Health awareness


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Impact of television viewing on children The television is often referred to as

the idiot box. However it is the choice of

programs and the viewing time that is actually

to be blamed. On this program Dr. Ravi Malik

commented on the type of television content

commonly watched by Indian children. He

emphasised that children should not watch

horror and action movies and programs, as they

have a bad impact on their minds and psyche.

They also tend to notice and absorb the bad

aspects brought out in a program.

NEWS 24- 23rd May 2010, at 6:00-7:00pm

Ill effects of excessive intake of bitter bottle gourd juice Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on

the ill effects of bitter bottle gourd juice. Such

juice contains cukerbitocin which is very toxic

and can lead to death. He emphasized that bottle

gourd which is consumed as a part of one’s diet is

not bad but only those which are bitter should

not be taken as they can be toxic. Dr. Malik

informed viewers about the signs and symptoms

of toxicity including its impact on the

gastrointestinal system which can lead to

bleeding, hypotension, shock, and even death. It

also affects liver, pancreas and kidneys. Bottle

gourd juice should be taken only under the

supervision of ayurveda doctors and it should

not be bitter to taste.

NEWS 24- 9th July 2010 at 3:00-3:30pm

Death of children in a locked car This

program focused on the fact that children left

unsupervised in vulnerable situations such as in

a locked car are at a risk. Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on

the unfortunate death of children in a locked car

in Mumbai. The children had been left

unattended in the locked car by the parents. The

temperature inside the car increased, leading to

hyperthermia and suffocation, and resulting in

death. It is vital that parents never leave their

children locked inside the car, particularly

during summer season.

India- TV at 11:00-11:30pm

Importance of a balanced diet for children In this program Dr. Ravi Malik spoke

of the advantages of eating a balanced diet. He

advised mothers to plan their family meals well

and offer children tasty and nutritious

preparations. It is important that children and

adults avoid junk food which is most often made

from flour or maida, and is not good for health.

He also answered viewer queries. Balanced diet

should contain carbohydrates, proteins,

vitamins and minerals; all these nutrient groups

are important to the growth of children.

IBN-7 –

Conjoint twins surgery On this program

Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on a surgery performed on

conjoint twins, which is a very rare

abnormality. He explained the different types of

conjoint twins and the problems presented by

each condition. The surgery that was performed

is very difficult and risky. Dr. Malik appreciated

the fact that the government covered the

expenses for this surgery, and made it possible.

News-24 – 1:00-1:30pm

Harmful affects of air-conditioning This

program shed light on the unknown dangers of

air-conditioning. Dr. Ravi Malik spoke about

the ill effects of AC in a car, particularly when it

is used for a long period of time during a traffic

jam. This situation can lead to the accumulation

of excess carbon dioxide due to lack of

circulation of fresh air inside the car, which can

prove to be fatal in certain cases.

NEWS 24- 6th July 2011, at 4:00-4:30pm

Conjoint twins successful surgery. Medical expertise and techniques have

advanced for the betterment of human life. This

program focused on the complex surgery

performed on conjoined twins. Dr. Ravi Malik

spoke on the rare congenital anomaly and on the

complex surgery that was performed to separate

the twins. This procedure is very difficult as the

chances of post operative infections are high.

NEWS - 24 - 4th July 2012, at 8:30-9:00pm

Shocking intake of needles by child In

this program Dr. Ravi Malik spoke about an

incident where a two year old Brazilian child

was brought to hospital with 50 needles

detected in his body. The needles were spread

all over the body including the chest, intestine

and arms. It was a mystery as to how these

needles reached different parts of the body

either by accidentally swallowing or

embedding. These could be removed by

laparoscopy surgery.

India-TV – 20th Dec. 2009, at 1:30-2:00pm

Impact of superstitions Dr. Ravi Malik

spoke about superstitions regarding falling

babies. In this act where innocent infants are

thrown from the height of 40-45 feet by the

priest of mosque. He condemned such

superstitious acts which not only harm the

health of the baby but also endangers their life.

It can cause fracture to the neck leading to

instant death and in some cases permanent

damage to the brain too. Such acts lead to

multiple injuries to the body and shock leading

to death.

IBN - 7, 31st July 2009, at 6:00-6:30pm

Brunt falling on asthmatics, bronchitis and other allergic patients with onset of winter. Come winter and the public have to

deal with many environmental changes that

cause discomfort and ailments. During this talk

Dr. Ravi Malik commented on the ill effects of

fog leading to respiratory problems particularly

in children and the elderly. Fog can cause

serious asthmatic attacks in individuals with a

predisposition for respiratory diseases.

