything else to do on a Friday night, but he was rather relieved.“Bye, Inigo,” Vanessa said, waving good-bye and leaving the classroom.Inigo stood for a minute in a happy daze. Maybe he wasn’t such a socially inept loser after all.

The Granger kids were all enjoying their college lives. Even though they were growing older, they were still kids at heart.“Augh! Ig, stop tickling!” Isla giggled. “I’m older, I’m supposed to be tickling you!”“You’re never too old for tickles!” Ignotus countered.

“Shouldn’t you be getting to class?” Isla asked as the tickle attack subsided.“Yeah, probably. Why’d you get glasses again? They’re cute.” Ignotus asked.“The optometrist said all the video games weren’t good on my eyes,” Isla shrugged. “Now go, before you miss class and get in a little Knowledge Sim fit about it.”

Meanwhile, Imperius had made a friend.“So what’s with the llama motif?” she asked, pointing to the patch on his jacket.“Sorry, Imperius, I can’t tell you.” Douglas replied with an air of utmost secrecy, which Imperius did not appreciate.“Tell me!” Imperius demanded. Douglas merely laughed.

“Hey, coz! Flirting doesn’t work that way, just so’s you know,” Knox said, choosing a perfect moment to return from class.Imperius blushed furiously. “Shut up, Knox,” she muttered.

“You’re blushing. It’s cute.” Douglas said as Knox went inside.Imperius smiled sweetly. “You know, the medical term for blushing is to vasodilate,” she said, trying to look smart.“Wow, you know everything, don’t you?” Douglas asked, impressed.

It should be noted that Imperius found herself a boyfriend. No plotting or planning on my part, if you’ll believe that. Douglas walked by, randomly heart-farted her, and they ended up with two bolts. Phooey on ACR, my Sims can find themselves lovers. Imperius really is her own boss.

Over the course of the week, Inigo worked on the tricky homework. He didn’t find it all too difficult. Even so, he couldn’t wait to go over to Vanessa’s dorm and spend more time with her.Finally Friday arrived. Inigo was finishing up a question on the homework; it was almost time to go.

Suddenly he heard a thunk and a massive yell of “OUCH!” He looked up from his homework with a start.“What the heck was that?” he wondered. But he had a feeling he already knew; the voice sounded all too familiar. He left the room, looking around for the source of the noise.

As he expected, he saw Imago standing by a wall, rubbing her head and muttering darkly to herself.

“You okay?” he asked. She spun around and adopted a defensive stance.“I didn’t walk into a wall! Again…” she said immediately.“Immy…” he said gently.“Okay, I did. So what?” she grumbled. “No one else is around.”

“Immy, you have to slow down and be more careful. You could hurt yourself,” Inigo said, his tone worried.“Fortunately, I live my life to the fullest and don’t take things slow, Inny. I’m not you.” Imago said, crossing her arms and talking off past him.He sighed. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?”“I’m fine. I’m not a little kid,” Imago grumbled.

“Immy, I don’t want to fight. I’m responsible for you--”“Why? Can’t I be responsible for myself?” Imago asked, an edge in her voice.“Immy. You are blind. You need help, and you won’t let me tell the others, so I’m the only one who can help you and keep you safe. Okay?” Inigo said wearily. “I just wish you never made that eye trade.”“I know what I’m doing. And…” she sighed. “And I’m sorry for snapping at you. I have a pounding headache.”“Visions?”“Yeah, the same things over and over. It’s so annoying,” Imago scoffed.“Like what?”“Stars forming hearts…like constellations, only heart shaped. Lots of red and neon blue.”

Inigo engulfed her in a hug. “I hope you feel better,” he said, nice to a fault as always.“Have you had any visions lately?” Imago asked.“No. Listen, I’m going out tonight.”“Oh really? Where?” she asked curiously.

“Just a study group with one of my classmates. It’s no big deal,” Inigo said, while truly it was a very big deal to him.“Alright. See you later,” Imago said, making her way carefully to her easel by the stairs.

“I wonder what I’m painting,” Imago mused to herself.Night fell outside and Inigo left for Vanessa’s dorm, butterflies in his stomach. He was excited but anxious, and hoped everything would go well.

The Shallow Valley Dormitory was across the way from the library, also bearing the name Shallow Valley. Inigo walked up to the door and swung it open hesitantly. He wasn’t sure where Vanessa’s room was.

There was a girl in the cafeteria, and Inigo decided to ask her where Vanessa would be.“Um, hi. Do you live here?” Inigo asked.“Yeah. What do you want?” the girl asked, surveying him with a glare.“Do you know where Vanessa Benson’s room is? I’m here to visit her.” Inigo said.The girl made a face. “You’re here for her?” she asked, disgust evident in her voice. “Whatever. Her room’s upstairs, but she’s probably up on the roof again. Watching the stars or some shit…she’s doesn’t talk to anyone. She’s such a freak.”

