Hearing Aid Technology | Laguna Woods CA



http://hearing-aids-laguna-woods-ca.com Hearing aid technology has advanced over the past several years in part due to increased comprehensive research and development by large manufacturers.

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Call Today (949) 777-6521

Hearing AidsYou’ve Come a Long


Call Today (949) 777-6521

Hearing aid technology has

advanced over the past several years

in part due to increased

comprehensive research and

development by large


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Probably the most significant improvement is digital signal processing (DSP). DSP has become

standard since its introduction in the 1990s.

DSP allows for smaller devices, automatic adjustments, and

increased features.

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Most people with hearing loss could get along fine without hearing aids if

they lived in a quiet environment. However,

most of us live in constant background noise

including television, kitchen noise, fans,

appliances, and others when others are talking.

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Directional microphones Another way of

eliminating unwanted background noise. This

is done with two microphones working

together to improve the signal-to-noise ratio


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Feedback management

Gone are the squealing hearing aids of the past. By making a stable gain

measurement in your ears, devices are programmed to

automatically detect when feedback

(squealing) is going to occur.

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The use of multiple programs allows the listener to hear better in a variety of settings

such as quiet, noise, telephone,

and music.

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These options are available on most

new devices; however, not all of these options are available on every model. Talk to an audiologist to see

which of these hearing aid options are best for you.