NEWS 24- 14th Nov 2012, at 9:30-10:00pm

Anti-peristaltic waves and hatyoga Dr.

Ravi Malik spoke on the anti-peristaltic effect of

hatyoga. He explained that it is quite possible to

take out any foreign body from stomach by anti-

peristaltic waves by practicing it as

demonstrated by hatyogi. He warned that such

type of events should not be done as during the

process the foreign body can get stuck in the

throat, which can cause choking of the

respiratory tract and death due to lack of

oxygen. He also explained that foreign body can

also cause adverse effects in the body due to HCl

present in the stomach and such a practice

should be avoided.

India-TV – 16th Aug. 2010, at 9:00-9:30pm

Death due to jogging on treadmill- how safe are gyms. On this program Dr. Ravi

Malik spoke on the side effects of jogging too

much. Jogging is good, provided it is done in a

proper way on a smooth surface with proper

shoes. During this activity we put about three

times our body weight on joints, and so, if

precautions are not taken, it can tear the

ligaments at the knee and ankle joints. Jogging

can also precipitate heart attack and angina, if

the person has a history of heart disease. Those

athletes who run marathon races can have low

pulse rate known as bradycardia.

News - 24, 27th July 2010 at 2:30-3:00pm

Workshop on major paediatric problems. Dr. Ravi Malik spoke about the

objectives of this workshop. He said that it was

observed to make people aware of the latest

equipment and treatments being carried out in

hospitals nowadays. The function was attended

by Dr. Venu Gopal, an eminent member of

medical fraternity. Such occasions give

members of the medical community a chance to

interact and learn from each other.

DD News - August 2006

Anoxic Seizure This program highlighted on

the disease, Reflex Anoxic Seizure. Dr. Ravi

Malik educated viewers about this condition. In

this disease a sudden cessation of blood supply to

the brain occurs and the child become pale and

suffers from seizures. These seizures are

different from epilepsy. This disease is

precipitated by fear and crying which should be

avoided, and the child should be allowed to

grow normally and in a happy atmosphere.

News-24, 4th Nov. 2009, at 4:00-4:30pm

Anaemia in India A large and growing

percentage of Indians are anaemic, and this was

the subject for this program. Dr. Ravi Malik

commented on this important subject of

anaemia, particularly in children and pregnant

women. He advised these vulnerable groups on

dietary and therapeutic regimes to be followed.

This condition can be easily controlled by eating

a balanced diet and following a healthy lifestyle.

PRAGYA CHANNEL - 17th March 2011, at 11:00-11:30am

Importance of Antenatal checkups This

program focused on the need for antenatal

checkups. Dr. Ravi Malik commented on the

country’s infant mortality rate and stressed

upon the importance of antenatal check ups.

Such checkups and related care are especially

crucial for women belonging to lower social

economic strata. He touched upon staff ratio and

increasing load in government hospitals, and

also on the working condition of life saving

equipment like ventilators and its backup.

DELHI AAJ TAK – 14th Nov. 2011, at 8:00-8:30pm

Seasonal diseases This program

highlighted the diseases common to the

changing seasons. Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on

caring for children during the changing seasons.

He advised viewers on the precautions that they

should bear in mind during such periods. He

stressed on the need to take special care of

children as they are very sensitive to changes in

temperature and due to their small surface areas.

RAJYA SABHA - TV at 8:15-8:30pm

Health education on artificially ripened fruits Artificially ripened fruits pose a threat to

the consumer’s health and was the subject of

this program. Dr. Ravi Malik spoke about

artificial ripening of banana by ethaphon which

is a harmful for health. When this chemical

comes in contact with skin or sensitive areas

such as eyes it can cause allergic reaction. In

some cases consumption of high amounts of

such fruits can lead to ulcers.

NEWS - 24- 29th June 2010, at 10:00-10:30pm

Adverse impact of television viewing on children The program highlighted the

type of programs watched by Indian children

and their impact on their minds. Dr. Ravi Malik

commented on the type of television programs

being watched by children. He chose to stress on

the fact that children should not be allowed to

watch horror and action programs as they have a

negative impact on the minds of children. They

also tend to learn bad language and behaviour

from such programs.

