Healers Unite Magazine | September 2013



The theme for the Healers Unite Magazine is inspiration, self-care, conscious living, green living, cooperation, collaboration, modality awareness and of course exposure for our authors. This group was developed as an opportunity for natural health and well-being practitioners from any modality to form community and share techniques, inspiration and expertise. An excellent opportunity to build your referral network, build your list, sell your products and merchandise, and build community with others who share your commitment to more natural and health oriented ways of life. For our visitors, this was a place to find healers, practitioners and products to aid in of their health and well-being. There is also a wealth of information and resources to inform and enlighten you in expanding the possibilities of the powerful creator that you are. Contact information: karen@gotocoach.net This months edition offer healers, coaches and spiritual guides solutions to prepare to grow their business. Our research uncovered the top reasons entrepreneurs are not able to grow their service-based businesses. The Top Seven Reasons Are: 1-They are not utilizing, do not know about, or are afraid of the resources that can support them. 2- They are stressed out and overworked, often times need healing themselves. 3- They lack the ability to set clear boundaries, communication issues and the need to be with "like-minded" people supersedes their ability to grow beyond what they know. 4- Often times they lack a personal support support system in their home life (partner, family, friends, community) to encourage them when they begin to doubt themselves. 5- The stress, longing and sometimes fear begins to take them to a darker place, they find only temporary relief through their own light. However, because they are not fulfilling their mission they must continually battle the darkness within and because they are not supported they keep waiting for the universe to help them. They are so busy with helping others they often do not see the help when it comes to them. 6- They are disorganized, afraid of, or uneducated about technologies that would make their life easier. They have a vision and a plan but are unable to clearly define strategies to move them there. 7- The ability to create movement within their team or they don't have a team to help support them in their business The Solutions are revealed in the Healers Unite Magazine, and a lead into and information about the courses offered in this years TeleSummit.

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GEEC RAG Magazine | Volume LXXX | September 2013


Stories of Inspiration Inside This Edition: The Benefit Of Healers Unite Growing Your Healing Business Improve Your Focus To Balance Life Building A Support System Adding Techniques To Your Practice Introduction to Love-Based Leadership TM Self-Care For Care-Takers Healing Your Heart






Healing(Your(Heart by Angela Schaefers

Sometimes! our! heart! hurts,!deep! down! inside,! because!there! are! parts! of! our! story!that!have!not!been!resolved.!Our! story! is! so! powerful,!from! beginning! of! life! to!present,! it! carries! the!experiences! of! our! journey.!Some! of! those! experiences!are!wildly! beautiful! and!we!are! filled! with! amazement!when! we! reflect! on! them.!Some!are!not!so!beautiful.!!Every! moment! intertwined,!that! creates! our! story,! is!

potent!because!it!teaches!us.!It! teaches! us! about! life,!others!and!mostly!about!our!self.! The! part! of! our! story!that! is! not! beautiful! is! a!compelling! learning! tool.!From! our! deepest! pain,! our!struggles! and! our! hurt! we!can!learn!much.!It!is!when!we!choose!to!face!those! difficult! feelings;!shame,!guilt,! fear,!anger!etc.!that! we! can! truly! begin! the!healing! process.! Journaling!your! experiences! (your!story),! talking! with! a! coach!or! counselor! or! expressing!your! feelings! in! other! ways!(art,! music,! etc.)! is! a! great!way! to! address! your!feelings.!!You! do! not! need! to! unravel!the! learning! in! your! story!quickly,!it!is!a!process.!!Take!

your! time! in! the! process.!Care! for! yourself! in! the!process.!Let!others!help!you!and! support! you! in! the!process.! Remember! that!your! story! did! not! happen!overnight,! learning! and!healing! from! it! will! not!either.!When! your! heart! is! healed,!you! are! free! to! truly! love!yourself! and! those! around!you.!When!you!love!yourself!and! others,! the! possibilities!for! wonderful! and! amazing!things! to! happen! in! life! are!multiplied! immensely.! Let!the!amazing!begin!!!“There! are! many! gems! of!wisdom! in! our! stories.!Discovering! those! gems! is! a!gift!that!is!unique!to!each!of!us.! You! are! a! treasure! of!multifaceted! gems.”! ~!


