Brain Food - Vitamin C


DESCRIPTION!adhd-diet-blog/cvhu/brain-food---vitamin-c - Today, scurvy isn’t anywhere near as common (phew!), because people generally recognize the importance of getting enough Vitamin C. Vitamin C is quickly thought of and recognized as a powerful antioxidant, major immunity-booster, and potent neuroprotective agent. It also helps the body make neurotransmitters and boosts absorption of other important minerals that are often deficient in ADD/ADHD individuals.

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My earliest memory dealing with Vitamin C comes from a junior high history class. We had been discussing early European explorers, and the topic turned to the things they ate while at sea.  “Scurvy was a common problem,” our teacher said, “causing many sailors to have bleeding gums, lose teeth, and get frequent infections, among other things.”  Getting a little scared of getting it ourselves, we asked what causes it.  “Lack of vitamin C,” he replied.  I think I went home and popped a Flintstone’s vitamin. Today, scurvy isn’t anywhere near as common (phew!), because people generally recognize the importance of getting enough Vitamin C.  

Vitamin C is quickly thought of and recognized as a powerful antioxidant, major immunity-booster, and potent neuroprotective agent.  It also helps the body make neurotransmitters and boosts absorption of other important minerals that are often deficient in ADD/ADHD individuals.

Dealing with Vitamin C

Brain Food - Vitamin C

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As an antioxidant, Big C keeps your body healthy and prevents cell damage.  It helps the body remove toxins, also known as free radicals, that accumulate both naturally and from the environments we expose ourselves to.  Vitamin C also helps recycle other important antioxidants like vitamin E and glutathione (the mother of all antioxidants).  High levels of both Vitamins C and E have been proven in studies to lower Alzheimer’s risk, a disease related to brain disfunction. Secondly, pretty much everyone knows that to avoid illness it’s important to increase your intake of Vitamin C.  Vitamin C increases production of infectionfighting white blood cells so that bacteria and viruses can be kicked to the curb.  Think of it as immunity fuel. Want a little cell armor?  Vitamin C’s on the job,  acting as a neuroprotective agent.  Neuroprotection officially means preventing disease progression by slowing oxidative stress and other causes of the loss of neurons–more simply stated, neuroprotective supplements work because of the way they protect and optimize nerve, cell, and mitochondrial function.  The nerve endings in the brain have the second highest concentration of vitamin C in the body.  Research shows that the protective role of Vitamin C used with Vitamin D, attenuates brain damage from oxidative damage.

Anti Oxidants

Brain Food - Vitamin C

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And lastly, Vitamin C serves as a co-factor in several important enzyme and neurotransmitter reactions.  It has an essential role in the synthesis of serotonin (the “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!” neurotransmitter) and norepinephrine (the brain’s main excitatory neurotransmitter involved in concentration, alertness, and helping your brain form new memories).  Vitamin C helps in the conversion of tryptophan, the amino acid precursor, into serotonin.  For norepinephrine to be converted from tyrosine, its amino acid precursor, Vitamins B3 (link to blog), B6 (link to blog), and folic acid (link to blog) are needed as well. Good thing that we included naturally-sourced Vitamin C in Pure Clarity to provide you the benefits of healthy brain functioning as well as give you the daily immune boost we all need.  Oh, and to avoid getting scurvy.

Healthy Brain Function

Brain Food - Vitamin C