NEWS 24- 12th Sep. 2010, at 4:00-4:30pm

Save small children from drowning in domestic buckets. This program focused on

the sad incident of a child drowning in a bucket.

Unfortunately such incidents are more common

than one would hope. Dr. Ravi Malik spoke on

the accidental death. Incidents such as this one

are usually caused due to the negligence of the

parents as they are unaware of what their

children are doing. Children require

supervision while they are bathing in a tub or

bucket, or are in the presence of water.

INDIA TV- 8th Sep. 2010, at 1:00-1:30pm

Dangers of Consuming Spurious Tonics This program was focused on the

dangers of consuming spurious tonics. In his

discussion Dr. Ravi Malik warned viewers

against the use of spurious tonics which claim to

increase body strength and potency. These

products are misleading and offer little or no

benefit to the body. They are essentially taste

enhancers and in some cases can be dangerous

and even fatal.

INDIA TV- 28th May 2010 at 6:30-7:00pm

Congenital anomalies in children This

discussion focused on the need for people to be

aware of congenital abnormalities so that they

understand the condition and the choices that

lie before them. Dr. Ravi Malik commented on

the adventure of science, where a child was born

with congenital anomalies which were

separated by the latest surgical techniques.

These contemporary techniques in medical

science have helped correct some congenital

deformities which would have otherwise

remained unchanged due to lack of treatment.

IBN 7 – 13th Sep. 2009, at 6:00-6:30pm

Chemicals on toys playing with health of children. In this program Dr. Ravi Malik

offered his views on the dangers of playing with

hazardous toys. Toys that are chemically coated

are a health hazard to small children who often

put them in their mouths. He advised parents to

buy soft, age appropriate toys that would not

cause any kind of accidental trauma. He also said

that cheap Chinese toys are not good for the

health of babies and young children.

SAHARA NCR- 16th Jan. 2010, at 7:30-8:00pm

Adverse effect of silver foil used on sweets On this program Dr. Ravi Malik spoke

about adulteration in sweets, which have a

harmful effect on the health of the consumers.

Silver foil that is used in some sweets is made

from heavy metals like lead, nickel and

chromium which are toxic for health and

having carcinogenic effects. These metals

produce adverse effects on the nervous as well

endocrinological system. The silver foil is not

made from pure silver but from aluminium

which harms the functioning of the liver and


India TV – 26th April 2010, at 9:00-10:00pm

Role of vaccines, work and drugs on Swine flu. On this program Dr. Ravi Malik

commented on swine flu. He informed the

general public about this viral infection which is

caused by H1N1 virus. The symptoms are

similar to that of common viral infection. Dr.

Malik recommended that people take proper

preventive measures against this dreadful

disease as once it is established in the body,

particularly the respiratory tract, it can lead to

respiratory distress, pneumonia and death.

Tablet Tamiflu is available for certain groups of

people and should be taken only under medical

supervision. The vulnerable groups include

children below 3 years of age, those above 65

years, pregnant women and patients with a

weak immune system.

IBN-7, 9th Aug. 2009, at 11:00-12:00pm

House hold methods to detect adulteration Milk is consumed in large

quantities in most Indian households. Its

adulteration poses a great threat to public

health. In this program Dr. Ravi Malik

commented on the adulteration of milk and its

products like khoya. The adulterants used

include chemicals, soap and detergent that are

not meant for human consumption and can be

quite dangerous for health.

Use of toxic Holi colours causing human

health problems Holi is the festival of colours

but the use of toxic and tainted colours dampen

the fun associated with the festival. On this

program Dr. Ravi Malik commented on the side

effects of spurious and adulterated Holi colours

on the human body. The side effects of applying

such toxic colours include allergic reactions and

they are especially harmful for the skin and the


News24- 8th March 2012, at 8:00-8:30pm

Waterborne diseases and their prevention On this program Dr. Ravi Malik

spoke on the prevalence, cause and treatment of

waterborne diseases. He cautioned the viewers

against consumption of contaminated water

that can cause waterborne diseases like

diarrhoea, dysentery, jaundice, typhoid and

cholera. He advised people to consume clean

and safe water so that they can remain free of

water borne diseases. He also recommended

that in case a person falls sick he should report to

the closest medical centre.

CNEB – 23rd April 2011, at 11:00-11:15pm

Damages caused by consumption of junk food In this program Dr. Ravi Malik

spoke on the side effects of junk food in take.