Angela!Schaefers!is!a!speaker!and!writer.!She!produces! and! hosts! Your! Story! Matters!show,! interviewing!people! globally! to! share!their!inspirational!stories.!!

Angela! speaks! and! shares! her! own! story! of!overcoming! tragedies! since! childhood! and!facing! stage! IV! cancer.! She! is! a! keynote! for!organizations!and!at!events.!Angela’s!writing!encourages! others! and! motivates! them! to!

learn! from! their! journey.!Angela! authored!her!memoir!Grief! to!Grace,! has!published!Your!Story!Matters!You!Matter!A!guide! to!healing,! learning! from!and! sharing!your! story!and! is!completing!her!next!book;!Cancer!Doesn’t!Come!Wrapped!In!A!Pretty!Ribbon.!



Benefits(of(Healers(Unite by Karen Monteverdi, CPC

Healers!Unite!was!formed!in!2009,! and! has! become! a!fabulous! way! to! promote!love! and! light! in! our!community!of!healers.!!!Our!Key!Partners!help!us! in!our! business! to! fulfill! those!needs! we! cannot! do!ourselves.!!Some! activities! are! better!left! to! another! expert.! For!those! we! outsource,! create!referrals,! affiliates! and! joint!ventures.!!In! the!world!of!business!we!call! these! experts,! Key!Partners.! They! deliver! Key!Resources! or! complete! Key!Activities! (actual! tasks! and!actions)! required! to! create!success!for!our!clients.!!

Key! partners! are! an!essential! part! of! any!business!model.!!!!The! Healers! Unite! program!was!originally!developed!by!!GreenMountain! Enrichment!and! Empowerment! Center!and!through!our!branches!of!service:! Living! Consciously!Education! Program,! Life!Skills! Training! Program,!BizRichment! and! our!Leadership! and!Development! Programs! our!Key!Partners!are!essential!to!the!success!of!our!business.!!Supporting! Healers! Unite!Magazine,! and! the! Healers!Unite! programs! are!available! to! all! for! free,! or!depending! on! the! support!we! receive! we! are! keeping!these! resources! at! a!

affordable! prices.! This!allows! for! business!enrichment! program! to!serve! our! healing!community! with! valuable!information! and! detailed!plans!of!action.!!!We!are!continually!updating!the! healers! unite! magazine!site,! adding! articles! you!have! requested.! We!consciously! go! out! into! the!world! and! find! the! experts!who!can!help!you!with!your!questions,! comments! or!curiosities.!

We!are!a!free!service!to!you,!to!our!authors!and!offer!you!products! and! services! to!assist! you! in! your! ability! to!take! your! health! and!wellbeing! into! your! own!hands.!

This!month! we! are! offering!a! free!email! series! and!next!month! we! are! showcasing!some! of! the! authors,!speakers! and! professional!business! people! who! have!been! offering! you! free!services,! advice,! tips,!strategies!and!alike.!!

Our!vision!was!first!to!Unite!Healers,! Coaches! and!Spiritual! Leaders! to! resolve!some!very!specific!problems!in! our! industry.! We! have!done! that! through! several!means:!

• Lectures!&!Seminars!• Workshops!• TeleCourses!• Master!Mind!Groups!• Social!Media!Groups!• Business!Development!• Key!Partner!Collaboration!

Through! our! work! with!people!just!like!you,!we!have!noted!the!top!seven!reasons!

from! our! joint! experiences!of! the! issues! business!owners! are! struggling! in!their! businesses.! Statistical!data! from! the! Small!Business! Administration!reports! that!80%!of!all!new!coaches! failed! to! create! a!selfYsustaining! income!through!coaching!in!the!first!year.!!

