Garth Barnett, PowerHealth Solutions - Patient Costing, ABF & Clinical Engagement



Garth Barnett, Senior Costing Consultant, PowerHealth Solutions delivered the presentation at the 2014 Hospital Patient Costing Conference. The Hospital Patient Costing Conference 2014 examines the development and implementation of patient costing methodologies to reflect Activity Based Funding allocations. For more information about the event, please visit:

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19-20 March 2014, Sydney 4th Annual Hospital Patient Costing Conference

Pa#ent  Cos#ng,  ABF    &  Clinical  Engagement    


Garth  Barne*  Senior  Cos*ng  Consultant  

Pa#ent  Cos#ng,  ABF  &  Clinical  Engagement   Slide  2  


Lessons  Learnt  SA  Health  PPM  Implementa0on  

Integra#ng  Pa#ent  Cos#ng  with  Health  Unit  Management  NALHN  Experience  

Sample  Repor#ng  

Summary  &  Conclusions  



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SA  Health  PPM2  Implementa#on  

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Implementa#on  Background  

w  Implementa#on  scope  §  4  metropolitan  LHNs  §  6  major  country  hospitals  

w  Commonwealth  ABF  model  move  away  from  using  State  funding  model  

w  Inpa#ent/Outpa#ent/Emergency  encounters  §  Cos0ng  OP  &  ED  encounters  for  the  1st  0me  §  See  the  total  cost  of  the  pa0ent  §  Track  high  users  of  health  system  

Pa#ent  Cos#ng,  ABF  &  Clinical  Engagement   Slide  5  

1.   Centralised  One  instance  of  PPM  &  SAH  centralised  processing.  

2.   LHN  Setups  Separate  LHN  setups  for  General  Ledger  &  Cos0ng  Dataset,  making  it  easier  to  engage  LHNs.  

3.   Data  Extracts  SAH  responsible  for  centralised  data  extracts.  LHNs  responsible  for  site  specific  data  extracts,  &  reviewing  setups  &  results.  

4.   Frequent  Processing  Annual  to  monthly  processing  of  result  leads  to  more  useful  &  frequently  reviewed  informa0on,  which  is  likely  to  increase  the  quality  &  comparability.  

Configura#on  Pre-­‐Implementa0on  

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Key  Principles  &  Responsibili#es  Pre-­‐Implementa0on  

w Training  Provided  training  to  all  key  par0es  so  they  are  familiar  with  how  PPM  works/what  is  required  

w Standards  Agreed  on  uniform  standards  with  cos0ng  user  group  to  ensure  comparability  for  repor0ng  &  benchmarking,  as  well  as  same  look/feel  for  all  involved.  

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GL  Setup  –  Cost  Centres  Pre-­‐Implementa0on  

SAH  standard  naming  conven0on  allows  for  easier  tracking  of  pa0ent  frac0ons  &  other  GL  movements:  

§  Inpa0ents    [Cost  Centre]  

§  Emergency    [Cost  Centre]-­‐E  

§ Outpa0ents    [Cost  Centre]-­‐O    §  Research    [Cost  Centre]-­‐R  

§  Theatre/Surg    [Cost  Centre]-­‐S  §  Teaching  [Cost  Centre]-­‐T  

§ Other    [Cost  Centre]-­‐U  

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SAH  standard  naming  conven0on  for  areas,  including  overheads  &  use  of  NHCDC  alloca0on  sta0s0c  names  

GL  Setup  –  Areas  Pre-­‐Implementa0on  

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§  Accounts  =  Oracle  GL  L7  chart  of  account  §  Cost  Output  =  Internal  repor0ng  level  §  Cost  Output  Rollup  =  NHCDC  repor0ng  level  

GL  Setup  –  Accounts  Pre-­‐Implementa0on  

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1.   Data  Extracts  —  Started  discussions  months  prior.    Can’t  start  earlier  enough!  

2.   Reference  Tables  —  Established  standard  SAH  reference  tables  

3.   Extract  Sources  —  Sourced  as  many  extracts  from  centralised  SAH  systems  (IP/OP/ED  pa0ent,  encounter,  services,  transfers,  diagnosis  &  procedure)  for  fewer  files  to  load  

4.   Health  Unit  Extracts  —  Sourced  &  reviewed  health  unit  extracts  in  advance  

5.   Transla#on  —  Formalised  transla0on  of  all  data  extracts  &  elements  into  PPM  format  by  documen0ng  in  templates  

6.   DRG  —  Use  DRG  field  for  ED  URGs  &  OP  Tier  2  to  ensure  easy  standard  &  ad  hoc  repor0ng  

Data  Load  Pre-­‐Implementa0on  

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Quality  Checks  During  Implementa0on  

w  Data  Load  Source  file  amounts  vs  GL  amounts  

w  Service  to  Encounter  linking  results  by  encounter  type  where  have  source  details.  

w  Unlinked  Services  

w  GL  cost  centre  &  account  amount  summaries  vs  previous  year.  

w  GL  overhead  alloca0ons  (eg  compare  wards  &  clinics).  