Inigo frowned. “That’s not nice. Vanessa’s a very sweet girl, I’ll have you know.”The girl rolled her eyes. “Like I care.” she scoffed.Inigo glared at her, then went upstairs and found his way to the roof.

She was indeed up there, watching the night sky. Inigo smiled upon seeing her. “Hi, Vanessa,” he said, walking over to her.

She got up and turned to him, a big smile on her face. “Inigo! Hi!” she said, sounding almost…excited? “I’m glad you came.”“Well, of course I did.” Inigo said.

“Well, you know, something could have come up over the week,” Vanessa said with a shrug. “I didn’t have much trouble with the homework. Did you?”“Not really,” Inigo admitted.“Well, that’s alright. You can stargaze with me if you like.” Vanessa offered, eyes alight.“Sure.” Inigo said. His mind drifted to the girl downstairs who’d said such cruel things about Vanessa.

“Are you all alone?” he asked.“I was until you showed up,” she said, glancing around the roof.“Don’t you get along with anyone here?” he asked.“Not really,” she admitted.

“Why not? I think you’re nice enough.” Inigo said. Nice enough doesn’t even begin to describe you, he thought.She sighed. “I’m not easy to get to know. Not very social. No one really gets it. But it’s alright, don’t worry.”

“And besides,” she said, brightening, “I have a friend now. You.”Inigo smiled. “I’m glad you think of me as a friend.” he replied softly.She laughed a bit, and it was like a melody to him.

“I’m not very social either,” Inigo said. “But I like you a lot, so I tried to be friendly.”A small smile spread over her face. “Well, it worked,” she said.

“I don’t really understand how people don’t like you.” Inigo said, strangely unafraid to wear his heart on his sleeve with her.“Really?” she asked quietly, “because I do…”“No, really.” Inigo said quickly. “I know you’re smart, and I think you’re kind and sweet and easy to talk to and nice to be around and…and,” he was afraid to go on but couldn’t stop himself, “and the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and you have the greatest smile and the brightest eyes…”

Vanessa’s expression had softened into a modest little smile. “Do you mean all that?” she murmured, taking a step closer to him.“Of course I do. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.” Inigo said, breathing in the apple blossom perfume.He knew what he wanted to do, but he was afraid. Thus far honesty had served him well, so he said, “I really, really like you. And I’d like to be your friend, but I’d love to be more. Would you let me kiss you?”She met his eyes. “Of course,” she whispered.

So he did.

They smiled at each other as they broke apart. Inigo felt like his heart was soaring. He could never recall being happier than he was now, looking into her eyes.

“You know, Vanessa, I was looking forward to stargazing with you,” he said.“I’d be happy to oblige,” she giggled.

They sat down on the roof and began to watch the sky. Vanessa pointed out stars and constellations, and they stayed there watching and talking for a long while.

Finally Inigo realized how late it was and that he should probably be getting home.“Are you sure you have to leave?” Vanessa asked, resting her head on his shoulder.“Yes, or else everyone will start to worry.” Inigo said regretfully, pulling her close. “Um…I’ll call you, then? I guess? I’m new to this whole dating thing.”She laughed. “You’re doing just fine, trust me.”

Inigo drifted home in a happy daze. Imago had waited up for him.“Inigo? Is that you? How was your study group?” she asked.“What study group?” Inigo asked dreamily.“Are you okay?” she asked, sliding off her bed.

“You sound dazed. Where did you go?” Imago asked.“Elsewhere,” Inigo said, still a dreamy tone to his voice.“Inny, I’m serious!” Imago whined.

“Well…I met a girl.” Inigo said, grinning. “She’s one of my classmates, and she’s the most wonderful, beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”“Wow. Really? I never would have thought.” Imago said.“Oh, very funny,” Inigo said, not even letting Imago’s snark bring him down.

“Whatever. It’s late, we should probably be getting to sleep.” Imago said.“You’re right. Good night, Immy.”“Sweet dreams, Inny.”

But Inigo had far from sweet dreams. For the first time in a while, he had a vision.“No…no…” he moaned in his sleep, tossing and turning.

He woke up with a start, unable to hold back a yell.Inigo sat up in his bed, panting, with his breath coming fast and shallow.

The vision came back to him in all its horror. He pulled his knees to his chest, suddenly cold.

It had started off pleasantly enough.The vision was of himself and Vanessa, standing together under a wedding arch. Young, happy, in love.

But then, in a flash, he was alone, unchanged, beside a closed casket. The meaning of the dream was only too clear.He, a Seer, was immortal; Imago as well. He could never be with Vanessa. Never. He would keep living forever, while she would grow old and die.He let it sink in for a moment. He could never be with her. He fought the urge to break down and cry. How could he go on without her? He knew they’d only known each other for a short time, but he was sure she was the one. He could feel it. But due to this power he never wanted, this curse, he was doomed to a life alone.

And even worse? Now he had to break up with her. And he couldn’t tell her why. Not just because he promised Imago, but because there was no way in hell she would believe him. How could she? He wouldn’t believe it if he weren’t a Seer.“I hate this. I never wanted this. Never.” he muttered. He hated this power. Because of it, he had to break the heart of his one true love. Because of it, they could never be together.

