Confluence The Connect Human by Tery Spataro



Confluence: The Connected Human - creating better health through self manage of health data.

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Confluence of Man with Technology by Tery Spataro

CONNECTEDHUMAN02272014Photograph: Chris Dancy


“My refrigerator lets my smart-phone know I’m out of milk and my car responds by mapping the nearest store.  When I arrive at the store it’s not milk waiting to be picked up -- it’s soy milk.  Believe itor not, my toilet had a say in the matter.”~ Tery Spataro, SIME Stockholm, 1999.

Photograph: Chris Dancy

“Don’t confuse the speed of technological change with the volume of information. Instead focus on exploring your own INNER NET!” ~ Chris Dancy, [Interview with Tery Spataro 02.14.2014]

Photograph: Chris Dancy

Diabetes meters provide blood glucose readings

Blood pressure monitors provide blood pressure readings

Scale measures weight

App for meal planning. Twitter for food intake.

US Gov Food Pyramid

Pill container keeps track of pills.

Data Tracking

Data Gathering

Tools Solutions

Rise of the Connected Self

3 Findings

1. Data Gathering

2. Data Analysis

3. Data Grab


Healthcare Providers


Health Insurer

Your Family

Connected Human=


~ BJ Fogg, PhD

Photograph: Chris Dancy


Photograph: Planet Preternatural

“Now we all need to focus on the many, many ways technology can lead us back to real lives our own bodies our own communities our politics our own planet!” ~ Sherry Turkle

TEDtalk Sherry Turkle

“Technology is evolving us, as we become a screen-staring, button-clicking new version of Homo sapiens...but will these machines ultimately connect or conquer us?”

~ Amber Case

Photograph: Core 77

Defendingthe Connection

“Medical nanobots will connect the brain to cloud computing.”~ Ray Kurzweil


Photograph: The Verge

“There will be a data Elysium” ~ Chris Dancy

Bio-hacking as an art form! Red flags should be raised.

Photograph: Quinn Norton

3 Takeaways




Tery Spataro is widely known for helping brands understand the role technology plays in marketing, innovation and retail environments. Wielding over two decades of experiences in marketing as a digital strategist, Tery takes a deep look into understanding why, what and who.

She’s created tech marketing strategies for automotive, food and beverage, consumer packaged goods, education, energy, entertainment, health care, insurance, pharmaceuticals, non-profits and retail brands.

Tery has brought digital to life in physical space, having worked with Bloomingdales, Michael’s craft stores, Sally Hansen, Novartis, Whole Foods and Nine West.

She helps clients by identifying problems with marketing, communication, branding and retail space. She provides research, strategy and creative ideas with a clear direction on how to proceed.

Tery has held executive roles with top agencies and served as a senior strategist for several consulting firms. No stranger to entrepreneurial life, Tery founded or co-founded, self-funded and operated seven start-ups.

Through the years she has lectured at universities and international conferences, providing valuable industry thought leadership, and has been quoted in books and articles about business and marketing. 

Tery has an MBA in marketing from Regis University and wrote and illustrated a book about quantum perceptions called “The Other Side of the Box”.

Special thanks to Rick Colby for editing.Bio || Twitter || LinkedIn || The Book || Pinterest || Slideshare || Glossi

Stuff I Did Confluence: Man with Machine - The continuation of Confluence and the exploration of robots and

robotics and the impact these applications have on our humanness and the environment.

The Future is Now – A look at the confluence of humans, technology and the environment.

Digital Experiences & Shopping – Overview of the buyer’s decision-making process using digital, the future of in-store retail and use of digital experiences.

Digital Strategy – Strategy for innovation, communication and promotion.

Fashion Intelligentsia - research report I did to provide insights into how fashion minded women acquire information for shopping. This report was voted the best of Slideshare.

The Changing World of Digital - looks at digital communication from a historical perspective and identifies the way the consumer changes from passive involvement to participant.

Healthy Digital - explores who the natural and organic consumer is and identifies their digital behavior.

Community During Crisis – what Governments can learn from the Boulder Community’s usage of Social Media during the Boulder Fire.

Digital Marketing Strategy vs Tactics – Asking strategic questions, forming ideas and identifying tactics.

The Other Side of the Box - the story about a cat, box and perception. “The Other Side of the Box” a book about perception, a cat and quantum thoughts.