Further! discovery! proved!that!65%!of!practitioners! in!the! healing! community!specifically! alternative!health! industry!went! out! of!business! in! the! first! year.!Further! studies! proved! that!within!the! first! five!years!of!business,! when! other!businesses! show! significant!growth,! our! industries! are!not!succeeding.!This!gave!us!pause,! and! armed! with! the!knowledge! we! could! help!we! created! seven! programs!to! serve! our! community.!The!first!part!of!this!summit!


The! second! part! of! the!summit! offers! specific!courses! offering! the!solutions! of! these! seven!issues! in! a! month! long!program! for! a! low! cost! of!just!$97.!


The! Top! Seven! Reasons!Entrepreneurs! Can’t! Grow!their!Business!are:!

!1YThey! are! not! utilizing,! do!not! know! about,! or! are!afraid! of! the! resources! that!can!support!them.!


!3Y! They! lack! the! ability! to!

set! clear! boundaries,!communication! issues! and!the! need! to! be! with! “likeYminded”! people! supersedes!their!ability!to!grow!beyond!what!they!know.!

!4Y! Often! times! they! lack! a!personal! support! system! in!their! home! life! (partner,!family,! friends,! community)!to! encourage! them! when!they! begin! to! doubt!themselves.!

!5Y! The! stress,! longing! and!sometimes! fear! begins! to!take!them!to!a!darker!place,!they! find! only! temporary!relief! through! their! own!light.!!

However,! because! they! are!not! fulfilling! their! mission!they!must!continually!battle!the! darkness! within! and!because! they! are! not!supported!they!keep!waiting!

for! the! universe! to! help!them.!!

They! are! so! busy! with!helping!others!they!often!do!not! see! the! help! when! it! is!presented!to!them.!

!6Y! They! are! disorganized,!afraid! of,! or! uneducated!about! technologies! that!would!make!their!life!easier.!

!They! have! a! vision! and! a!plan! but! are! unable! to!clearly! define! strategies! to!move!them!there.!

!7Y! The! ability! to! create!movement!within!their!team!or!they!don’t!have!a!team!to!help! support! them! in! their!business.!


!October! 3rd! through! the!24th,!2013!:!

During! this! TeleSummit! we!will! be! offering! the! steps! to!prepare! you! to! grow! your!business! to! help! even!more!people.!

If!you!haven’t! signed!up!yet!then! you’ve! missed! some!important! information.! But!don’t! worry;! we’ve! got! you!covered.! We’ve! created! a!special! place! you! can! find!the! information! we’ve!already!released.!!

Sign! up! now! and! you’ll! get!access! to! the! valuable!treasure! trove! of!information.! This! part! of!course!is!no!charge!to!you.!

































Growing(Your(Healing(Business by Healers Unite Team

When! I! started! out! in! my!business!I!really!had!no!clue!what! I! was! doing.! I! just!wanted! to! help! people! and!though! I! had! a! successful!Computer!Aided!Design!and!Drafting!Business!this!was!a!whole!new! type!of! service! I!was!providing.!!!I! didn’t! really! have! the!confidence! it! took,! the!support! system! I! needed! or!the!understanding!of!how!to!be! of! service! to! people! in! a!way! that! would! bring! them!to! understand! what! I! did,!and! why! it! was! needed! in!

their!life.!!I! thought! Life! Coaching! is!Awesome!everyone!will!love!it!!!Well! it! was! true! those! who!came!to!me!loved!it.!But!not!too! many! people! came.! I!didn’t! really! get! it.! Why!wouldn’t!people!just!eat!this!stuff!up?!!The! fact! is! they! do.! I! just!didn’t! know! how! to! share!the! information! with! them.!People! would! come! to! my!website! and! say,! I! really!don’t! understand! what! you!do.!!I! didn’t! know! how! to! share!my! message! in! a! way! that!would!help!my!future!clients!understand! they! would! be!