The next morning bright and early, Inigo got a call from Vanessa.“Hello?” he asked, stifling a yawn.“Hi, Inigo, it’s me,” came Vanessa’s voice over the line.“Oh, um, good morning, Vanessa,” Inigo said, giving a start.

But he couldn’t help but smile at hearing from her again.“I knew you said you’d call me, but…well, I missed you.” Vanessa said, laughing a bit.“That’s okay. Things are so crazy here, it might’ve slipped my mind.” Inigo said.“Really? A lot of people over there?” Vanessa asked.

“Yes. My sisters, my brother, my cousins…it’s pretty packed.” Inigo said.“I bet you never get lonely, though.” Vanessa said.Inigo felt a pang. “You’d be surprised.” he said, thinking of his immortality.“So, uh, when can I see you again? I could come over later today,” she said, her voice hopeful.

“Well…uh…like I said, it’s pretty busy around here.” Inigo said nervously. “Your place would probably be better.”“Alright. When?”Inigo began to feel sick. He had to break up with her the next time he saw her. He was trying to avoid it, but he knew he couldn’t. “Um, Wednesday should be good?” he said tentatively.“Okay,” she said, but he could hear she wasn’t entirely happy with such a long wait. “I’ll see you then. Bye, Inigo.”“Bye, Vanessa,” he said quietly.

“Are you seeing that girl again?” Imago asked. She had been eavesdropping, but Inigo was too upset to care.“Yes,” he said, even quieter still, walking back to hang up the phone.

He put the phone back in its place with a sigh. Next Wednesday. Only a few days away. He had to break up with Vanessa next Wednesday.He doubted he’d ever like Wednesdays again.

Happiness and love seemed to be blossoming at MiniHouse. Knox started going out with the house’s maid, Kaylynn, and Imperius and Douglas got even closer.

Around the same time, Abbey finally graduated and got engaged to her long-time boyfriend, Aldric Davis, Almeric’s twin brother. It was quite a tangled family tree the Grangers had, but they didn’t mind it.

“Well hi there, random paperboy!”Abbey moved back to Sahara Valley after graduation and got a nice little house. She immediately began planning her and Aldric’s wedding.

And soon, the day arrived. Doesn’t she look lovely?“Thanks for coming, Dad.” Abbey said, hugging Aberforth.“My pleasure. I wouldn’t miss my little girl’s wedding for anything. And I like the flower.” Aberforth said, grinning.The wedding was relatively small, with only family invited. Almeric came for Aldric, and Aberforth and Marsha for Abbey. But Abbey also invited her birth mother, Meadow Thayer, and that didn’t work out so well.

“Hi, Mom.” Abbey said, reaching out to embrace her mother.“Abbey, how could you invite your father?!” Meadow said angrily, refusing the embrace.“He’s my dad, like it or not, and he wanted to be here.” Abbey said firmly. “It’s not your wedding, Mom.”

Meadow and Aberforth were not on the friendliest of terms, even all these years later. Abbey wasn’t much bothered; she had long gotten over the fact that her parents would never be together. Marsha, her stepmother, had always been more of a mother than Meadow ever was.In all honesty I expected this feud to have cooled and was more afraid of flirting between Aberforth and Meadow, but I was sorely mistaken.

“Mom, could you please cut it out? It’s my wedding!” Abbey insisted.“No! You should have known better than to invite him!” Meadow refused, stubborn.Abbey merely sighed and tried to ignore her for the rest of the night.Let the record show that Meadow is a bitch.

But other than that, the wedding went off without a hitch--“Oh look, my carpool’s here!”--curse you, Music career. Abbey wants to be a rock god, and I suppose rockers don’t stop the beat for such a simple thing as marriage. But anyway, she happily became Abbey Davis.

Hahahahahaha. All I have to say. Marsha and Abe went around flirting and kissing and such and Meadow gorged herself on chips. Comfort food!If you’ll notice, Meadow did in fact get married. To an ugly ex-streaker from LFT. Who, if I recall correctly, I have yet to de-vampirize. His name is Kacper. And her equally ugly son’s name is Casper. Because she’s worth it.

Time skip! Abbey’s pregnant and takes out her wrath on video games. I kept sending her to work despite this. Because I am a jerk and this house is on maxmotives anyway.

Thusly, Abbey topped Music, quit, and took the outfit. I think it suits her marvelously.

“ALDRIC DAVIS! Don’t you dare catch your carpool as I’m going into labor!”Convenient carpool: 1Abbey: 0

But despite this, Abbey delivered a healthy baby girl.“What’s her name?”Amber Dawn.“Her initials are…?”A.D.D.? Why yes. Mission accomplished, bwahahaha.“You’re weird.”