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Quality  Checks  Post  Implementa0on  before  distribu*ng  informa*on  to  internal  users  

High  Level  Cos#ng  Reasonableness  Checks  §  Compare  %  encounter  type  expenditure  per  hospital  vs  last  year  ―  IP,  OP,  ED,  teaching  &  research  

§  Review  low/high  cost  pa0ents  by  DRG/Tier  2/URG  ―  IP  cost/day,  ED  cost/hour,  OP  cost/encounter  ―  to  iden0fy  any  major  issues            eg  PFRACs  changes  with  OP  costed  for  the  1st  0me.  

§  Compare  DRG/Tier  2/URG  average  costs  by  hospital    ―  to  iden0fy  significant  outliers.  

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Quality  Checks  Post  Implementa0on  before  distribu*ng  informa*on  to  internal  users  

General  Ledger  &  Feeder  Checks  §  Iden0fy  nega0ve  GL  area/cost  outputs  combina0ons  ―  to  cleanse  GL  of  incorrectly  allocated  recharges/credits  ―  to  avoid  nega0ve  costs.  

§  Check  key  GL  cost  outputs  v  source  system  loads  ―  eg  S100/PBS  &  non-­‐PBS/S100  drugs,  pathology,  imaging  

§  Check  Service  actual  charges  >  maximum  norm  ―  eg  pathology  tests  >  $3000.  

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Service  Date/Time  &  Dura#on  Checks  §  Match  ED  admihed  encounter  end  date/0me  to  IP  encounter  start  date/0me  ―  as  oien  an  overlap  

§  Audit  ED  non-­‐admihed  encounters  >  1  day  where  they  have  no  linked  services  ―  expect  they  would  be  wai0ng  for  pathology  test  results,  etc  

§  Compare  Theatre  &  Recovery  >  6  hours  to  ward  transfer  records  ―  as  may  iden0fy  incorrectly  recorded  end  date/0mes.  

§  Audit  other  service  file  dura0ons  >  norm  ―  eg  Allied  Health  

Quality  Checks  Post  Implementa0on  before  distribu*ng  informa*on  to  internal  users  

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Other  Considera#ons  §  Ensure  all  inpa0ent  encounters  have  a  ward/clinic  transfer  record  

§  Audit  high  cost  “dummy”  encounters  by  pa0ent  number,  which  don’t  link  to  legi0mate  encounter      ―  eg  discovered  numerous  $100K+  pa0ents  who  where  pharmacy  was  providing  high  cost  drugs  to  another  hospital’s  pa0ents)  

§  Iden0fy  weaknesses  in  the  process  &  look      ―  to  improve  feeder  data,  alloca0on  sta0s0cs,  etc  for  future  studies  (eg  lack  of  prosthesis  feeder).  


Quality  Checks  Post  Implementa0on  before  distribu*ng  informa*on  to  internal  users  

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Integra#ng  Pa#ent  Cos#ng  with  Health  Unit  Management  

NALHN  Experience


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Casemix  Future  Direc#ons  

Process  of  integra#ng  pa#ent  cos#ng  with  NALHN  opera#onal  management    

§  Stage  1  -­‐  Execu0ve  §  Stage  2  -­‐  Finance  Workshops    

§  Stage  3  -­‐  Divisional  Workshops    

§  Integra0ng  cos0ng  results  with  regular  &  ad  hoc  Casemix  ac0vity  reports  

§  Benchmarking  ac0vity  to  iden0fy  savings  strategies  &  opportuni0es  to  improve  performance  

§  Use  of  cos0ng  informa0on  in  business  case  development  &  service  planning.  


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Casemix  Future  Direc#ons  

Dual  role  of  this  process  §  Audit  &  improve  the  quality  of  Pa0ent  Cos0ng  

§  Beher  educate  the  business  to  u0lise  Pa0ent  Cos0ng  results  


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Stage  1  –  Execu#ve  

w  Pa0ent  Cos0ng  needs  someone  in  Execu0ve  to  champion  the  cause  in  any  organisa0on.  

w  Buy-­‐in  from  Execu0ve  is  crucial.    NALHN  CEO,  COO  &  CFO  all  understand  the  value  of  pa0ent  cos0ng  to  aid  decision  making.  

w  Ini0al  1  hour  session  with  Execu0ve  (including  clinical  directors)  &  follow-­‐up  session.  

w  Provide  basics  of  pa0ent  cos0ng  &  ABF.  w   Live  demonstra0on  of  PPM  with  own  data.  w  Summary  benchmarking  reports  by  ac0vity  of  

costs  vs  funding  at  Tier  2  &  URG  level.  w  Aim  to  give  an  apprecia0on  of  the  easy  

availability  of  performance  informa0on.  