my!future!clients.!!!Fortunately! I! learned! the!hard!way,!but!I!learned.!!!It!was!about!speaking!to!the!public!in!way!they!were!use!to! being! spoken! to! where!you!talk!to!their!pain.!YUCK!!!It! didn’t! work! for! me.! I!couldn’t! authentically! put!more! pain! into! the! world!and!live!with!myself.!!!I!started!out!by! failing,! then!doing! research! to!understand! what! I! needed!to!say!and!how!to!say!it!in!a!way! that! allowed! me! to!sleep!at!night.!!Then! I! was! ready! to! grow!my! business! beyond!working! with! just! one!

person!at!a!time.!So!I!began!giving! classes,! and! teaching!about! what! we! did! at!GreenMountain! Enrichment!and! Empowerment! Center.!!I! went! to! The! Big! Shift! in!San! Francisco! and! spent!over! $1000! just! learning!that! I! wasn’t! prepared! to!grow.! Expensive! but!valuable!lesson,!so!what!did!it!take!to!move!my!business!up!to!the!next!level?!!I!went! back! to!my! research!and!found!there!were!seven!areas!I!needed!to!firm!up!in!my! foundation! before! I!could! move! my! business!beyond! 50k! a! year.! I! found!others!who!had! also!moved!their!business!beyond!50k!/!year! and! discovered! the!same! seven! area! had! to! be!firmed! up! to! move! them! to!the!next! level.!Then! I! spoke!with! businesses! in! the!healing! industry! that! were!thriving! beyond! 100k! a!

year.! Again! the! same! seven!strategies!had!to!be!in!place.!!!When! I! began! researching!others! who! like! me,! were!wanting! to! grow! but! were!not! able! to!move! forward,! I!found! these! same! seven!strategies! were! not! being!taken! care! of! in! their! life! of!business.!!I! organized! the! strategies!into! a! 7Wstep! process! to!prepare! myself! to! grow!my!own!business.!It!worked!!!!I!was!able!to!take!a!quantum!leap!ahead.!!!Now! back! to! the! 7Wsteps.! I!knew!I!did!not!want!to!offer!all! the! courses! myself,! so! I!went! searching! for! experts!who! could! handle! the! other!six! steps.!The! first! step!was!mine,! and! it! was! easy!Uniting! Healers,! Coaches!and! Spiritual! Leaders! to!

help! them! get! their!message! to! the! world.! !I!do!that!with!ease.!!!I!now!call!this!process!!Create& Techniques& to&Prepare& to& Grow& Your&Business& through& Key&Partners.!!I! naturally! have!something! very! valuable!to! offer! in! exchange.! My!latest! endeavor! Healers!Unite! Magazine! is! an!example! of! that.! You! too!are!moved!by!my! energy!of! uniting,! how! do! I!know?! You! joined! the!Healers! Unite! Magazine!Subscription! and! are!reading!this!text.!!!Today!you!are!offering!to!support! our! community!by! sending! us! an! article.!This! is! also! my! way! of!supporting! you.! Creating!a! winWwinWwinWwin!scenario.! You! win,! I! win,!the!community!wins,!and!those! that! receive! the!support!from!your!advice!win.!!We! pooled! our! research!and! together! we! shared!with!you! the! top! reasons!entrepreneurs! are! not!able! to! grow! their!serviceWbased! businesses!



Improve(Your(Focus by Kimberly Palm, CMI

I! work!with! people! all! over!the! world! who! want! to! be!healthy!and!happy.!!

I! love! to! meet! and! work!with! heartWcentered!entrepreneurs! to! assist!them! to! reduce! stress! and!simplify! their! lives! so! they!have!the!time!and!energy!to!grow! their! business! with!confidence.!!