Time skip!Urgh. Curse you, Nose-That-Must-Not-Be-Named-And-Won’t-Die. Amber Dawn takes heavily after her mother as far as I can tell. And all I can tell is the nose.Yay for brown hair and brown eyes. *grumble*

But, y’know, she’s an old-style, original Granger, like Abbey. Yes, there was a time when my Legacy’s genetics were this screwed-over, and my picture quality wasn’t much better. But it’s nostalgic, and Nose-That-Must-Not-Be-Named gets better with age, I find.

See now, that’s not as bad. Little A.D. looks so much like Abbey it’s insane. I think the nickname A.D. suits her, she’s a tomboy. A.D.’s a Gemini, 4/8/9/7/1. Very similar to Abbey’s personality of 3/10/9/10/1; Aldric balanced her out a bit.But back at La Fiesta Tech, happiness was devoid in one student.

Wednesday came too quickly for Inigo. He had been sulking all week, and he felt pathetic but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t want to do this.But if he kept things going with Vanessa, the day would come when she would grow old and die and he would not. How could he keep the secret, anyway.So with a heavy heart, Inigo went to the Shallow Valley Dormitory that Wednesday night.

He walked as slowly as he could to the dormitory and paused in front of the glass double doors. The stars of the quiet night sky reflected on the glass, reminding him of Vanessa, whose eyes gleamed like the stars she knew so well. Imago’s vision came to him suddenly. Stars forming a heart. The vision was wrong; it ought to be two broken hearts.

He walked up one flight to Vanessa’s door and knocked. He couldn’t delay it any longer. It was time.

“Inigo!” Vanessa said, pulling him into a tight embrace before he could say anything. “I’ve missed you like crazy!”Inigo smiled. “I have too,” he said truthfully. Now that he was here, he seemed even less sure of what he had to do. Couldn’t it wait? Couldn’t he let himself have her for a little while longer?But he knew he couldn’t. If he didn’t get this over with now, it would only be harder to let her go.

“Are you okay? You look awful,” she said, giving him a piercing look.“What do you mean?” he asked.“You look like you haven’t slept in days.” Vanessa elaborated worriedly.Truth be told, he hadn’t. He didn’t want to see the vision again, and he’d been tossing and turning from anxiety anyway. “Uh, well, I’ve been having some pretty nasty nightmares.” he said, trying not to lie any more than he had to.“You poor thing. You know, dreams are supposedly representations of what you’re thinking about. Stuff deep in your psyche that you’re trying to figure out.” Vanessa said.I wish it were that simple, Inigo thought.

“Look, Vanessa…we have to talk.” Inigo said, unsure how to go about this.She peered at him curiously. “Really? About what?”Inigo took a deep breath and took a moment to collect himself.

“I…you…we…we can’t be together.” Inigo stammered regretfully.

“Wh-what?” Vanessa asked, her voice small and pitiful. Inigo felt a pang in his heart; he hated seeing her like this. She was crumbling before his eyes.“You heard. Please don’t make me say it again,” he said miserably.

“You…you’re breaking up with me?” Vanessa whimpered, falling into tears.“Yes.” he said, wishing he could take back his words.She began to sob. “B-but why? I th-thought you liked me, I thought you understood me!”

Inigo went and put an arm around her, wishing he could stop her tears.“Vanessa, please, don’t think for a minute this is your fault. It’s not, it’s mine. Please understand.” he said softly as she shook with tears.

“So why are you breaking up with me, then?” she asked, sniffling. “If it’s not because I’m a freak and an antisocial nerd--”“Stop it, you’re not! You’re beautiful and brilliant, and I’d love to be with you but I can’t.” Inigo insisted.“Why?”He bit his lip. “I can’t tell you.”

“What do you mean, you can’t tell me?” Vanessa asked, pulling away from him.“I just…I can’t. You wouldn’t believe me.” Inigo said. He had been hoping she wouldn’t ask, but he realized it was a foolish hope.

“Oh, really? Try me. You’d be surprised.” she countered.“You wouldn’t believe me! You’d get mad!” Inigo insisted.“Like I’m not already! What, you’re from the future and being with me would cause a rift in the space-time continuum?”“No. Far more outlandish. Please understand. I’m so sorry.” Inigo said.

“I have to go,” he said softly, pulling her close one last time.She clung to him, and both of them kept the embrace for as long as they possibly could.

“Please don’t. But if you have to go, I wish you’d at least tell me why.” Vanessa said as they slowly pulled away from each other.“I can’t. I’m sorry, Vanessa.”“Did you meet someone else?”“No. You’re the only one for me,” Inigo said immediately.“So why are you breaking my heart?”

“Inigo, please stay. I love you…” Vanessa murmured.“I love you too. I’m so sorry,” he whispered.One last kiss good-bye, and he was gone.

Vanessa sat at her desk and dissolved into hysterical tears.

Come up to meet youTell you I’m sorryYou don’t know how lovely you areTell me you love meCome back and haunt meNobody said it was easyOh, it’s such a shame for us to partNobody said it was easyNo one ever said it would be so hard.

