Avoid Getting Sick this Monsoons



The rainy seasons brings with it a host of health problems such as food poisoning, cold and indigestion. To stay healthy, you need to take special care. Here are some health tips to help you do so.

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How to Avoid Getting Sick this Monsoon

Some quick tips to stay healthy this rainy season

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• Just because you want to enjoy the rain, don’t just get drenched every time.

• If you need to venture out, carry your rain gear or an umbrella to protect yourself.

• Get a good pair of waterproof shoes to protect your feet from getting wet. Also, they are easier to dry off and provide traction that prevents slipping.

Stay Away from the Rain

Credited to mycutegraphics.com

Stay Clean

• Take a bath every time you get wet in the rain. This helps in normalizing the body temperature and killing the pesky germs and bacteria.

• Dirty hands result in the bacteria and germs entering your system.

• Ensure that you wash your hands before having food, and carry a hand sanitizer when you are out.

Stay Hydrated

• This monsoon, drink lots of water. During this season, sweat does not evaporate fast, preventing the release of heat.

• Drinking water helps in flushing out the toxins and cleansing the system. It also increases the body’s ability to fight against diseases.

• Consume only clean, filtered water. Keep a bottle of water with you when you are stepping out.

• Apart from water, have warming herbal teas, such as ginger and basil tea, which have antibacterial properties.

Eat a Balanced, Healthy Diet

• A bowl of steaming hot soup cleanses the phlegm and removes the bacteria.

• Have lots of fruits and vegetables so that you get a good dose of protective nutrients. Just make sure that you wash them before consuming.

• Avoid raw foods this season as it can harbor bacteria.

• They might look tempting, but try to avoid street food as much as possible

Since your immune system is on an all-time low, it is best to eat a balanced diet. Proper nutrient intake is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system.

Stay Away from Stagnant Water

• Stagnant water can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes and parasites. Ensure that you empty all tanks of stored water, water coolers, and flower pots.

• You should also stay away from stagnant water and water-filled puddles.

Sweat it Out

• Exercise regularly. This will reduce stress and boost immunity, thus preventing chances of contracting any infection.

• If the heavy rains are hampering your exercise routine at your gym, then make it up by exercising at home.

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Follow these simple tips to prevent illnesses during monsoons

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