How to Global Open Data Index - Overview



Join the Open Knowledge Team and Open Data Index Mentors to create the Global Open Data Index. It is our goal to show the state of open data around the world. We need your help to add data from your region and reach new people to add details about their country Details: The Open Data Index - You can reach us at index at okfn dot org

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Global Open Data IndexSurvey + Index

The Global Open Data Index is a project that measures and benchmarks the openness of data around the world, and then presents this information in a way that is easy to understand and use.

● It is detailed country by country data peer-reviewed by experts.

● The results are an easy engagement tool for policy-makers, researchers, activists and data users.

This is the Survey tool. This is the survey tool.

Why the Global Open Data Index?

The primary goal is to monitor the current status of open data across the globe.

The focus of the Index is data. Focussing on data keeps the census very concrete. Whether a dataset is ‘open’ or not is usually a clear yes or no answer.

We are interested in the current status of data: is it open, is it accessible, can I use it now?

Key Principles

● Real Open Data (See

● Quality datasets rather than quantity

● Comparability (across countries)

● (Ease of) Assessibility○ - Datasets over policies (in general)

● Rankability

Does your country measure up?

Every year Open Data Index contributors add 10 types of datasets:

● Transport timetables● Government budget● Government spending● Election results● Company register● National map● National statistics● Legislation● Postcodes/zipcodes● Emissions of pollutants

How to add to the Open Data Index in 5 steps:

1. Contribute to the Index.

2. Discover Datasets.

3. Add datasets.

4. Edit/Review the content.

5. Celebrate global sharing.

Step 1: Contribute to the Index

• Join the Open Data Census Community Mailing List:

• Join a Community Session (online video hangout) • Pick a role:

Contributor - add datasets to the IndexMentor - help new folks learn how to use the IndexReviewer - validate detailsSupporter -share details with your networkTranslate - Help spread the word

• Review the Tutorial• Ask us questions/Share: , @okfn, Twitter feed:


Step 2: Discover Datasets

Congratulations! You are going on your very own country-wide data expedition to hold your government accountable.

1. Review at the Global Open Data Index for your country. Are there any datasets missing? If there are existing datasets, skip to Step 4.

2. Search your country specific open data tool.

3. Search your country specific government websites.

4. Search the UN and World Bank websites as well (just to double-check.)

5. Email doesn’t work? Call the relevant department. Sometime they answer faster on the phone than on email.

6. Still can’t find the data or you didn’t get any answer from the government? Try one last time by using your favourite search engine.

Tip: Be sure to read the Tutorial for more detailed instructions

Step 3: Add Datasets

If you've got information about a dataset which isn't in the Index yet you can add it! Anyone can submit new information to the Index by following these steps:

1. Select your country in the list and click on it.2. You are now on the Country overview page for that country3. Click the blue “Submit Information" button on the right next to the

appropriate category.4. Fill the form based on the dataset you have found (there are detailed

instructions on the page).5. Click Submit. Your submission is now waiting for review, and will be visible in

the table as 'awaiting review' after a few minutes.

Step 4: Edit and Review

1. Has a Dataset for your country already been added to the Open Data Index? Is it correct?  If your country already has a data entry for a given category, there is no need to add a new dataset unless you notice an error or have more updated information. All you need to do then is to revise the submission by using the “Propose revision” function.

2. Choose the country you want to work on in the main Index page.3. Choose the dataset you want to revise and click on the blue button on the right hand

side “Propose revision” .4. Has a Dataset for your country already been added to the Open Data Index? Is it

correct? If your country already has a data entry for a given category, there is no need to add a new dataset unless you notice an error or have more updated information. All you need to do then is to revise the

5. Be sure to add some comments to explain your suggested changes.

Note: We are also recruiting expert reviewer who will also double-check and validate the dataset information.

Step 5: Celebrate

Celebrating and Share details about the state of Open Data in your Country is important.

● Share your observations about the state of open data in your country on the Open Data Index mailing list.

● Blog about the results and your observations. Encourage accountability and change. Send posts to / #openindex2014

● Be sure to tweet the status of your country’s datasets with the Twitter feed: #openindex2014

● Or just make fun visualizations. Examples welcome!


Thank you!