I! understand! most!entrepreneurs!have! families!they’re! caring! for,! parents!and/or!maybe!have!a!couple!of! teenagers! at! home.!Through! it! all! they! are!trying! to!balance!both! lives:!business,!and!home.!!

We!are!successful,!so!we!are!expected! to!have! it!all,!do! it!all! and! be! perfect! at! it.!!

Living! up! to! those!expectations! can! be! a!challenge!unless!we!learn!to!create! peace! in! our! selves!first.!!

When I was asked to become a part of the Healers Unite Telesummit, I said yes because we all have a mission to heal the planet.

My passion is helping people live longer, happier and healthier with stress reduction.

The world is going through many difficult and necessary changes. I recognize that the world needs you to be healthy and happy.

I would like to invite you to join us. Find out how you can have more time and energy.


I! am!here! to!help,!my!name!is!Kimberly!Palm,!CMI.!

During! the! Healers! Unite!TeleSummit! educational!email! series;!receive! free!informational!videos,!audios!and! my! survey! to! help! you!break! those! strings! that!bind!you.!

Register! today! and! receive!information!until!October!2nd.!



Building(Your(Support(System by Laura Wilson, CPC

I! primarily! work! with!

business! owners! who! are!

not! getting! the! support! and!

the! love! at! home! that! they!



I! love! my! work,! because! I!


supportive! relationship,! we!

really! are! able! to! blossom!




again! having! the! support!


to! succeed! in! your!work,! as!




I! am! the! expert! business!


world! turn! to! when! they!

need! to! win! over! their!

family! and! get! the! love! and!

support! they! need! to! build!



I! am! fully! aligned! with! the!



My! name! is! Love! Coach!

Laura! Wilson,! and! I! live! in!



Because! I! work! with!

business! owners! through!

technologies! such! as! Skype,!

conference! calling! and!

webinars! on! the! Internet;!

the! team! knew! I! was! the!

perfect! choice! to! help! you!



In! my! class! Creating)Relationships) that) Support)Your) Dreams:) Building) a)Support) System) for) Your)Business) Success) you! will!learn! to! first! believe! and!



You! will! learn! that! you! can!

communicate! your! truth! so!


your! side.! You! will! set! an!


you! and! powerfully! aligns!



Register! today! and! receive!




Guided Visualization – The Cornerstone To Profound Healing by Elaine Lockard, CMEC

I!am!known!as!the!Credibility!&!Confidence!Alchemist.!!In!my!audio!I!will! introduce!you! to! my! course:!Guided) Visualization,) The)Cornerstone) To) Profound)Healing.!!!In! this! recording! I! will!illustrate! the! results! using!an!ancient!technique!passed!down! in! metaphysical!circles! to! initiate! profound!healing.!!!Listen!now!to!learn!how!my!course! will! facilitate! your!clients!to!let!go!of!their!pain!and!increase!your!profit.!!


During! the! Healers! Unite!TeleSummit! I! will! be!discussing! the! theory! and!logic! behind! using! guided!visualization,! as! the!cornerstone! to! profound!healing.!!

I! developed! proprietary!guided! visualization!techniques,!which! I! use! and!found! effective! with! my!clients,! as! well! as,! my! own!personal!healing.!

Register! today! and! from!September! 12th! W! October!2nd,! get! your! free!informational!series.

Throughout! the! free!informational!series!you!will!receive! an! opportunity! to!experience! a! free! energy!scan!with!me.!


If! you! choose! to! purchase!the! full! Break! Out! Package!for!you!will! learn!additional!information!!

• What!Guided!Visualization!is!and!is!not!

• What’s!so!special!about!Guided!Visualization;!what!sets!it!apart!

• Why!it!works!• When!and!how!best!to!use!it!

• The!single!most!important!key!ingredient!to!include!in!the!Guided!Visualization!process!



Go from Scattered to Streamlined by Connie Whitesell, MBA, CPC




Working!with!a!professional!coach!is!at!the!top!of!the!list!of! all! the! things! successful!people!do!to!accelerate!their!trip! down! the! path! to!success.!

