1. health education overview


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The Team

The Health Program in Grades 7-10 deals with physical, mental, emotional, social, moral and spiritual dimensions of health that enable the learners to

acquire essential knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to promote good

nutrition, prevent and control diseases,

substance use and abuse and reduce health related risk

behaviors and injuries with the view to maintaining and improving

personal, family, community, national and global health.


• Learning Area: Health Education (MAPEH)• Time Allotment: – Grade 1 40/30 mins./week– Grades 2-4 30 mins.– Grades 5-6 40 mins.– Grades 7-10 60 mins.

• Language of Instruction–Grades 1-3 Mother Tongue–Grades 4-5 Filipino–Grades 6-10 English


A Basis of the Curriculum: SCHOOL HEALTH DATA

• 97% have dental caries• 67% suffer from parasitism• 40% pediculosis (kuto)• 15% are undernourished• 3% are overweight• Iron deficiency anemia• Hearing and visual impairment (Impacted cerumen)• Upper Respiratory Infection• National situation among areas: road safety, drugs

Comparative Life Span and Time Allotment in Minutes per Week for Subjects in Grades 1-6 in Four Asian

Countries (SEAMEO-INNOTECH. 2011)Philippines Singapore Malaysia Brunei

DarussalamLife Expectancy at Birth (2005)

71 80 74 77

SUBJECTSMother Tongue/ National Language

1,950 1,800 1,980 1,620

English 2,250 2,400 1,890 1,620Science 1,100 540 360 810Mathematics 1,950 1,740 1,080 1,620Social Studies 1,500 360 180 270MAPEH 500 1,500 1,080 900Character Education/ Islamic & Moral Education

750 1,800 1,080 810

EPP, Design & Technology/ ICT

600 180 180

Content Areas in Health Education

Growth and Development• Developmental milestones in

childhood and adolescence • Personal health • Development of self-

management skills

Content Areas in Health EducationPersonal Health (*}• Development and practice

of behaviors promoting physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual health

• Prevention and management of personal health problems

Content Areas in Health EducationNutrition (*)• Recognition of the nutrients

children and adolescents need• Analysis of quality and quantity of

food intake• Development of proper eating

habits to meet physiological, psychological and social needs,

• Diseases and disorders that arise from improper eating habits

Content Areas in Health Education

Substance Use and Abuse• Their identification• Causes• Effects on the person, the

family, society and the nation

• Prevention and control

Content Areas in Health Education

Family Health• Human life cycle related to personal

interactions within the family – nurtures the individual – provides a home environment • Enhances growth as a person • Improves development of ideals, values and standards

of behavior regarding sexuality and responsible parenthood

Content Areas in Health Education

Prevention and control of diseases and disorders• Prevention and control of communicable and

non-communicable diseases and disorders, through– Development of health habits and practices– Health programs supported by legislation– Provision of health services in the school and in the


Content Areas in Health Education

Injury Prevention, Safety and First Aid (*)• Causes, effects, and prevention of accidents

and injuries• Promotion of safe environments– safety programs procedures

and services– first aid education

Content Areas in Health Education

Consumer Health

• Application of consumer skills in the wise evaluation, selection and use of health information, products, and services

Content Areas in Health Education

Community and Environmental Health• Situates the learner as an integral part of

his/her community and the environment, with responsibility to – help protect the environment– to promote a standard of health, hygiene and safety

in food and water supply, waste management, pollution control, noxious animal control, and the delivery of primary health care.

Characteristics of Health Education


Analyzes interrelationship among:• Factors that influence health status• Areas of health• Dimensions of health

Characteristics of Health Education

• Epidemiological– Studies incidence, prevalence, cause, and source

of epidemics• Preventive – Helps people take

positive action on their health & lifestyle to prevent disease & achieveoptimum health

Characteristics of Health Education

Learner-centered• Focuses on student’s needs, abilities,

interests and learning styles with teacher as facilitator of learning

Characteristics of Health Education

Values-based • Promotes valuing self and others and

recognizes the worth and integrity of all involved in the life and work of the school, fostering positive relationships

Characteristics of Health Education

Culture-responsive• Uses cultural

knowledge, prior experiences, and performance styles of diverse learners to make learning more appropriate and effective for them

Characteristics of Health Education

• Rights-Based—Recognizes the Rights of the Child to– Life– Survival and development– Education– Health care– Protection from violence, injury, abuse– Nutrition– Shelter, etc.

Characteristics of Health Education

• Standards-Based & Outcomes-based: Requires students to demonstrate that they have learned academic standards set on skills and content: what students need to know, understand, and be able to do. –Health Learning Area Standard: • The learner demonstrates understanding of key

concepts of health in achieving, promoting and sustaining wellness for quality life

Key Stage Standard: K to 3The learner demonstrates understanding and

observance of healthy practices to achieve wellness.

Grade Level Standard for Grade 1The learner demonstrates understanding of

essential concepts related to nutrition, personal health, and safety to enhance health and well-being.

Characteristics of Health EducationSkills-based: Applies life skills to specific health

choices and behaviorsWHO Health Skills, including Life skills– Communication and Interpersonal Skills• Interpersonal communication skills• Negotiation/refusal skills• Empathy-building skills• Cooperation and teamwork• Advocacy

• Decision-Making and Critical Thinking Skills– Decision-making/problem solving skills– Critical thinking skills

• Coping & Self-Management Skills– Skills for increasing personal confidence & abilities

to assume control, take responsibility, make a difference, or bring about change

– Skills for managing feelings– Skills for managing stress

Characteristics of Health Education

• Integration of Legislation: Integrates laws that promote health and prevent and control unhealthy practices, e.g.,– R.A. 3573 Prevention and Suppression of

Dangerous Communicable Diseases– R.A. 9211 Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003– R.A. 9512 Environmental Awareness– R.A. 7394 Consumer Act of the Philippines

Characteristics of Health Education

• Reinforced by School Celebrations Mandated by Law, e.g.– June 6: World Environment Day Incidental– June 14-18 Safe Kids Week– July National Nutrition Month

National Disaster Preparedness Month-- October National Health Education Week– October Global Handwashing Day– December 1 World AIDS Day– February National Dental/Oral Health Week– March Fire Prevention Month

Correlated with Other Learning Areas

• Science• Music, Arts, Physical Education• Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao• Araling Panlipunan• Edukasyong Pangkabuhayan/ Technology &

Livelihood Education• English• Filipino• Mathematics

Coordinated with School Health Program

Curriculum Organization

• Psychological: Starts with the student and her/his health to family health, thence to community and environmental health

• Continuous Spiral Progression: Previous learning is the basis of subsequent learning or learning is continuous and deepened

ORGANIZATION OF THE TEACHING GUIDESModule (1/Quarter of 10 meetings)– Objectives– Content– Background Informationo Day 1:

Motivation related to the picture about the Module

Let Us Try (Pre-test) Key to correctiono Days 2-9:

Lessons of 40/30 minutes eachInstructions on how to do the activities and projects, craftsQuestions to ask

o Day 10: Let Us Check

Health is a gift, but you have to LEARN to keep it.

and God bless!