Such food contains sugar, saturated fats and high

quantity of salt. He advised that teachers and

parents counsel children in school and at home.

Regular consumption of junk food leads to

conditions such as obesity and hypertension in

children. Tasty food homemade food like wheat

pasta and whole grain pizza can be prepared

with vegetables oils and less salt, and will be

good for the health of children.

News -24, 31st March 2012, at 9:00-9:30pm

Pesticides in vegetables and fruits Dr.

Ravi Malik spoke on the serious issue of use of

pesticides on vegetables and fruits. While the

use of the same is good, if used in proper

quantities, but injudicious use can harm the

health of the consumers. In high quantities and

concentration these pesticides can cause

damage to the brain and lead to carcinogenic

effects. Dr. Malik also pointed out that some of

the pesticides in use are banned but are still used

in our country, which is illegal.

News-24 , 31st Oct. 2010, at 10:30-11:00pm

How to detect adulteration The focal point of this program was the impact of adulterated dairy products on the health of the consumers. Dr. Ravi Mal ik commented on adulterated ghee which is made from animal fats and mixed with castor oil, starch, palm oil, wax, and artificial colours. Spurious ghee is very bad for health of human beings as it can lead to anaemia, swelling of body and even dropsy, which is fatal. Long term use of such products can lead to carcinogenic manifestation.News-24 – 15th Aug. 2009, at 8:30-

Wax coating on apples why? A health education debate. The program

highlighted the adulteration of fruits to make

them look more attractive. Dr. Ravi Malik spoke

of the wax applied on apples by many retailers.

This coating is done to make the apples shine

and it is harmful for the health of consumers as it

causes gastrointestinal and liver disturbance.

Artificial colours are used to make apples more

attractive. These colours are toxic and have

carcinogenic effects.

India- TV – at 5:00-5:30pm

Consumer advise to safe guard adulteration This program highlighted

the adulteration of dairy products such as

ghee and its impact on the consumer health.

Dr. Ravi Malik spoke about the adulteration

of mawa and ghee. Such spurious products

are contaminated with heavy metals mixed

with artificial colouring which are bad for

the kidneys, and in the long run can cause

carcinogenic effects. Often urea is mixed

into the dairy product and it can damage

kidney functioning.

IBN-7 – 17th June 2009, at 5:30-6:00pm

Demonstration of simple live test to detect adulteration in ice-cream This

program saw Dr. Ravi Malik speaking on

adulteration in ice-cream by mixing some

chemicals like urea, caustic powder, detergent

and artificial colours which are harmful for the

health. Such adulteration can cause lot of

diseases like cholera, gastroenteritis, typhoid

and jaundice. He educated viewers by

performing some live tests on ice-creams to

detect adulteration. These tests can be

performed by people at home to check eatables

for adulteration.

India TV - 15th April 2010, at 6:30-7:00pm

Dangers of mobile phone use The

program saw Dr. Ravi Malik speaking on the

hazardous effects of mobile phone. Mobile

phones cause radiation due to their constant

electromagnetic effects. Dr. Malik advised

viewers to keep their mobiles about half a meter

away from the body and try to use handsets or

speakers as much as possible. Such devices are

harmful for the brain and can even cause brain

cancer. The use of mobile phones should be

minimized as much as possible, to avoid


News Nation – 3rd March 2013, at 2:30-3:00pm

Vegetables and fruits made unsafe for human consunption by using chemicals This program shed light on the

grave issue of toxic vegetables. Dr. Ravi Malik

commented on how vegetables are being

contaminated by harmful chemicals which are

injected into the vegetables. Such chemical

additions can cause diseases like ulcers, cancer

and many others due to their chemicals effects.

The doctor informed viewers to be cautious of

such vegetables and to choose their green

shopping carefully.

News - 24, 9th July 2010, at 9:00-9:30pm

Coldest day of the year - how to take care of your health in winter. The cold

season affects the body in many ways and special

care needs to be offered; this was the topic of this

program. In this discussion Dr. Ravi Malik spoke

on the precautions that viewers needed to keep

in mind during winters. He asked viewers to

ensure that they wore woollen clothes, avoid

going out early morning or late night, keep

hands & head well covered and laid special

emphasis on the clothing of children as they are

more susceptible to the cold wave.

TOTAL TV- 16th Dec. 2011, at 8:00-8:30pm