Since! PW! Associates! was!established! in! 2000,! we!have! worked! with! business!owners! and! corporate!executives! to! take! all! of!those! brilliant! business!building! ideas! that! every!one! of! them! has,! but! that!tend!to!be!scattered!all!over!–!in!their!heads,!on!pieces!of!paper,! in! partial! plans! on!the!computer!!

–! and! streamline! them! into!strategic! action! plans,!efficient! systems,! and!productive! habits! that! all!work! together! to! move!these!individuals!forward!to!the! achievement! of! their!profit! and! business! growth!goals! quickly! and! on! a! very!clear,!direct!path.!!!


Method&for&Getting&Organized&and&Centered&In&Your&Business&and&Life.&&In!this!course!you!will!!• Gain! an! effective! plan! to!create! a! gorgeous! and!meaningful!vision!board!!

• Powerful! tools! uniquely!suited! to! you! and! your!dreams!

• Your! brilliant! ideas!organized! into! a!detailed!action!plan!!

• A!daily!process!of!to!keep!your! plan! uppermost! in!your!mind!!

• Turn! your! dreams! into!reality!

Register! today! and! receive!information!until!October!2nd.!


After! a! 25Wyear! career! in!CorporateWAmerica! working!with! nonWprofits! and! small!businesses;!I!woke!up!to!the!fact! the! old! way! of!leadership!was!not!working.!!!I!devised!a!new!method,!and!today! I! share! with! others!who! have! a! desire! to! lead!through!authentic,!powerful!and! effective! means,!without! having! to! check!their!souls!at!the!door.!!!I!teach!this!method!to!those!who! embrace! the! holistic!approach.! This! allows! them!to! increase!profits,!motivate!others!and!turn!their!clients!into!raving!fans!from!a!place!of!power.!&!When! I! was! asked! to! be! a!part! of! the! Healers! Unite!TeleSummit! I! realized!

healers! need! an! effective!way! to! grow! their! business!beyond!the!very!small!teams!they!use!today.!!!LoveWBased!Leadership!©!is!perfectly! aligned! with! the!gentle! loving! approach! of!the!alternative!health!mindWset.!!Many! business! owners!maintain! a! low! profile! and!do! not! have! a! large! enough!team! supporting! their! daily!business! interactions.! One!reason!is!they!haven’t!found!an! effective! way! of! leading!holistically—!!LoveWBased!Leadership!©!is!an! extension! of! concepts!you! already! use.! By!integrating!your!mind,!body,!and!spirit!in!a!powerful!way!to! influence! others.! ! In! the!

course!I!am!teaching:!!!You!learn:!• Three! pillars! of! LoveWBased!Leadership!(c)!!

• How! to! motivate! others!to! want! to! happily! overWdeliver!

• Extreme! care! for! your!clients!

• Create! a! culture! of!innovation! and!engagement!

• AbundanceWbased!thinking!

If!you!are!ready!to!take!your!team! to! the! next! level,!maximizing! human!potential!with!an!innovative,!holistic! approach! then! join!us! as! we! learn how! to! lead!with! the! most! powerful!force!on!the!planet.!!!

Register! today! and! receive!information! until! October!2nd.!

Love-Based Leadership ©: by Dr. Maria Church

Sticky Note
Accepted set by Lakshmi
Sticky Note
Completed set by Lakshmi


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Deserving With Grace Deserving With Grace: Abundance Block Identifier!