Inigo wandered the campus listlessly. He needed to be alone.When he was far enough away from the streetlights of La Fiesta Tech, he broke down.“Why?! Why me? I didn’t ask to be immortal! I never wanted to be a Seer!” he shouted to the night air. “I hate it! It’s hurt my sister, it’s made me hurt the one I love, it’s a secret I’ll never be free from!”

“Why me? I’ve smashed her heart to smithereens, and I’m stuck alone forever! Just tell me why!” he yelled, torn between wanting an answer and staying in the dark.“Sounds like someone’s having a bad night,” came an all-too familiar voice behind him.

Inigo spun around to see Cassandra, the Seer who had tricked Imago out of her sight. He wondered what sort of contrived coincidence had gotten her here at this exact moment.“What are you doing here?” he asked, mouth agape.“Merely taking a stroll as you were…I am in much better spirits, though.” Cassandra replied.

“Go away,” he demanded, voice full of venom. “You’re the absolute last person I want to see right now. Go!”“Temper, temper,” she said, her tone infuriatingly relaxed.

“It sounds to me like a certain someone is ungrateful for his gift.” Cassandra said.“I can’t be ungrateful for a curse,” Inigo grumbled.

“I never thought being a Seer was a gift. It was always a burden, a secret I’ve kept for as long as I can remember. Not being able to tell anyone is torture,” he explained, thinking of Vanessa, left desolate and in the dark. “I don’t think any good has come of it. Only secrets, sadness, and pain. Sometimes I wish I could just give it up.”

Suddenly Inigo remembered something.“Cassandra, did you ever lie to my sister and me?” he asked carefully.“No. I merely left out some things,” Cassandra said, almost defensively.“That book you gave us…it was all the truth?” Inigo asked, his eyes lighting up.She narrowed her eyes. “What are you getting at, Granger?” she asked suspiciously.

“I remember something from that book of yours. Something about giving up one’s powers.” Inigo said, grinning. “And by doing that, I can trade my Seer’s sight…for Imago’s mortal sight.”Silence settled for a moment as Cassandra’s expression became livid.“I…you…you insufferable boy!” she shouted. “How do you remember that?!”

“I rarely forget what I read. And even back then I hated my powers. So, if I remember correctly, I won’t get visions and I won’t be immortal if I do this?”Through gritted teeth she replied, “Yes.”“And Imago won’t be blind, but she’ll keep the powers she traded for?”“Yes,” Cassandra said in the same frustrated tone.“Perfect. Everyone’s happy. Do it.” Inigo said with an odd air of authority.

“You can’t just do this!” Cassandra yelled. “Don’t you have to think it over first?”“Funny, I don’t recall you ever telling my sister to think it over,” Inigo said, pleased he had managed to get her so upset.“Inigo Granger, you don’t realize what you’re doing by giving up your powers!” Cassandra said, choosing to ignore his words.“I’m giving up my powers, which I always hated, I’ll be mortal, and my sister can see again. That’s all I wanted, and that’s all I’ll get.”

“Yes, but there is something you don’t know. In truth, I lied to you and your sister once.” Cassandra said.“What?!” Inigo cried. “About what?”“I told your sister she was the more powerful Seer of the two of you, but I lied.”

“It’s you.” she said, a malicious grin spreading across her face.

“You’re wrong. How can that be true?” Inigo asked. “You said that because her visions come all the time, my sister’s the better Seer.”“A lie. You can control your visions. You’re not fainting all over the place. I believe anyone would agree that’s a better sign of power.” Cassandra said.

He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t care. I still don’t want to be a Seer. My sister is suffering, the girl I love is suffering, I’m suffering. I’m giving it up,” Inigo said, completely sure of his decision.

“Fine.” she growled. “Give me your hands.”“Are you sure Imago will get her sight back?” Inigo asked, hesitant to trust her.“Yes, your fool of a sister will be able to see again, and she’ll keep the powers she traded for, and she can happily go about it her stupidity. Give me your hands.” Inigo decided now was not the time to defend Imago, and obeyed Cassandra’s command.

“Inigo Granger, do you relinquish your Seer’s sight, rendering yourself mortal and granting Imago Granger her mortal sight again?” Cassandra recited through gritted teeth.“Yes.” Inigo said immediately. He felt a breeze rush around their linked hands, and felt as though a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders. With that, Cassandra took back her hands.

“There. You’re mortal. Your dreams won’t be visions. Happy?” “Very, thank you for asking.” Inigo said, grinning.She scowled at him.

“Do you realize what you’ve done? You’re mortal! How can you accept that so easily?!” she shouted at him.“Well, you know, I never much fancied the idea of immortality. And most spares around here stick around far past their time anyway. And Imago can see! Thank you.” Inigo said, his delight evident.“Don’t thank me! You are the most infuriating person I’ve ever had the misfortune of knowing! Just go away!” Cassandra said, head in hands.“Gladly.” Inigo replied. He realized he had to go back to Vanessa’s and hope she would understand.