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Stage  2  –  Finance  Workshops  

w  Half  day  workshops  with  central  and  divisional  finance  staff.  

w  Provide  background  on  the  Commonwealth  ABF  reform,  including  how  the  ABF  model  works  and  the  classifica0on  system.  

w  Detailed  the  PPM  cos0ng  process  and  standard  SAH  setups,  including  alloca0on  methodology  &  assump0ons.  

w  Explained  how  their  role  influenced  the  cos0ng  process  –  par0cularly  2  key  areas:  §  Pa0ent  Frac0ons  (PFRACs)    §   Mapping  of  ac0vi0es  to  the  right  cost  centres  and  areas  (par0cularly  outpa0ent  clinics).  


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Easier  to  review  &  iden*fy  low/high  outliers  when  summarising  clinic  ac*vi*es  &  costs  

Stage  2  –  Finance  Medical  PFRACs  H

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Stage  2  –  Finance  Engagement  

w  Engaged  them  as  part  of  audit  process  to  fine  tune  2012/13  cos0ng.  

w  Provided  an  awareness  of  the  accuracy  of  pa0ent  level  costs  is  dependant  on  the  availability  of  feeder  informa0on.  

w  Aim  to  give  them  an  apprecia0on  of  the  informa0on  to  assist  in  preparing  business  cases:  § Understanding  of  direct  costs  (to  Divisions)  and  overhead  costs  (to  Health  Unit).  

§  Important  for  hospital  planning  where  expanding  specialised  clinical  services  for  pa0ents  within  their  catchment  area.  


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Stage  3  –  Divisions  Workshops  

w  Separate  1  hour  workshops  with  each  Division’s  senior  clinical  management  

w  Also  included  key  Execu0ve  and  Finance  staff  w  30  minutes  pa0ent  cos0ng  theory  

―describing  the  methodology  &  assump0ons            behind  the  numbers  &  where  they  can                influence  the  process  ―ie  PFRACs,  ac0vity  mappings  to  GL  

w  Iden0fied  where  each  division  could  assist  in  improving  pa0ent  cos0ng  with  feeders    ―  eg  MET  (code  blue)  pa0ents,  specialist  nurses,  security  services  (especially  for  mental  health  pa0ents),  mul0-­‐disciplinary  teams.  


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Stage  3  –  Divisions  Engagement  

w  Provided  a  sample  of  benchmarked  performance  of  their  division  v  other  SAH  to  iden0fy  poten0al  high  &  low  performing  areas:  §  Theatre  0me  per  DRG  &  principal  procedure  to  understand  throughput/prac0ce    

§  Pathology/imaging  cost  per  DRG/URG/Tier  2  §  ALOS  per  DRG/URG  


w  Inten0on  to  use  benchmarked  informa0on  to  target  efficiency  improvement  strategies  &  assist  in  future  budget  builds.  

w  Divisions  asked  to  iden0fy  informa0on  for  future  review  at  performance  mee0ngs.  


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Sample  Reports

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Average  LOS  vs  SA  Benchmark  

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Cost  vs  ABF  Funding  

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Cost  vs  SA  Benchmark  

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Pathology  Cost  vs  SA  Benchmark  

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Radiology  Cost  vs  SA  Benchmark  

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Theatre  Time  vs  SA  Benchmark  DRG  

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Theatre  Time  vs  SA  Benchmark  Procedure  

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Next  Steps  For  high/low  cost  outliers,  drill-­‐down  to  cost  outputs  &  service  level  informa*on  to  benchmark  clinical  prac*ces  


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Summary  &  Conclusion

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Pa#ent  Cos#ng  Summary  

w  Key  accountability  tool  ―  to  monitor  health  service  costs  ―  not  just  for  external  cos0ng  submissions  

w  Clinicians  More  useful  if  cos0ng  informa0on  is  used  by  clinicians  to  improve  performance  

w  Timely  Informa0on  needs  to  be  0mely  

w  Consistent  Consistent  methodologies  promotes  comparability  

w  Future  funding  ABF  reforms  will  put  more  emphasis  on  pa0ent  cos0ng  as  basis  for  future  funding.  

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For  pa0ent  cos0ng  to  be    useful  &  comparable  across    

Australia  under  an  ABF  framework,    it  is  crucial  that  everyone    

is  engaged  through  the  process.  

Q&A  Garth  Barne*  

Senior  Cos*ng  Consultant  

19-20 March 2014, Sydney 4th Annual Hospital Patient Costing Conference