Think5 about5 your5 bank5 account5 right5 now.5 How5 does5 it5 feel?5 Are5 you5 happy?5If5the5answer5is5no,5keep5reading!55As5an5entrepreneur,5it5is5your5mission5to5establish5your5business.5The5first5five5years5of5business5is5the5most5critical5time5of5all.5Statistically,5only535%5of5serviceFbased5business5makes5it.5You5need5a5steady5flow5of5income5to5make5your5business5thrive.5We5are5here5to5help5you5beat5the5odds.55To5 succeed5 you5 must5 have5 a5 mindset5 that5 supports5 you5 completely.5 I5 designed5 this5program5for5a5client5who5wanted5to5take5a5mastery5program5to5help5her5business,5but5she5could5not5afford5it.5Not5only5did5she5create5abundance,5she5is5about5to5graduate5from5the5mastery5program5in5June5of52013.55You$can$do$it!$I$believe$in$you!5

Enjoy5a5Creative5Visualization5to5release,5and5attract5New!55! Experience5the5vastness5of5everything5our5planet5has5to5offer5! Connect5to5your5divine5truth5! Release5repelling5energy5! Recharge5the5with5positive5attractors5! Notice5the5magnetic5shift5into5Abundance5! Create5balance5and5a5healthy5mindset5to5grow5personally5







Receive! the! program! that! changes! your! blocks! into! attractors...!!Explore!this!powerful!eBook!&!MP3!today!



5*To# receive# this# gift# you# must# fill# in# all# of# the# questions# below.# Your# answers# must# be#correct# and# true.# We# will# contact# you# please# white# list# the# email# address:#

karen@gotocoach.net,# and# accept# the# phone# call# from# (503)# 762H3118.# If# you# have# any#



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BizRichment™ primary purpose is to enrich

the lives of business owners through business

systems and processes to create a powerful

mindset of self-support while making a

difference in the world through service-based


BizRichment™ was founded in 2009 from

the Healers Unite Lecture and further

developed by The Meeting Place and Healers

Unite Portland Movement and through the

Portland Peace Conference.

It was a stark realization to the group that

80% of all new coaches failed to create a

self-sustaining income through coaching in

the first year. Further discovery proved that

65% of practitioners in the healing

community specifically alternative health

industry went out of business in the first year.

These statistics gave us pause, armed with

the knowledge we could assist our

community of healers, coaches and

practitioners, through coaching and

mentoring we began to see results. The

overall statistics have changed in the national

numbers. However, we noted that those

businesses that chose to create a relationship

with a coaching mastermind group, personal

or executive coaching, began to see results

right away. They increased their ability to

maintain their success in “staying afloat” in

the critical years.

Get involved contact info@bizrichment.com








































Mind Centered Work With the concept of your powerful mentors and guides you use your mental pictures to keep you on your path of inspired corrective action. Each action you take is in line with your Souls Journey. You receive weekly support and one-on-one coaching sessions to overcome the ego’s need to be in control. Body Centered Work Continue to use guided meditation for conscious body awareness. Allow your body to become a powerful instrument for health and wellbeing. Rebuild your body through positive mental rehearsal. Spiritual Centered Work Stay connected to your souls journey through powerful exercises. Use levels of insight to stay in constant contact with your souls highest light. Create harmony in all actions and thoughts

for success.!



































Mind Centered Work In the group sessions you continue to focus on your goals. You Benchmark and use cognitive thought to become solution oriented. Coaching makes sure you stay on your path. Body Centered Work Continue to use guided meditation for conscious body awareness. Use and refine techniques learned in class. Use the sessions to let go of any negative stories, and rebuild your body through positive mental rehearsal. Spiritual Centered Work In these groups safely practice your authentic self, listen to how others perceive you . Discover your message. Refine, Refine, Refine while you continue to live in your higher purpose.!







Mind Centered Work In the group sessions you continue to focus on your goals. You Benchmark and use cognitive thought to become solution oriented. Coaching makes sure you stay on your path. Body Centered Work Continue to use guided meditation for conscious body awareness. Use and refine techniques learned in class. Use the sessions to let go of any negative stories, and rebuild your body through positive mental rehearsal. Spiritual Centered Work In these groups safely practice your authentic self, listen to how others perceive you . Discover your message. Refine, Refine, Refine while you continue to live in your higher purpose.!