He ran back the way he had came, back to the dormitory. He burst through the glass doors, warranting a number of odd looks but he couldn’t care less.

Vanessa was still sitting miserably at her desk.It always ends this way…I always end up alone. I thought he was different, but as usual I was wrong. Oh, I just wish he’d come back, she thought mournfully. Suddenly she heard a lot of noise and someone calling her name.As she started to get up, curious, her door burst open and there he was.

He was panting heavily, but he managed to say, “Vanessa, I’m so sorry. We need to talk. Again.”She met him with a cold stare. “What are you doing here? If you think there’s any way I’d ever want to talk to you again, you’d better think again, because I--”

Inigo cut her off, pondering how someone could be so cute when angry.

She returned his kiss almost immediately. She couldn’t pretend she didn’t love him. But soon she realized she had to know why all this had happened. He had to tell her.

She pulled away from him for a moment and asked, “Why did you leave me?”Inigo sighed. “I have a lot to tell you,” he finally said. “I want to be honest with you, but I’m afraid you won’t believe me. I don’t want to lose you, Vanessa…”

She took his hands in hers. “Look, you’ve been honest with me from the beginning. I’m sure whatever it is, you can explain it.”Inigo nodded. “It’s pretty…outlandish.”“Try me.”

So that night, Inigo told Vanessa everything. The visions that had come true, the prophecies, Seeing, Imago’s blindness, up until tonight.“…so I’m not immortal anymore. Honestly, I’m relieved. Forever is a long time to be alone.” he finished.

“Wow. You were right, that is pretty outlandish.” Vanessa said. She had been listening intently the whole time, and Inigo didn’t catch even a flicker of doubt. “But even so, I believe you. Firstly because I know you’re trustworthy. Secondly because I don’t think one person could imagine all that up.”

“Really? You believe all that?” Inigo asked, smiling.“Oh, I believe in a lot of crazy things. Honesty, hope, love at first sight…”“I never did until I met you.” he said, holding her hand.

They got up, both realizing the lateness of the hour.“You should probably be getting back home, right?” Vanessa asked.“Probably. Good night, Vanessa. I love you.”“I love you too,” she murmured, kissing him good-bye.He headed home with a heart far lighter than it had been a few hours ago.

Inigo was eager to tell Imago she could see again, but by the time he got home she was already asleep. He didn’t want to wake her, and decided it could wait until morning.He went to bed, happily anticipating his first vision-free night.

The sun rose over La Fiesta Tech the next morning. Imago woke up, blinking in the light and awkwardly picking herself up from under the covers. Another long, dark day awaited her.

She continued to blink, and slowly she noticed the blue of the walls, the metallic design on the window, the light reflecting off the glass window panes. Confused, she opened her eyes wide as the image cleared.

Images came before her eyes, the milky white cleared and the chocolate brown flashing in the light instead. She saw her bed, the whorled pattern on the wallpaper, her own two hands in front of her.“I can see,” she breathed.

“I can see!” she cried excitedly, turning to her sleeping brother. “Inny, Inny, wake up! I can see!”

Inigo awoke and smiled at his sister.“Inny, I woke up and I could see! I don’t know how or why, but I can see! Isn’t it great?” Imago asked excitedly, her face alight. He hadn’t seen her smile like that in a while.

“I know. Isn’t it just amazing? Now you can have a normal life again, and you still get your special visions like you wanted.” Inigo explained.“You know? How?” Imago asked, her brow furrowed.“I did it. Immy, I have so much to tell you! I had an absolutely crazy night, but I crossed paths with Cassandra and--”

Imago cut him off. “Wait. Cassandra? She gave me my sight back?”“Well, technically, but I--” Inigo began, only for Imago to cut him off once more.

“So she’s not all bad. I knew it! And you said I shouldn’t have trusted her. Now I have the best powers I can and I can see!” Imago said with an air of victory.

“Um, yeah, no.” Inigo said. “She’s still a manipulative liar. Let me explain, okay?” Inigo said.“Oh. Okay.” Imago said, clearly confused.“Remember that book Cassandra gave us? Well, it had a part that said a Seer can give up their powers and trade it for someone else’s mortal sight. So I did.” Inigo said.Imago seemed shocked speechless. She stared at him for a long while, dumbstruck.

“Why in the name of all that is good would you do that?!” she finally exclaimed.“Immy, I never liked being a Seer. I just didn’t. And I couldn’t let you go around blind for the rest of your life!” Inigo said. “And I didn’t want to be immortal.”“Why not?” Imago cried.

“Didn’t I tell you? I met someone,” Inigo said, his voice softening. “And I couldn’t be with her if I was immortal. She’s really great, and she believed everything when I told her--”“What?!” Imago interrupted.

“You told her? Told her what?” Imago demanded to know.“Well, everything. The Seer stuff. I mean, I had to sooner or later.” Inigo said.“I can’t believe you! It’s been our secret for what, ever, and you just tell the first girl who waltzes along?” Imago shouted.

