6 ways to help soothe a teething baby


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6 ways to help soothe a teething baby

• It’s safe to say I’ve soothed many a teething baby. The flushed cheeks, the frustrated whimper, the characteristic drool, the zeal in which they shove whatever is in their grasp straight into the mouth, where they’d proceed to gnaw it to death–teething babies can be grumpy little things. Like any mother, I disliked seeing my baby in discomfort and it made me really want to help them and soothe their tiny gums.

Frozen fruit or veggies

• Add whatever fruit your baby likes (peaches, bananas, apple, sliced cucumber etc.) in a mesh feeder and put it in the freezer. The cold fruit will help numb their sore gums and the sweet juice from the fruit will keep them satisfied.

Brew a strong cup of chamomile tea

• Once the tea has cooled, soak a small washcloth in it and let your baby suck on it. You can even freeze the washcloth to help the pain of teething. A natural side effect: the herbal tea will soothe your baby’s tummy and relax him.

Use your hands

•My babies used to love to chomp on my fingers while they were snuggled onto my lap. Use your fingers to rub your baby’s sore gums but watch out–sometimes they bite! I was always amazed by the power of their strong jaws, especially when I was breastfeeding

Use clove oil to massage baby’s gums

• Clove oil can be found at any natural foods store but please use it with caution: it is very strong and must be used with a carrier oil. For example, one drop of clove oil in 1-2 tablespoons of almond oil or other edible oil. Always test on your own gums first–if it’s too strong for you, then don’t put it on your baby’s sensitive gums

Use homeopathic teething tablets

• Teething tablets seem to be the most common teething remedy and although they are safe for babies, you should still practice caution. I used to toss a bottle in my purse so I’d always have some handy for a fussy baby. Once, my preschooler got into my bag and discovered them, thinking it was candy. He must have ate half a bottle. He walked into the livingroom, said his tummy felt funny and plopped onto the sofa and fell asleep for two hours. He survived, no harm no foul, but I was still a little shaken when I found the empty bill bottle.

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