“Immy, she’s not just some girl,” Inigo said, frowning. “She’s perfect, and I love her--”“I don’t care who the hell she is! It was our secret, it’s always been our secret!” Imago shouted.“How could I not tell her? You can’t have a stable relationship without honesty.”“What would you know? You’ve never dated anyone before!” Imago said, her tone cutting.“Immy, cut it out,” Inigo said.“No!”

“Immy, you can’t possibly be this upset over something so trivial. Did something happen?” Inigo asked.“Yes, as a matter of fact, while you were out telling secrets and canoodling with your girlfriend, something important did happen!” Imago shot back, spitting out the word girlfriend like it was poison.

Imago’s expression melted from anger to misery. “Last night…last night the heir poll results came in.”Inigo gasped. “What? Really?” he asked.“Yes, really, why else would I say it?”

“It was me, Inny. They picked me.” Imago said. “But I gave it up because I’m immortal. I couldn’t take it. So…so it went to you.”

“What?! Me? Why me?” Inigo cried.“I don’t know! The point is, you’re not immortal anymore. How are you going to give it up?” Imago asked.There was a moment of silence.“Who says I’m going to give it up?” Inigo finally said.

“What do you mean? Of course you’re giving it up! This means you’ll get old and die. How can you want that?!” Imago exploded.Inigo was forcibly reminded of Cassandra. “I don’t think this choice is yours, Immy. Maybe I want to be heir.”“You think you can just abandon me like this?” Imago yelled.“Abandon you? What are you talking about?”

“Exactly! You promised you’d take care of me. You promised!” Imago cried.“Immy, that was because you were blind. You are a grown-up, not a kid, and I can’t be your big brother and take care of you forever. I know we’re twins, but that doesn’t mean we can’t live separate lives.” Inigo said gently.“I’m going to live forever! And you…you’re going to die and leave me!” Imago shouted.

“You. Promised.” Imago hissed, her words full of venom.“Immy--”“You’re abandoning me. Just because no girl’s ever talked to you before doesn’t mean the one who does is your goddamned soulmate.”

“Immy, come on, get a hold of yourself. You’re overreacting,” Inigo said, trying to forget all the cruel things she said. “Please, if you’d just meet her, I’m sure you’d get along. Her name’s Vanessa and she’s so nice and--”“I don’t care. I don’t want to meet the bitch who stole my brother from me.” Imago said icily.“Immy!” Inigo said, but she stormed off, taking an armful of her things with her.

She left Inigo feeling confused and hurt. With a sigh, he decided to get changed and see if the morning could possibly improve.The gravity of his new status was starting to sink in. Heir. He was the heir. It was a massive responsibility. And right now, he couldn’t even keep the peace with his sister and best friend. How could he lead the rest of the family?

Imago went to the bathroom and locked the door. She got changed and flipped the goggles over her eyes. She could see now how ugly they were, but she felt incomplete without them.“I look like a freak,” she scowled at her reflection. “No wonder no one likes me. Not even my own twin brother!”

“I’m not good on my own. He can’t just abandon me!” she informed the mirror. “He thinks I’m all grown up and responsible like him, but I’m not. It’s his job to be boring and predictable and mature!”

“Hmph. Well, who needs him. He’s such a worrywart. Always telling me what to do. Now that he doesn’t give a damn, I guess I can go and be as dangerous as I like.” she said airily.She got a terrible idea, and decided to do it.All it took was a quick trip to her easel, where she had little packages of dyes for paint. It couldn’t hurt, she always had the stuff on her hands.

Many hours later, ignoring knocks on the door from concerned siblings and cousins, Imago was done. She pulled on a neon-bohemian dress she’d found at a flea market and told herself she’d never wear, laced up a pair of old boots, and tied her hair up carefully in a ponytail.

She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror as she was leaving. A grin flickered across her face.“Better,” she murmured, letting strands of neon blue hair fall over her shoulder.

Inigo was waiting near the door, worrying greatly about Imago. She’d seemed so upset.When he caught sight of her, he didn’t recognize her at first. She was some stranger with hair so bright his eyes became sore. She approached him with eyes devoid of emotion behind the blue goggles.Incredulously, he asked, “Immy?”“Yes.” she said simply.

“I…um…” Inigo said, at a total loss for words.Suddenly she smiled. “Do you like it?” she asked. “I used my paint dye, but I mixed it with water and I don’t want to wash it out anyway, so it doesn’t really matter.”“Uh, well, honestly, no, I don’t like it. Why did you paint your hair?” Inigo asked.

“Well, I looked like a freak anyway. Might as well make it seem like I’m trying.” she said.“Immy, you’re not a freak,” he said gently.“Oh, really? Then why are you so eager to abandon me?” Imago asked.“I’m not abandoning you!” Inigo said.

“Immy, you’ve always been telling me you can take care of yourself. Now I let you and you say I’m abandoning you. I don’t understand.” Inigo said.“Back then you were just being bossy and pretentious. This time is different.” Imago said.

“Look, are you mad I have a girlfriend or something? Because last time I checked it doesn’t really concern you.” Inigo said.“It does too! You told her our secret! It wasn’t your secret to tell!” Imago yelled. “And you’re leaving me to go be heir.”“Immy, I only found out about that today! Even if I didn’t want it, I don’t see how I could get out of it.”

“You would have found a way,” Imago said, scowling.“I don’t have an answer to everything, Immy, and I don’t know why you think I do. Please, just meet Vanessa. Then you can decide if you like her or not. Who knows, maybe you’ll get along.”“You can forget about that,” Imago said, her scowl deepening.From downstairs came a knock on the door. Inigo sighed and went to go answer it.

Outside the door was Vanessa.“Hi, Inigo. Would you mind letting me in?” she smiled, waving at him through the glass in the door.Inigo gave a start; Vanessa chose the oddest moments to arrive. But he smiled and said, “I’d be happy to oblige.”

She greeted him with a kiss and said, “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”“No, not really.” Inigo bit his lip for a moment, pondering. Imago said she didn’t want to meet Vanessa, but Inigo couldn’t imagine anyone could hate her given a chance to get to know her.“Follow me. There’s someone I want you to meet.” he said, leading her upstairs where Imago still stood.

“Immy--” Inigo started.“Who’s this?” Imago interrupted, glaring at the girl.“Immy, this is my girlfriend Vanessa. Look, I know you didn’t want to meet her, but just give her a chance.” Inigo said.Vanessa watched this exchange curiously, but didn’t say anything.

Vanessa stepped over, smiled, and reached out her hand. “Hi, there…um…”She glanced over at Inigo for a name. “Imago.” Inigo supplied.“Okay. Hi, Imago. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Imago threw her a look and said to Inigo, “I’m not shaking her hand.”“Okay then,” Vanessa said, letting her hand drop.

“Look, I’m only going to say this once. Stay away from my brother.” Imago said, her tone threatening.“I’m not afraid of you, not even if you look like you took a tumble into a nuclear waste facility,” Vanessa said coolly. Behind them, Inigo flinched. He should have known better.

“Shut up! I know your game. You act all sweet, but I know you’re just in this for the glory or whatever.” Imago said.“Glory?” Vanessa asked.“Don’t play dumb with me! He’s the Legacy heir and you know it!” Imago declared.

“You’re the Legacy heir?” Vanessa said to Inigo, glancing over Imago’s shoulder.“Apparently?” Inigo said hesitantly. “I only found out today.”Vanessa turned back to Imago. “If he only found out today, how on earth could I possibly know?”

“Look, I don’t know what your issues may be, but I assure you I’m not in this for glory. I love Inigo, despite what any possessive sister might think.” Vanessa said. “And I didn’t come here to fight with you.”

“Bullshit! You’re a liar and he might not see it, but I do!” “I don’t know what you think you’re seeing, because it’s not true.”“Don’t lie to me! You might try to take him from me but I won’t let you!”“Are you his sister or his psycho ex-girlfriend? Stop it!“Oh, I’m going to stop something, bitch!”

“Enough!” Inigo shouted.The argument halted. Inigo never yelled like that.“I’ll deal with you later,” he hissed, brushing past Imago with a glare.

“I’m sorry for what my sister said to you.” Inigo said, taking Vanessa’s hand.“No use apologizing for something that isn’t your fault. I’d best be off,” Vanessa said kindly.He nodded. “I’ll call you later.”Vanessa smiled and made her leave. Inigo spun around to face Imago.

“Look, I don’t know what your problem is. Oh, wait, yes I do. You are being a selfish, spoiled child. No, a brat. According to you I can’t do anything without your approval, but you can’t even fathom taking care of yourself. You can’t even deal with the possibility of me having a life without you!” he said angrily.

“All my life I’ve have to take care of you because you are reckless and don’t think twice before doing anything. You’re impulsive and immature and don’t care how you do it as long as you get what you want. I tried to stop you from doing the eye trade. I did everything I could. But nothing and no one can stop you. But now you’re acting like I owe you something, like you ever did anything for me in return for all I’ve done for you. Like you ever thought of doing something for me!”

“I just…I just wish you’d fucking grow up already, Imago!” Inigo finished, crossing his arms.Imago’s eyes widened behind her goggles.

With that, he stormed off, leaving Imago alone on the second story landing.

It took all her strength not to break down and cry where she stood. She hastily wiped away a tear that had slipped out under the rim of her glasses.

She couldn’t believe it. Inigo yelling? Inigo swearing? Inigo calling her Imago, not Immy? She could never remember him calling her anything but Immy. Never.She’d really upset him.

She’d exploded at him, at his stupid girlfriend, and now he hated her.This wasn’t the attention she had wanted.

Well, that’s all for now! Stella Terrano wishes you peace and happiness in the New Year! :D

“Haha! Checkmate! On myself!”Oh, Helena.